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Conan O'Brien, late 1960s.
All three fighter types used by the U.S. Army 8th Air Force are seen in this line-up of Fighter Group Commanders’ planes where they have assembled for a meeting with chief Brig. Gen. Francis H. Griswold, to confer on strategy against the tottering German forces. Bottisham, Camb, UK, 1944. [736x918]
Expelled Germans in West Germany protest Yalta and Potsdam border agreements/recognition, as well as the expulsions of Germans. In the background, a map of united Germany, with the Sudetenland, Oder-Neisse, and East Prussia territories included (August 1950)(1280x908)
Natalie Wood on a boat ride in the mid 1950s.
The first boundary marker after the Mexican-American War, protected by a fence from the anger of the local population. 1848 [620x403]
Construction of the Rome subway under the grounds of the Colosseum, 1939. Rome subway has just turned 70, being inaugurated in February 1955 [1885x1370]
Posthumous photo of Roman Shukhevych, a commander of the UPA. A bullet hole is visible on his temple, he shot himself to avoid being captured by Soviet secret police. Known for the ethnic cleanings of Poles from Galicia during WW2 (1950)(400x297)
"In Front Of The TV" By Yuliy Mikhaylovich Vecherskiy, 1996 Russia
Members of the National Socialist Workers Party of Iran and their leader, SS member Davud Monshizadeh (with the stash) in the 1950s [1670x1670]
Actress Penny Edwards (1950s)
Armed Cowboys Militias (Vaqueanos) in Brazil’s Contestado War (1912) [860px × 570px]
John and Julian Lennon visit the set of 'Happy Days,' mid-1970s [960x684]
Today marks the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima. The Marine Corps’ costly victory here provided an emergency landing site for B-29 bombers, which increased the range and survival rate of the bombers in the “Island Hopping” campaign to attack the Japanese mainland. (2/19/1945) [2048x1504]
Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek, New York 1999
Jean Cousin's illustration from ''Les singularités de la France antarctique - a fabulous animal supposed to live in Americas'',1558. [963x1566]
On February 24th, 1953, Polish communists murdered General August Fieldorf "NIL" by hanging. He was organizing sabotage and combat actions against German occupation forces. The body was never found despite searches. 1953 [750x530]
Canadian Protester uses a hockey stick to shoot tear gas canisters back at riot police during the 2001 Quebec City Protests [1920 x 1250] (2001-04-21)
Republican troops in a trench during the Battle of Jarama, in the Spanish Civil War (February 1937) [1665 × 933]
22 Feb 1943, Sophie Scholl is sentenced to death and immediately executed, alongside her brother and a friend, for distributing anti-Nazi literature at her university in Munich, Germany
Official Eraserhead (1977) Trailer in colour 4K
Physicist Richard P. Feynman, captured at Los Alamos—the secret site that built the atomic bomb—during World War II (1944) [2111x2710]
Pile of bodies in Dachau concentration camp, Germany. April-May 1945 [480-290]
Steinacleit stones, Outer Hebrides
Unit 731 scientists preparing to make incisions on a strapped-down victim. Between 1936 and 1945. [2135x1449].
Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu and 4 bears he and other dignitaries hunted. In the early 1970s, he banned all hunting to keep the fattest bears for himself, which he could brag about to other communist leaders. He still holds the European record for the largest bear hunted. [650x478]
King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy decorates a young boy with a gold medal of military valor, 1942 [480×720]
Thousands of senior citizens gather to protest budget cuts before City Hall in Manhattan, NYC (May 1991) [3980 x 3246]
Johnny Bratton vs. Joe Miceli (31.101952) - Commentary Rocky
A black U.S. soldier reads a message left by the Việt Cộng during the Vietnam War, the message reads: "U.S. Negro Armymen, you are committing the same ignominious crimes in South Vietnam that the KKK clique is perpetrating against your family at home.", 1970 [640 x 428]