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[WWII] Young girl murdered in Miropol, Ukraine. October 13th 1941. 250 Jews were killed in the municipal park by Nazis and Ukrainian collaborators.
German SS guards, exhausted from their forced labour clearing the bodies of the dead at Bergen-Belsen, are allowed a brief rest by British soldiers but are forced to take it by lying face down in one of the empty mass graves, 1945 [800x790][800x791]
Libyan College Student ,Sadiq Hamed Shwehdi, Begs and Pleads the Libyan Court For His Life After Being Accused in Participating in Protests Against Gaddafi. Minutes Later He Would Be Hung In the Very Same Basketball Court in A Botched Execution Broadcasted on National TV. Libya, 1984 [602 x 452]
Me in Oakland, California in 1963
Hearts Are Thumps (1937) - "The He-Man woman haters"
“TRAITORS BEWARE”, a warning sticker printed in the newsletter “On Target” published by the anti-communist militia group “The Minutemen”, 1960s
Helen Keller teaching a girl sign language. Helen Keller was an American author, disability rights advocate, political activist, and lecturer. In 1904 she became the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree ( 1907) [1085x1536]
Members of the Japanese "Marxist Youth League" in a protest, 1970s.[507×663]
Vietnam founder and former leader, Hồ Chí Minh, meets North Korea's founder and former leader, Kim Il-Sung. February, 1957, Hanoi, North Vietnam. [1000x725]
Guided missile cruiser USS California (CGN-36) off the coast of Southern California, 5 November 1986 [2140x1620]
Did you grow up in the 80’s when they would take “mug shots” and fingerprints of children in hopes of the child never going missing but was definitely so they could identify your body if they did?
A rescue dog takes a needed break as FEMA's Urban Search and Rescue teams search for survivors amongst the wreckage of the World Trade Center. September 21, 2001 [1312 × 2000]
Madame Marzella and her trained parrots - performing on the Tivoli Circuit in Sydney, Australia, circa 1890. [880x1229]
"Against veils, religious, censors, morality teachers... STAY FREE !" L'Echo des savanes n°294, 2010
M10 Wolverines move up to the line in the Hürtgen Forest, 1944 [1286x965]
Kentucky Fried Chicken/KFC founder Colonel Sanders lays in state at Southern Seminary's Alumni Memorial Chapel in Louisville, Kentucky. Sanders was buried in his signature white suit and black western string tie. An estimated 1,000 mourners attended his funeral. December 20, 1980. [640 x 424]
Queen Victora on her deathbed. Late Janurary 1901. [2250x1724]
B-17 Flying Fortress “Lady Be Good” of the 452nd Bomb Group dodges flak on a mission over the Ludwigshafen Oil Refinery in Germany
Ah, the 70s- when crocheted bikinis were a thing…
African-American Marines held down by sniper fire. Photographed by John Smith during the Battle of Pelelieu, September 15, 1944. (National Museum of U.S. Navy) [2048x1497]
Young hippie couple, 1970’s Iran
[2048x1538] The impressive and magnificent 1/35 scale model of the Italian armored cruiser San Giorgio (as she looked in 1940 at Tobruk), built by artist modeler Curro Agudo Mangas for an Italian naval museum
Utica, New York-1940's by Tony Linck
[3000 x 2452]Japanese plane shot down as it attempted to attack USS Kitkun Bay (CVE-71), near Mariana Islands, June 1944
In 1956 Marilyn Monroe said that she'd like to try act in something "like Dostoevsky's Karamazov". The press mocked her. One guy even challenged her to spell Dostoevsky. This reporter tried to catch her sounding stupid but instead Marilyn responded with a zinger.
Marilyn Monroe/Jane Russell (1953) Grauman's Chinese Theater
Henry David Thoreau 1856 [Remini PS Plugin & Generative Fill Background]
"He makes lawful for them the good things, and forbids them from the evil things" An anti-smoking poster made by ISIS (2015)