A New York iron worker walks along a girder high above the city streets 1950. [1301x1592]
A photograph of unidentified My Lai Massacre victims moments before being killed by American GIs. Taken by Ronald L. Haeberle on the 16th March 1968. [400 × 600]
At least the war is over for him- German POW in a church in Colleville-sur-Mer Normandy, France, 1944. [1440x1440]
Tom Hurndall, British photography student, being carried unconscious by two local youth after he was shot in the head in the Gaza Strip by a (IDF) sniper, Taysir Hayb while attempting to rescue a child who had been pinned down by gunfire on 11 April 2003. (2003) [1200x900]
Pedro II "The Magnanimous," last Emperor of Brazil, in exile in 1889. Serving for 58 years from age 5, he reversed Brazil's economic decline, won 3 wars, ended slavery, established civil rights, & was considered an intellectual savant. He is widely regarded as the greatest Brazilian ever (2200x2964)
Teenagers at a party in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1947, 4th Most Popular Colorized Photos of 2023 [1080x1139]
Read it, envy me — I'm a citizen of the USSR! // Soviet Union // 1948
Frederick Lamar McGhee, the first black attorney in Minnesota and one of the founders of the Niagara Movement, circa 1890 [367 x 512]
Lyndon B Johnson yelling at the pilots of a nearby plane to cut their engines so John F Kennedy could speak. JFK is seen trying to calm him down. Taken during the presidential campaign of 1960. [550x477].
Chief John Smith was an Ojibwe (Chippewa) Indian who lived in the area of Cass Lake, Minnesota. He died in 1922 at the (alleged) ripe old age of 137.
Tricycle Gang in Brooklyn, New York City, 1930s. (1079×792)
Russian woman, with the background of the burnt out Parliament building, and a BTR APC - Moscow, Russia – aftermath of the constitutional crisis, c. October 1993. [960 x 648]
In 1958, car seat safety was rudimentary, with seats not being equipped with any straps. Instead, these seats depended on the mother extending her arm to prevent the baby from toppling forward.
The upper chamber of the Supreme Soviet in its final session, voting the USSR out of existence, 26 December 1991 [1,024 × 699]
A family in front of their new house, 123 years ago. 1900 (1080×681)
The Bells of St. Mary's (1945) [Officials vs. Personal]
Members of 163 Battery, Royal New Zealand Artillery enjoy Christmas dinner in Korea. December 1951. [3409x2710]
Napoleon leading his troops across the bridge during the Battle of the Bridge of Arcole, 15th-17th November 1796, by Horace Vernet [1040 x 789]
Queen Victoria, the Grandmother of Europe, 1894. [600px × 889px]
Camarão Indians' Letters - 6 letters exchanged between the Potiguara Indians of Brazil in 1645. In it, the authors discuss the Dutch invasion of Brazil and which side their people should take. These letters are the only surviving samples of the Old Tupi language. [4088x2527]