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Reddit Programming

Adaptive LIFO

submitted by /u/teivah (
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Reddit Programming

Custom Dropdowns without JavaScript

submitted by /u/fabian_boesiger (
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Reddit Programming

Pessimism-Driven Development: Embracing Murphy’s Law in Cloud Architecture

submitted by /u/Prudent-Research-607 (
[link] (alexeimoisseev/pessimism-driven-development-embracing-murphys-law-in-cloud-architecture-ad9532c9f33f" rel="nofollow"> [comments] (

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Reddit Programming

Introduction to FFmpeg

submitted by /u/macrohard_certified (
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Reddit Programming

UX Design Techniques That Every Programmer Should Know

submitted by /u/delvin0 (
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Reddit Programming

Don't Get Stuck at Dev Environment Setup: Effortlessly Set Up a Django-React Full Stack App with Daytona in One Command!

submitted by /u/Jeeva_ramanathan (
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Reddit Programming

neutrix - A type-safe state management solution for React

submitted by /u/papersashimi (
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Reddit Programming

%ROWTYPE in Oracle PLSQL with Example

submitted by /u/apexysatish (
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Reddit Programming

Flutter, Swift or React Native for Mobile programming

<!-- SC_OFF -->Heyy, so before you start joking i have to say im new to mobile developing and this is a honest question. I have only developed 2 apps both in react native. I mostly picked that because i have experience with react so i thought it would be easier for me to start. But i felt like on these apps I had a lot of limitations. I dont know if its normal or because its not the best way to do it. Basically im here to ask your opinion on strongs of each aproach, keeping in mind I would prefer to develop a app for both android and iOs. Thankss <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/RodrigoGraca (
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Reddit Programming

Can you code in Virtual Reality using Meta Quest 3?

submitted by /u/vikasofvikas (
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Reddit Programming

Can you code using just Virtual Reality headset?

submitted by /u/vikasofvikas (
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Reddit Programming

Concurrencia en Erlang parte 7

submitted by /u/emanuelpeg (
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Reddit Programming

I decided to do a deep dive into how programming languages work and began a series. It starts with a bit of a history lesson. The next one will introduce the first step of creating a programming language. All criticism is welcome.

submitted by /u/ConnectionMain9863 (
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Reddit Programming

snake game is 56 bytes

<!-- SC_OFF -->Not much to say about this one, I just changed the RNG, the tricky part was to find one that is less than 4 bytes, leaves BX even and less than 0x7D0, and still kind of random, many good options but all of them are not very random, until you realize swapping AX and BX each iteration can randomize dec bh pretty good. For those interested in the project but with little assembly background I think this change is the easiest to understand so if you want to take a look here's the PR ( <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/Perfect-Highlight964 (
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Reddit Programming

Implementing Random Art algorithm in Go

submitted by /u/der_gopher (
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Reddit Programming

Building Container Images FROM Scratch: 6 Pitfalls That Are Often Overlooked

submitted by /u/iximiuz (
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Reddit Programming

Finally, a TypeScript for C language. Cp1, or C+1, or C plus 1 adds only the bare essentials that allows you to use modern features such as namespaces and modules, methods on enums and structs, auto variable deduction and more!

submitted by /u/GLC-ninja (
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Reddit Programming

I spent 2 years rebuilding my algorithmic trading platform in Rust. I have no regrets.

submitted by /u/No-Definition-2886 (
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Reddit Programming

Arrange Your Code to Communicate Data Flow

submitted by /u/codingindoc (
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Reddit Programming

Fish Shell: Great features, but not POSIX

submitted by /u/JollyShopland (
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Reddit Programming

Version 2025-01-11 of the Seed7 programming language released

submitted by /u/ThomasMertes (
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Reddit Programming

German router maker is latest company to inadvertently clarify the LGPL license

submitted by /u/Alexander_Selkirk (
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Reddit Programming

From ASCII to ASIC: Porting donut.c to a tiny slice of silicon

submitted by /u/FoxInTheRedBox (
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Reddit Programming

Reliability Issues from Computer Date and Time Problems

submitted by /u/HouseSubstantial2871 (
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Reddit Programming

Bulk Insert | The Fastest Way in Dapper to Insert Multiple Rows

submitted by /u/Repulsive_Grab2045 (
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Reddit Programming

Agents (adapted from a section of _AI Engineering: Building Applications with Foundation Models_)

submitted by /u/alexeyr (
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Reddit Programming

Tracking server status(CPU, Memory, GPU, Disk) and sending reports to mail

submitted by /u/Loud-Insect9247 (
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Reddit Programming

ClangQL 0.9.0 supports running a SQL query with AST matchers

submitted by /u/AmrDeveloper (
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Reddit Programming

Shared ESLint & Prettier config package for Next.js v14

submitted by /u/No-Strategy7512 (
[link] (dm3yb/next14-codestyle-config" rel="nofollow"> [comments] (

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Reddit Programming

🛠️ Open-Source Project: AI Content Aggregation Engine

submitted by /u/anuj0456 (
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