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Reddit Programming

Spring Data JPA: Query Derivation Explained!

submitted by /u/Educational-Ad2036 (
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Reddit Programming

Here's a wp channel for coding and cybersecurity

submitted by /u/thisispranavsv (
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Reddit Programming

Debts, Tech and Otherwise

submitted by /u/KerrickLong (
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Reddit Programming

Hostinger Horizons 2025: Prompt, Refine, Go Live (No Code Needed)

submitted by /u/ezsou (
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Reddit Programming

Claude Code is expensive, reckless, and weirdly fun

submitted by /u/quintanilharafael (
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Reddit Programming

Carson Gross (Creator of HTMX) Reflects on Hypermedia Systems

submitted by /u/carterdmorgan (
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Reddit Programming

Verifiability is the Limit

submitted by /u/alpaylan (
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Reddit Programming

Codyssi Coding Competition: Inspired by Advent of Code!

submitted by /u/WeirdB9593 (
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Reddit Programming

Into the unknown

submitted by /u/danielrothmann (
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Reddit Programming

Concurrencia en Erlang parte 15

submitted by /u/emanuelpeg (
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Reddit Programming

Eight ways to make Windows 11 work like Windows 10

<!-- SC_OFF -->Switching to Windows 11? You’re not alone. With the clock ticking down to Windows 10’s end-of-support date in October 2025, professionals around the globe are making plans — and lots of them are making the upgrade to Windows 11. Some parts of Windows 11 can seem downright alien at first — especially that new taskbar, which was originally designed for the now-cancelled “Windows 10X” and works a little differently from the classic Microsoft taskbar. But there’s a lot you can do to make Windows 11 work more like the Windows 10 you’re used to — without a drag on your productivity. <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/Choobeen (
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Reddit Programming

Basic Implementation of 50+ Deep Learning Models Using Generative AI.

submitted by /u/Muneeb007007007 (
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Reddit Programming

Mastering Ordered Analytics and Window Functions For All Systems

submitted by /u/NexusDataPro (
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Reddit Programming

Handling multiple node packages?

<!-- SC_OFF -->I'm working on an open source seating plan tool called Skola77. I've made separate node packages for the backend and the frontend enabling them to be run on different machines. But how should I make the main repo containing them both? Do I make yet another package containing them as some sort of child packages? If so, do I make the parent package run the child packages? Or do I just not create a combined package. <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/Centiljard (
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Reddit Programming

Unspoken git secrets that save you mountains ⛰️ of time as an engineer

submitted by /u/xxjcutlerxx (
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Reddit Programming

¿Para qué se usa volatile en C?

submitted by /u/emanuelpeg (
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Reddit Programming

DBSCAN Algorithm Visualization: Watch How Points Transform into Stunning Half-Moon Clusters in Machine Learning

submitted by /u/AIwithAshwin (
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Reddit Programming

From Spring Boot to Ruby on Rails

submitted by /u/reeses_boi (
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Reddit Programming

ForgeCode: A New Way to Check if a Number is Odd in Python

submitted by /u/PhilipM33 (
[link] (filipmihajlovicc3/forgecode-a-new-way-to-check-if-a-number-is-odd-in-python-bd1aab377f98" rel="nofollow"> [comments] (

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Reddit Programming

How to Deal with Software Complexity • Gail Murphy & Charles Humble

submitted by /u/goto-con (
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Reddit Programming

How to use cursor for large projects.

submitted by /u/thewritingwallah (
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Reddit Programming

Stack Traces are Underrated

submitted by /u/p-orbitals (
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Reddit Programming

Using Ollama with Spring AI - Piotr's TechBlog

submitted by /u/piotr_minkowski (
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Reddit Programming

Invalidating build caches using JVM bytecode callgraph analysis

submitted by /u/lihaoyi (
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Reddit Programming

Spring Native: La Evolución de las Aplicaciones Spring en un Mundo de Desempeño Nativo

submitted by /u/emanuelpeg (
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Reddit Programming

Metric-Driven Development and The Claude Effect

submitted by /u/Rtzon (
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Reddit Programming

Regex optimizer that minifies and improves performance of Oniguruma regular expressions

submitted by /u/slevlife (
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Reddit Programming

dmap: A C hashmap that’s stupid simple and surprisingly fast

submitted by /u/astrophaze (
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Reddit Programming

5 App Dev Mistakes That Nearly Sank My Projects (And How I Fixed Them)

submitted by /u/SandraXus (
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Reddit Programming

I made a Polyominoes (tile-laying puzzles) solver. I can't seem to find any similar solver that are easy to use and/or allow custom pieces.

submitted by /u/BaronVonDoggo (
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