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How to reduce gradle build time

As my application grows, I've noticed that gradle build time has increased.

Is there any way to tackle this?

I was thinking if migrating from groovy to kotlin would help, or splitting my application in different modules based on layer would help.


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AndroidDev - Reddit

Will delay() block ui thread in Main Dispatcher? What makes Coroutines "different"!

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Quick question for Android + Mac users

Do you want your Android notifications to sync with your Mac?

View Poll...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Clock widget without exact alarm permission and without disabling battery optimization?

I have created a clock widget and noticed it will not always update the time if battery optimization is on or if OS is newer and I don't ask for exact alarm permission it will throw exception.

But I see there is a clock widget in the store that works and doesn't ask for any permission. Does anyone know how did they make it work?...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Help finding right audio format for gapless loops

Im having trouble find a suitable audio format for my app.
I'm using Exo Player and i had .ogg format up until i discovered that the audio files dont loop seamlessly, they have a noticeable gap. Then i switched to .flac. The size is considerably higher but that is a price im willing to pay because the playback is seamless. Does anyone know if playing .flac would be noticeably higher in battery consumption ? Or does anyone have a tip on how to make .ogg work ?...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

When to use Fragments vs Activities?

I just learned about Fragments and I understand what it is but I have never used them and I'm not really sure about when to use them either so before I start my project and get lost and redo things I would appreciate it if people could guide me.

I am creating a Pomodoro app (for those of you not familiar with it, it is a study technique where you get to study 25 min and take 5 min break and repeat a couple of times). From the home page, user will get press start session and the session star...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Galaxy S25 Ultra Misreporting Refresh Rate in Android API

I'm doing some experimentation with a cross-platform framework on my Galaxy S25 Ultra.

I noticed some of the animations were playing out quite rapidly, only on this phone. So i did some digging.

I ran the following code on several phones in the Main Activity.

import android.view.*;

Display display = ((WindowManager)getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay();
float refreshRating = display.getRefreshRate();
System.out.println("Refresh Rate: " + refreshRat...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Testing: Instrumentation vs Integration vs Unit vs UI

I know this has been asked a few times but one key question I never saw answered is, specifically, what the heck is the difference between instrumentation and integration testing? People often even use them interchangeably... what a mess.

This is how I understand things so far and I'd like feedback (**do not take these as facts**):


* Runs on an actual device/emulator
* Is used to test Android framework components (ViewModels, Fragments, Room Database, etc.)
* Lives in `/a...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Romain Guy is leaving google

The end of an era:

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AndroidDev - Reddit

What's your thoughts on interview questions like these ?

Just gauging general perception-trends.


Given, an Unreliable back-end api associated with a Auto-Dealertship Parking-lot or something similar, as in, any HTTP invocation could get you a decent response or fail with some erroenous-response, something like that, and considering all necessary practices such as Dependency Management, and Retrofit instance, and OkHttpClient instance are all properly setup in the code-base, what would you do to "manage" such an unreliable API ?


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AndroidDev - Reddit

Want to discuss App Startup Challenges

Okay so I'm a \~150k ARR App Startup Founder(can't name startup, would be considered promotion). The revenue is flat-lining. And we've tried throwing pretty much everything at the wall. I want to overcome this ditch. And I feel like I should talk to some people who've made it work on Google Play with their Apps/Games. About challenges you've overcome.

Can we like chat for 15 mins? Won't ask anything confidential ofcourse 😇. If you're interested please comment/dm your App name and MAU.

In retur...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Issues using weight modifier

So I am learning Android development using Jetpack Compose, and for some reason, I can't get the weight modifier to work. Let me explain

For some reason, the `weight` implementation is internal, so I can't use it(I guess?)

This has only happened to the `weight\...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Taking notes

Noob here 👋 my question might be funny but Should I take notes while learning android development? If "no" then what do you do to have a strong grip on things you learn.
Or if "yes" then how do you take notes so that it doesn't take much time.

Currently I'm taking digital note with simple code and wedding down syntax along with what it does and why we use it specifically. This process cost me too much time and energy :(...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Play Console Termination


5 - 10 years ago I created and published some apps on the Play Store which resulted in getting developer account terminated. The appeal did not go through, and since then I was unable to access the console. As far as I remember, I used some builder to make a quiz app and apperantly it was too similar to some other apps or smth like that.

Anyhow, a few friends have startup and they want me to work with them, however, if they add me as a developer on the console (either Admin or User), co...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

InfiniteTransitions and memory pressure

I have a kiosk app that has an infiniteTransition that translates continuously back and forth

fun WelcomeText() {

val infiniteTransition = rememberInfiniteTransition(label = "Engagement Text Infinite Transition")

val translateY by infiniteTransition.animateFloat(
initialValue = -20f,
targetValue = 20f,
animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
animation = tween(durationMillis = 1000),

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Hide Soft Keyboard

Hello everyone, I know it is not stack overflow here, but I can't find any solution to my problem. I have an application that runs on a device with physical buttons.

