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"Taxis to Hell – and Back – Into the Jaws of Death" — Photo taken by Robert F. Sargent, a chief photographer's mate, US Coast Guard during Operation Overlord at Normandy Beach, France — June 6, 1944 — Audio of First Eye Witness Account on D-Day from 4:15AM Below [2963 × 2385]
Zeppelin Crashes in France After Air Raid, 1917
Warsaw Insurgents at the barricade on Żelazna Street, August 1944. Photo by Sylwester "Kris" Braun. [1418x955]
USN aviator and fighter ace Alexander Vraciu showing six kills during the Battle of the Philippine Sea aka Great Marianas Turkey Shoot on 19 June 1944. He shot down six Yokosuka D4Y Suisei dive bombers in eight minutes. [1024x853]
May 21st, 1927, Charles Lindbergh flies into Le Bourget Field, Paris, France aboard the Spirit of St. Louis, becoming the first person to fly Solo Across the Atlantic Ocean. [2046 x 1794]
RAF pilots of No. 151 Wing leaning against a Hurricane aircraft meeting a Soviet sentry in the Kola Peninsula, Soviet Union, October 1941. [1080x821]
Aarburg castle, Switzerland
The last image taken of British explorers George Mallory and Andrew Irvine as they were about to leave Camp IV on the morning of June 6, 1924, for their ill-fated attempt to summit Mount Everest. Mallory's body was found in 1999, Irvine’s body has yet to be found [1072 x 644].
Jimmy Savile Meets the Beatles
Statue of Liberty , USSR, 1960
The US Army Air Forces B-17G Flying Fortress "Miss Donna Mae II" is hit by friendly fire after it drifted into the path of 1,000 lbs bombs from the plane above it during a raid on Berlin, Germany. 19 May 1944 [1200 x 949]
Alexander Grothendieck, considered by many to be the greatest mathematician of the 20th century, teaching mathematics at Hanoi University in 1967 to protest foreign involvement in the Vietnam war [742x523]
Soviet army servicemen in front of a building with a poster "Warrior! Remember! This Wildling Chinese is 6 kilometers away from you". Transbaikal Military District, 39th Army. Mongolia. 1986-1988.
A Chinese woman and child in the UK, 1920s [725x588]
Grover’s Mill resident William Dock ready to defend against martians after listening to the War of the Worlds, a radio drama about an alien invasion. 1938 (986x796)
To celebrate the last day of school in my town here’s a bunch of happy kids kicking off the summer of 1977 [1079x658]
Mila Jovovich at the premiere of the Fifth Element, 1997
Johnny Cash, high as a kite eating cake (1971)
Funeral for a child of the Widener family. The family stands at the graveside with open coffin of the deceased child. Robertson Cemetery, Claiborne County, Tennessee, 1950. (Tennessee State Library and Archives) [863x1217]
Scatters the cat hiding inside one of HMS Dreadnought's 12 inch turrets. [1500 x 1000]
"Will you take it in your mouth? Death is a man. The cigarette is his penis. Nicotine is semen." Russian anti-smoking propaganda, 2000s
Coffee break on the job in Chicago 1964. [1339x1592]
Germans looting Zachęta National Gallery of Art in Warsaw in the summer of 1944. Photo by Stefan Bałuk. [2042x1437]
Frank Soo (1930s), the first non-white footballer to play for the English Football League and represent England. His dad was a Chinese sailor, his mom an English woman. [492x665]
A wounded German soldier is moved off the line in Crimea, exactly 1 year on from Operation Barbarossa, 22nd June 1942 [800x508]
Settela Steinbach, a Romani girl from the Netherlands, transported from Camp Westerbork to extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. 19 May 1944 [1909 × 1046]
US soldiers Jarrell Isaacson and Jeffrey Hale resting during combat in Baghdad, 4 April 2003, Iraq War. [1048x595]
Johnny Cash and Elton John dressed up as each other on SNL 1982 (Elton as musician, Johnny as host).
Shocking Reality of Mauthausen Concentration Camps - Coloriz
Persian woman holding a Kalgan waterpipe used for smoking, circa 1890. [1027x1352]