"If you think the Soviet threat is a myth just ask a Pole": 1981
Barbarism vs Civlization, anti-colonial French cartoon, 1899
Swedish soldiers (under UN flag) interrogating a Katangese mercenary sniper they caught hiding in a tree, Congo 1961. [600 x 500]
Civil war veterans inspect tank at 1939 World’s Fair in NYC.
Mao Yichang, (1870-1920) Chinese farmer & grain merchant who fathered communist dictator Mao Zedong, early 1910's. Ironically, Yichang was a wealthy farmer & landowner by the standards of the environment he grew up in. (260x405)
Alfredo Stroessner, Paraguay's 35-year CIA-backed dictator, days after his overthrow, 1989. A pedophile who murdered & tortured thousands of dissidents & harbored Nazis like Josef Mengele, he ruled longer than any Latin-American dictator beside Castro. He died at 94 years old a free man. (2048x1930)
A New York iron worker walks along a girder high above the city streets 1950. [1301x1592]
A photograph of unidentified My Lai Massacre victims moments before being killed by American GIs. Taken by Ronald L. Haeberle on the 16th March 1968. [400 × 600]
Brigitte Helm cooling off on the set of Fritz Lang's ''Metropolis'', 1927. [700x875]
American soldier taking a nap on a bed belonging to German General Hermann Goering after elements of the US 3rd Army captured his lodge. Germany, May 3, 1945. [600x473]
Jeju citizens awaiting execution during the Jeju massacre of 1948. [494x332]
Kurt von Schuschnigg, the former fascist dictator of Austria, announces that he is retiring and returning to Austria. After World War II, Schuschnigg moved to the United States, where he worked as a professor of political science at St. Louis University for nearly 20 years, 1967 [2048 x 1362].
Marilyn Monroe during a costume test for Something's Got to Give (1962), the film in which she passed away before completing.
Given the current crisis in the British Royal Navy, a peek back at much happier times. The Coronation Fleet Review in 1953. [1024x767]
A pretty lady from St. Petersbourg. Photo by Carl Bergamasco. 1870s
Shark mouth on a German Bf-109, ca 1943 (Original color photo) [500x470]
Chief John Smith was an Ojibwe (Chippewa) Indian who lived in the area of Cass Lake, Minnesota. He died in 1922 at the (alleged) ripe old age of 137.
Tricycle Gang in Brooklyn, New York City, 1930s. (1079×792)
Russian woman, with the background of the burnt out Parliament building, and a BTR APC - Moscow, Russia – aftermath of the constitutional crisis, c. October 1993. [960 x 648]
In 1958, car seat safety was rudimentary, with seats not being equipped with any straps. Instead, these seats depended on the mother extending her arm to prevent the baby from toppling forward.