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Reddit Programming

Blueprint Unreal to C++ for a random maze

submitted by /u/AlphaNemsis (
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Reddit Programming

Converting 3D Pose Outputs from Body Space to World Space

submitted by /u/Mbird1258 (
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Reddit Programming

Should managers still code?

submitted by /u/mitousa (
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Reddit Programming

Why fastDOOM is fast

submitted by /u/NXGZ (
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Reddit Programming

Authorization at the edge

submitted by /u/West-Chard-1474 (
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Reddit Programming

SpacetimeDB 1.0.0

submitted by /u/etareduce (
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Reddit Programming

Building a vidoe player with adaptive Bitrate

submitted by /u/coold007 (
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Reddit Programming

Code, Sweat, and Tears: Why Imposter Syndrome Never Really Leaves Developers

submitted by /u/oweillnet (
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Reddit Programming

More Good Programming Quotes, Part 6

submitted by /u/henrik_w (
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Reddit Programming

Made a scroll bar buddy that walks down the page when you scroll

submitted by /u/Head-Gap-1717 (
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Reddit Programming

Harnessing Frontend Storage: A Comprehensive Guide to Browser-Based Data Management

submitted by /u/Designer-Contest-724 (
[link] (utkarshbansal01/harnessing-frontend-storage-a-comprehensive-guide-to-browser-based-data-management-eaa7cf29d69f" rel="nofollow"> [comments] (

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Reddit Programming

Building web apps from scratch - The Network Stack - Part 1

submitted by /u/caromobiletiscrivo (
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Reddit Programming

Redis Persistence Dive Deep - Trade-offs Between Performance And Durability

submitted by /u/Local_Ad_6109 (
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Reddit Programming

I struggled with Git, so I'm making a game to spare others the pain

submitted by /u/initcommit (
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Reddit Programming

Peculiar Self-References in Python

submitted by /u/p-orbitals (
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Reddit Programming

Copilot Code Review - Visual Studio Marketplace

submitted by /u/piecioshka (
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Reddit Programming

Cómo Spring Implementa AOP

submitted by /u/emanuelpeg (
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Reddit Programming

How I shrank Takashi Hayakawa's PostScript tiny ray tracer by 33 bytes

submitted by /u/Dull_Replacement8890 (
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Reddit Programming

Why Your Resume Is Ignored (and How to Fix It)

submitted by /u/ukrwoodeast29 (
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Reddit Programming

SWE Agents are Better with Codemods

submitted by /u/jayhack (
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Reddit Programming

boto3-refresh-session: A simple Python package for refreshing temporary security credentials in a boto3.session.Session object automatically.

submitted by /u/FeelingBreadfruit375 (
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Reddit Programming

Does anyone else despise the technical interview? No other job makes you solve brain teasers and complex theoretical problems on the spot just to prove you are smart enough. It seems like such an arbitrary and silly way to hire people. I find it humiliating and insulting.

<!-- SC_OFF -->I used to be a Java dev at a Fortune 500. Now I do other work, and programming is just a tool/hobby to me. I’ve only been to a handful of technical interviews. They are ok if done correctly. But in general I find that it needlessly puts a lot of pressure on me and distracts from the real interview - asking each other questions about our respective work. I wish it wasn’t industry standard to make people jump through hoops in the interview room. In one interview, I correctly estimated in my head how far I currently was from the center of the Earth - but the CEO talked at me and criticized me the entire time and forced me to think the whole thing out loud. It was just plain stupid. Then they acted as if I was the weird one for being freaked out and sweating all over the place. Let’s see how you like it when someone slaps a dirty keyboard in front of you, opens up some weird webpage, and tells you to type some code now. Are there any other jobs that make you do this kind of stuff in the interview? I can’t think of any - not to this degree. Acting, music, art, I suppose, but not white collar professional desk work. I can imagine an interview for a sales job requiring you to give a pitch, but that’s nothing like this. You see what I mean? Why do programming interviews have to be so weird? Is there not a better way to select new hires without making them memorize algorithms and stupid god damned puzzles? <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/hob-nobbler (
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Reddit Programming

A float walks into a gradual type system

submitted by /u/mmaksimovic (
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Reddit Programming

Programación Orientada a Objetos en Python parte 2

submitted by /u/emanuelpeg (
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Reddit Programming

Stroustrup calls for defense against attacks on C++

submitted by /u/neutronbob (
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Reddit Programming

Containers are bloated. BLAFS can cut up to 90% of the container size while removing tons of CVEs

submitted by /u/Specialist_Square818 (
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Reddit Programming

Towards a test-suite for TOTP codes

submitted by /u/FoxInTheRedBox (
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Reddit Programming

Moldable Development in Practice — Patterns for Legacy Modernization • Oscar Nierstrasz

submitted by /u/goto-con (
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Reddit Programming

There’s no such thing as an isomorphic layout effect

submitted by /u/ynitoprax (
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Reddit Programming

Porting my openGL demo to the web with WASM

submitted by /u/uds5501 (
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