"Only in the Soviet Union Do Jews Have the Right to Land and Labor" - 1928 Soviet Yiddish poster, illustrated by Lev Moiseevich Smekhov
1953: Police Officers pose for a photograph outside 10 Rigdington Place, Notting Hill, London, the home to multiple murders by serial killer John Christie. [1200x900]
The 10th Panchen Lama Chökyi Gyaltsen and his wife Li Jie showing their daughter Yabshi Pan Rinzinwangmo to Xi Zhongxun and his wife Qi Xin, the parents of current President of China Xi Jinping - 1980s [550x338]
Ben Affleck and Matt Damon wearing matching puka necklaces, aged 16 and 15. (1980s)
Revolutionaries holding a portrait of Ayatollah khomeini - tehran, iran, 1979. (408×612)
An American gun grew advancing against the Germans during the Meuse–Argonne offensive in 1918 during the First World War [2957 x 2300]
1943. Washington, D.C at the Regimental Ball. Esther Bubley
Serbian King Milan Obrenović (1868-1889) on his deathbed in Vienna, in 1901. [450x325]
American president Lyndon B. Johnson greets children at Wellington Airport during his visit to New Zealand. 20 October 1966. [1535x1469]
In 1956, the Chinese people held massive protests to support Egypt against the triple invasion of British, French and Israeli armies. [646 ×475]
King Gustaf V of Sweden in the outer courtyard of the royal palace speaking to the peasants march during the courtyard crisis. 6th of February 1914. [1024x576]
My uncle in the 80’s. Must have been a great decade for him.
Believers of Dami Mission Church awaiting promised rapture, Seoul 1992. The pastor was arrested for fraud. Words on the wall reads : "(Rap) Jesus coming from sky (ture)" [2400x1404]
In the White House, Gerald Ford is announcing his decision to grant a pardon to Richard Nixon. Washington DC, United States. September 8, 1974 [800x517]
Hong Kong Police officers change cap badges at the stroke of midnight following the handover of sovereignty to China (1997-07-01) [838 x 554]