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Reddit History

[3024x4032] My grandfather was on the USS Vicksburg during the battle of Chemulpo bay during the first naval battle of the Japanese Russo war in 1904. After the Russian protected cruiser Varyag was scuttled my grandfather dove down and removed this door plaque from the ship.

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Reddit History

[1060 x 856] Cruise liner SS Uganda outfitted as a hospital ship in the Falklands War

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Reddit History

Monica Bellucci, 1999

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Reddit History

Long live liberated Soviet Ukraine! USSR 1943

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Reddit History

Winona Ryder and Alec Baldwin on the set of ‘Beetlejuice’ in 1987

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Reddit History

HMS Belfast patrolling the Northern Waters in November 1943. She Served as Rear Admiral Robert Burnett's flagship, leading the 10th Cruiser Squadron as convoy escorts to the USSR and would play a vital role in sinking the Scharnhorst a month later [2559x1786]

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Reddit History

Racist propaganda of nazi regime, German magazine from early 1940s

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Reddit History

Atatürk and İsmet Paşa on the Cover of a German Newspaper (October 14, 1922) [768x1065]

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Reddit History

Native Chiefs: (Bottom L-R), Sitting Bull, Swift Bear, Spotted Tail (Top R) Red Cloud En route to Washington D.C. to plea with President Grant to honor the Fort Laramie Treaty and keep the Black Hills. Interpreter: (Top L) Julius Meyer,  May 1875 [500x264]

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Reddit History

Anti-government rally of the leftist students' union in Moscow. April 12, 1995 [803x528]

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Reddit History

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi confirms Mohammad Mossadegh's appointment to the position of Prime Minister. Iran, 1951. [744x900]

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Reddit History

Scenes from Japan, 1900

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Reddit History

This was seen in 1990: “Let them die in the streets.”

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Reddit History

New York City 1946 by Todd Webb

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Reddit History

Child wearing a New Year's kimono on a park bench. Photo by Iraphne R. Childs. Japan, 1973 [3300x3000]

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Reddit History

Fairuza Balk, The Craft premiere (1996)

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Reddit History

A D3A Val makes it's final plunge into the USS Columbia during the Battle of Lingayen Gulf 6th January 1945, 17 sailors would be killed in the attack, and by the days end 21 American ships would suffer direct hits from Kamikaze aircraft [740x579]

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Reddit History

People are removing labels from bottles in a puddle opposite the collection point and alcohol store. 1970s, Godless Street (named after the headquarters of the Bezbozhnik magazine), Center Moscow. Photo by Igor Gavrilov [900x590]

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Reddit History

Factory workers surrounding the last Buick to be built until the end of the war. Flint, Michigan, United States. February 3, 1942 [800x581]

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Reddit History

February 1943 on pine street and 2nd avenue Daytona Beach

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Reddit History

Gurkha Paratroopers of the 44th Indian Division jumping out of C-47s near Rangoon, Burma. 1st May 1945 [1448x1829]

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Reddit History

Activists and deputies raise the white-blue-red tricolor over the city parliament for the first time since the Bolshevik Revolution. Leningrad, Soviet Union. August 22, 1991. [840x560]

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Reddit History

Two kids walking barefoot to school, Claiborne County, Tennessee, 1940 [864x1008]

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Reddit History

Panamanian Dictator Manuel Noriega Surrenders to US Forces, January 3, 1990 [1022x535]

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Reddit History

18 year old GI John Wauthier with his BAR near Bütgenbach Belgium, January 1945. He survived the war, married Ann Hoffman, and they raised a family of 10 children. John passed away at the age of 71 in 1997 and is buried in Cecil, Pennsylvania. His wife passed away in 2023. [1382x1440]

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Reddit History

A Royal Thai soldier from the Queen's Cobras armed with an M79 Grenade Launcher on a patrol in South Vietnam. November 1967 [600x480]

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Reddit History

Howard Hughes at the controls of the H-4 "Spruce Goose" for its only flight, 2 November 1947 [2545x1415]

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Reddit History

A sailor "meets" his baby for the first time after fourteen months at sea, 1940s.

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Reddit History

1938-1940 Construction of the Palace of the Soviets [542x817]

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Reddit History

George Michael and his girlfriend Brooke Shields mid 1980’s

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