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Pyramid of WWI German helmets in New York, 1919. [1754x1392]
Leftist woman handing out anti-shah manifesto. Tehran, iran, 1979. (688×473)
Soviet anti-Chinese poster in a military base in Mongolia: “Soldier! Remember! This wild Chinese is 6 kilometers away from you!”, 1980s
"If you get drunk, you cannot keep your top secrets !" Thailand, 1960s.
Police destroy alcohol confiscated from smugglers. New York. 1922. [1509x1561]
My 17 year old uncle's junior yearbook photo in the late 70s.
"Support Afghan Freedom Fighters. Support the brave people of Afghanistan in their fight for freedom against Soviet aggression and occupation." -- Soldier of Fortune magazine (1981)
11 Feb 1911: Melbourne [AUS] Zoo's lion, Wallace, rented by a magician performing at the Melbourne Opera House, walked offstage and out of the theatre. He took shelter in the T&G Buildings, 400 metres from the theatre. After two hours he was coaxed into a cage and returned to the zoo. [735 x 700]
C. 1950s. I have been told I look like my grandmother...
French General Henri Dumesnil toasts Charles Sweeny, an American mercenary, before his departure to Morocco to fight in the Rif War. Sweeny was the leader of a 17-man squadron of Americans who bombed Moroccan villages and cities for the "cause of the white man's civilization", 1925 [932 x 1024].
Boston, Massachusetts, circa 1906. Keiths Theatre was a vaudeville playhouse run by B.F. Keith. (500×715)
Salvaged German battleship SMS Prinzregent Luitpold arrives at Rosyth, Scotland, for scrapping, 12 May 1933 [1290x1610]
Sikhs protecting the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem. Ottoman Empire, c. 1900. [1080x1350]
A man rests after celebrating the end of Prohibition, December 5, 1933
2500-year celebration of the Persian Empire. Persepolis, Iran. October 1971 [850x559]
Anti-apartheid sign in Karachi, (then British India). Circa 1940s (pre-partition) [683x500]
“Don’t know how old I am. Mother can tell. She keeps track of these things. She begins to work in mill tomorrow. ‘Speks I’ll go to help.” Mom said she is 10; little sister not at work yet. Location: Chester, South Carolina, 1908 (Source National Child Labor Committee, Lewis Hine) [863x1085]
A couple riding together on an autoped, 1923. (1152×1440)
Adolf Hitler and Ferdinand Porsche during the ceremony of laying the foundation stone for the future Volkswagen automobile plant, 1938 [1280X720].
WW1 photo of German friends in a trench bunker. Photos on the wall and one being a photo of a woman. Exact date unknown [2160x1620]
French postcard (made during the Russo-Japanese War) showing a Japanese woman seducing a Russian guard, circa 1904-1905
Whitney Houston performs the national anthem at Super Bowl XXV, Tampa, Florida, 27 January 1991 [1960x1230]
Landing of the first telegraph cable between Australia and New Zealand at La Perouse, near Sydney, in 1876. [2349x1811]
Murat leads one of the greatest charges in military History, with 11,000 horsemen, following the destruction of Augereau's corps in a snowstorm by the Russians, at the battle of Eylau in 1807. Though costly, the charge saved the French army from the disastrous position it was in. By François Flameng
The corpse of Pope Pius IX after being exhumed in 1956 [410×314]
Helen D. Longstreet, widow of CSA General James Longstreet (later a U.S. Ambassador), attends the 1938 Gettysburg reunion. [960 x 720]
In june 1980 during the military dicatorship in Chile artist Alfredo Jaar asked the Chileans a simple question: "Es usted feliz?" (Are you happy?) [973x647]
A young Dolly Parton with her husband Carl Dean. They’ve been married since 1966.
Nguyễn Văn Thiệu takes oath of office as president of South Vietnam, 21 October 1967 [2604x1927]