This is the device:

The problem is that I want to keep the soft keyboard hidden when a TextField has focus and appear only when I tap on the TextField.

I have tried the classic approach by instantiating a KeyboardController and a focusRe...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Distribute AOSP build across multiple servers

First of all thankyou so much for reading this, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Question:- I have a soong which is building AOSP, the build takes usually 2.5 hours, I want to do this under an hour. Is there any way that I can distribute this build across multiple servers ? Like maybe jenkins agents with same label. If I run the pipeline on master , will it distribute the build on multiple slave nodes? Or maybe is there any other way around this?
Please describe your answer
Thankyou so mu...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

How we implemented our Magic Eraser feature in the ProperShot android app

Yo guys!

Wrote a (not that small 😅) article about how we implemented our Magic Eraser feature in the ProperShot android app (we provide AI solutions for real estate agents).

Check it out!

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Smooth scroll in lazy layout

At Ultrahuman, we had a requirement to do a smooth scroll for every new message that appears sequentially. This was basically scroll to bottom but with a slow smoothy animation.

We only had one option since we were working with compose: LazyList's animateScrollToItem. After integrating it we found that the problem with animateScrollToItem is that its very fast and stops suddenly. There is no animation spec that we can provide in order to smooth out its animation.

Using animateScrollToIte...


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AndroidDev - Reddit

Android Studio Meerkat | 2024.3.1 now available

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AndroidDev - Reddit

My app got rejected because of Sign in google

Hi everybody!

I hope you’re doing great today. I have a question—my app has been rejected twice now, and I want to understand why.

First, my application requires logging in with a Google account. The first rejection was due to the tester encountering a “Developer error” after clicking the Google Sign-In button. I worked on fixing the issue and submitted a new version.

Now, they have rejected it again, stating: “Missing demo or guest account details.”

I’ve tested my app in both production...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Samsung not loading maps - Android Maps SDK

Greetings r/ad

We having a heck of a time with Google Maps API specific to Samsung phones. Read on it gets strange!

Our app utilizing Maps SDK for Android. Within our app, the map immediately in Google Pixel phone, but in Samsung devices, it takes 2-3 mins to load map. Initially we believed an issue with our app AGP(Android Gradle Plugin) version and Google maps SDK version. So in our app, Google Maps SDK version was 19.0.0 and AGP version was 7.4.2. Though AGP v7.4.2 is compatible with Goo...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Which is better, empty Composable block, or null?

Given a Composable function with a Composable content parameter with a provided default, which would have a better impact in terms of performance, or is there any performance gains either way?

What are some other "gotchas" to be aware of for either scenario?

Option A (Empty block default):

fun SomeComponent(optionalContent: @Composable () -> Unit = {}) {

Option B (Null default):

fun SomeComponent(optional...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

JetPack compose or XML?

I am a student learning android dev and I have this project where I have short time (a little over 2 weeks) left. Up until now I have only been using XML, I am still not good at it at all but I am gettting the hang of it a little bit. I am free to pick any of them so I was wondering which one you recommend in terms of jobs and time. Is it easy to learn or do you recommend I should stick to XML and get more practise.

I really appreciate the answer!...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

ADB Ep. 213: Compose runtime and performance

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AndroidDev - Reddit

🚀 Tired of digging through endless app reviews? Meet – AI-powered feedback analysis!

Hey product folks, developers, and support teams – drowning in App Store and Google Play reviews? 😵‍💫 Trying to find actionable insights but getting lost in the noise?

Well, **** is here to save the day! 🎉 Powered by cutting-edge AI, it analyzes and organizes user feedback automatically, helping you make data-driven product decisions with ease.

# 🔥 Game-Changing Features:

✅ Instant Review Summaries – No more reading hundreds of comments; get th...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Devs, how do you handle meal planning without breaking flow?

I’m always looking for ways to optimize my time, and meal planning is one area I haven’t quite mastered. Do you have a system for making sure you eat well without disrupting deep work? Do you batch cook, use meal delivery, or just wing it? Any go-to meals that are quick, healthy, and dev-friendly? Any hacks that minimize decision fatigue!


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AndroidDev - Reddit

migrate fragments transaction to compose navigation

Is it possible even to do that in a large code base written with fragments transaction?...

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AndroidDev - Reddit

Future of AndroidDev with Vinay Gaba · Fragmented #257

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AndroidDev - Reddit

New Open Source Library for managing Permissions in Jetpack Compose

Have you ever been stuck writing endless Android permission code and feeling like you’re drowning in boilerplate?

I felt that pain too, so I built an Open Source Jetpack Compose library that handles permissions for you 😊

**This library:**

* Checks your manifest automatically and offers custom UI for permission prompts.
* Handles lifecycle events seamlessly and even automates release management with GitHub Actions 🚀
* Configure custom rationale and settings dialogs to match your app’s sty...

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