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On display in the halls of the Pentagon in 2023: 'Hide Your Head In The Sand' By Harley Copic Latrine Port-O-John at Tallil AB, Iraq, April 2003.

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Reddit History

Promotional photo of “The French Chef” with Julia Child, 1964 [1415x1062]

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Reddit History

The Panorama of Racławice - the panoramic, 360°, 114-metre-wide depiction of the 1794 Battle of Racławice, painted in 1893-1894 by Jan Styka and Wojciech Kossak.

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Reddit History

Emperor of Central Africa Jean-Bedel Bokassa (Bokassa I), seated on his golden throne for his coronation, Bangui, Central African Republic. December 4, 1977. (1200x860)

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Reddit History

Frankish lords pay homage to Clovis II, king of the Franks of Neustria and Burgundy, who ascended the throne at the age of four after the death of his father, Dagobert I. By Albert Maignan

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Reddit History

Bosnian guard armed with a Zastava M70 assault rifle: he was escorting the Bride and Groom at a wedding in Sarajevo - during the Bosnian War and Breakup of Yugoslavia, c. 1993 [960 x 637]

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Reddit History

Aigle Castle, Switzerland.

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Reddit History

Arnold Schwarzenegger having a cigar and a beer during the filming of Red Heat, 1988. [960x720]

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Reddit History

U.S. soldiers escorting native children. Most of them were ill-clad, some were naked. All were half-starved. Saipan. 19 June, 1944 [5245 × 4174]

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Bornem Castle, Belgium.

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Bedouin Mother, Saudi Arabia 1948 [947x1280]

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Château de la Mothe Chandeniers, France

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British Major General Horatio Gordon Robley (28 June 1840 – 29 October 1930) with his mokomokai (or Toi moko, are the preserved heads of Māori, the indigenous people of New Zealand, where the faces have been decorated by tā moko tattooing) collection, 1895 (641x550)

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Reddit History

French civilians erected this memorial to an American solider killed during the Normandy Invasion. Carentan, France 17 June 1944 [3000 × 2361]

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My Grandpa next to his Dad in the late 1980s

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ERB - Anderson by Ducos Guillaume (Herckeim)

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Reddit History

Behind the scenes of Max Reinhardt's 1935 adaptation of Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

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Reddit History

US Marine Randall Sprenger putting the finishing touches on B-29 Superfortress “Little Gem” - Saipan, 1944 [639x455]

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Reddit History

French soldier whose face was mutilated in World War I, being fitted with a mask made at the American Red Cross studio of Anna Coleman Ladd, 1918. [1600x1192]

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Reddit History

This Might Have Been A Scalpel! (c. 1943)

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Reddit History

Guy de Rothschild and Marie-Hélène de Rothschild. The Rothschild's Surrealist Ball, 1972 (705x960)

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Reddit History

Four SS men pose for a group photo in the Treblinka extermination camp. Each one of them personally committed mass murder. Paul Bredow (leftmost) shot 50 Jews every day for "target practice". Josef Hirtreiter (rightmost) smashed the heads of infants against walls, 1940s [840 x 557].

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Reddit History

Crowning of Janusz Kwiek for the "Gypsy King" in Warsaw, 1937. The Kwieks were the wealthy Kalderash familie who, before World War II, tried to take over the power in Polska Roma. They had no respect among their subjects. [797×559]

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Reddit History

Sergeant Thomas Dawson with his Daughter, 1855. Dawson lost his left arm at the Battle of Inkerman. Photographs such as this were influential in focusing public attention onto the impact of war on the individual and the family unit. (1555x2000)

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Reddit History

U.S. Marines pull down a statue of Saddam Hussein in the center of Baghdad. 9 April 2003.[786x527]

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Reddit History

Black Lives Matter by Luke Fitzsimons

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Reddit History

This photo was taken at an air show in 2002 at the airfield in Sknyliv .This disaster broke records for the number of victims in the air show: 77 people died (including 28 children), 543 people were recognized as victims. [700x496]

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Reddit History

One of only 2 photographs ever taken of US president Andrew Jackson. 1845 (382×400)

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Reddit History

World War One Film Colorized: The St. Mihiel Drive - France 1918

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Johnny Cash and Elton John dress up as each other on SNL 1982 (Johnny was hosting, Elton was the musical star).

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