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"The Shave", USSR, WW2, 1945

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Reddit History

"How Red is the Little Red Schoolhouse?" USA, 1945.

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Reddit History

A soldier of the Polish Armed Forces in the West is playing wrestling with a bear. The bear's name was Wojtek, he was the mascot of the II Corps, even became a corporal and after the war he lived in Edinburgh Zoo. Probably summer 1943 [666x461]

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Reddit History

Notice of mail suspension with Central Powers, posted in the main post office in Cincinnati, Ohio; nine days after the official war declaration by the US. April 15, 1917. (photo by Felix J. Koch) [1500 X 1072]

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Reddit History

This photo is called “Three Boys Behind Barbed Wire”, taken by Toyo Miyatake in 1944. As a professional photographer and a Japanese-America, he snuck film into the internment camp at Manzanar, California and built a camera out of scrap wood, since cameras were strictly forbidden inside the camps.

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Reddit History

Château de Tanlay at Tanlay, France

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Reddit History

Rockaway Beach, NY, 1946. Colorized. [1017x1024].

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Reddit History

Egyptian police arrested 52 men on charges of homosexuality, The case was known as “Queen Boat” which is the name of the floating gay nightclub & the name “Cairo 52” , Cairo, 2001 [536 x 402]

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Reddit History

British soldiers smile at a defaced 'Viva Il Duce' slogan on a wall in Reggio, Italy, 3 September 1943. [800 × 785]

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Reddit History

In 1912, Floyd Allen, the patriarch of a family of wealthy landowners, was sentenced a year in prison after being convicted of assault. Rather than go to prison, Allen and his family pulled out guns in the court, killing the Judge, the sheriff, the prosecutor, and two others, Virginia [960 x 1186].

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Reddit History

Marostica, VE Italy

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Reddit History

Adult Star and model Mary Millington, 1975. Colorized. [1011x1500].

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Reddit History

May 1943. Baltimore, Maryland. "Electric welders"

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Reddit History

Ronald Reagan poses at the University of Southern California in 1940. He was chosen as an example of the ideal male body by the school's fine arts department. [923x649]

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Reddit History

"To boldly go where no one has... What kept you?" A political caricature of Obama's visit to Cuba, 2016.

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Reddit History

The Raleigh Radiotelephone Chopper Bicycle being demonstrated for the Ideal Home Exhibition at Olympia, London, March 1971. Colorized. [1682x2048].

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Reddit History

HBD by beeple

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Antietam, Maryland. Lt. Col. Charles B. Norton at headquarters of Gen. Fitz-John Porter. Sept. 1862. Gardner, Alexander, 1821-1870, photographer

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Reddit History

Archaeological workers extract the mummified bodies of two adults and three children from Pompeii, May 1, 1961 [800x811]

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Reddit History

Boris Yeltsin's Thank-you Letter to the Defenders of the Russian White House during the 1991 Soviet coup d'etat attempt (1991-08-22) [2455 x 3460]

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Reddit History

Votez la liste socialiste, une Genève bien gouvernée, c. 1935.

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Reddit History

Actress Jayne Mansfield (1956)

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Reddit History

"Boris! John! I missed you since the Cold War". A political caricature of the confrontation between Russia and the United States in Syria, 2014.

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Reddit History

Disneyland’s employee cafeteria 1961. [1636x1620]

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Reddit History

András Toma, the last WW2 POW, being released. Toma was captured in 1945, and locked up in insane asylum for speaking gibberish. In 2000, he was accidentally discovered by a Slovak, who recognized he's speaking hungarian. Toma was successfully identified and returned home. He died in 2004. [800x989]

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Reddit History

Kost Castle 🏰 Libošovice, Czechia

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Reddit History

Tennessee migrant in Sacramento, California, 1937

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Reddit History

Consuelo Vanderbilt, Duchess of Marlborough, August 9, 1902. [3600×4800]

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Reddit History

The colonel and head of the Libyan state Muammar Gaddafi greets the crowd for the first time since he had overthrown the Libyan monarchy. On 1 September 1969, a group of about 70 young army officers gained control of the government and abolished the Libyan monarchy (Libya 1969) [2867x1826]

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Reddit History

Removing the forward tripod from USS Arizona, May 1942.[2400x1692]

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