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''SENATOR BIDEN, DO YOU DENY YOU STOLE FROM OTHER'S SPEECHES?...'' - American cartoon (''Chambersburg Public Opinion'') commenting on Joe Biden's plagiarism scandal, September 29, 1987
1940. Company store at Camden, North Carolina by J.Delano
Great grand parents - Poland 1925
An Italian sailor gives water to Vietnamese refugees on board the cruiser Vittorio Veneto. The ship alongside two others from the Italian Navy, was sent between 4 July and 20 August 1979 to aid in the evacuation of Vietnamese boat people fleeing the country after the end of the Vietnam War [604x682]
Man delivering soba noodles on a bicycle. Tokyo, Japan, 1955 [2520x3090]
Heinrich Himmler and Sagardía Ramos (second from right) visit cells in Barcelona, built in a secret NKVD station according to the design of the surrealist graphic artist Alphonse Laurencic, who used his knowledge of art to induce depression in the prisoners. 23 Oct 1940. [788x1191]
A Department of the Army Poster depicts American infantry and Philippine Moros fighting in the Philippine-American War, 1913
Men carrying pots. Korea, around 1900 [900x728]
Russian priests blessing Red Army soldiers (1943) [1300 x 861]
Segregated swimming pool in Baconsfield Park, Macon, Georgia, 1959 [2000x1312]
Decoy of a Mikoyan MiG-29 'Fulcrum' fighter jet, from the Air Force of Yugoslavia - in a concrete shelter at the Batajnica Air Base, (25 km) northwest from Belgrade, destroyed by a NATO airstrike, c. March - June 1999. [602 x 440]
'This ruined Europe' (American poster by Chester Raymond Miller/ Kelly-Read & Co. for Think American Institute. United States of America, ca. 1943).
"This is a Republic, not a Democracy - let's keep it that way" - John Birch Society (U.S.A., 1960s)
Two Graves in the US Cemetery on Saipan - July 1944 (LIFE Magazine - W. Eugene Smith Photographer) [1073x931]
Socialism Pictures
Tea set "USSR", by artist L. V. Protopopova, 1967
the Jews are selling your blood! Nazi Germany propaganda leaflet from 1941-1945.
In a televised address from the Oval Office, President Lyndon B. Johnson announces that he will not seek re-election, 31 March 1968 [1975x1305]
Last plenary session of the Geneva Conference on Indochina in the Palais des Nations. Second left Vyacheslav Molotov, 2 unidentified Russians, Anthony Eden, Sir Harold Caccie and W.D. Allen. In the foreground North Vietnamese delegation. Geneva, Switzerland. July 21, 1954. [755×600]
“Energy Vampires.” Russian caricature on the war in Libya, 2011.
The last photo ever taken of two-time British prime minister Winston Churchill in the weeks before his death at age 90, 1965 (950x1347)
Execution of the murderer by burying him in the ground up to his neck. Unable to move, sleep, eat or drink, he dies a slow and painful death. In this photograph, he is still alive. Persia, 1870s. [1162x936]
Ontario Premier Mitchell Hepburn with the Dionne quintuplets ca. 1934 (760x612)
Segregation signage in South Africa in the 1960s. [1011 x 667].
Ukrainian family, author unknown, 1890s, [1912 x 1300]
My grandparents dressed for Halloween 1967
Cellar of Ipatiev house in Yekaterinburg, where the former emperor of Russia, Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra and their five children were murdered along with their servants on July 17, 1918. C. 1923 [1200 x 854]
Rejected cover by New Yorker cartoonist Danny Shanahan (2012)
University of Pittsburgh students cheer as they look down on Forbes Field from the top of their campus's Cathedral of Learning during the 1960 World Series, Oct. 13, 1960. (Photo by George Silk) [800x559]
Flagbearers of the Barracked People's Police at the Party Congress of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (East Germany, 1954) [510×800]