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Today marks the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima. The Marine Corps’ costly victory here provided an emergency landing site for B-29 bombers, which increased the range and survival rate of the bombers in the “Island Hopping” campaign to attack the Japanese mainland. (2/19/1945) [2048x1504]

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Reddit History

Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek, New York 1999

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This patient is hopeless. He was diagnosed with a complete lack of dollars. Soviet Union,1950s

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In honor of BHM , this is the mugshot of Carl Braden. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison for buying a home in his name, in place of his friend (a veteran), because the real estate broker refused to sell to Negroes (1954).

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Reddit History

We're fighting to prevent this! 1943, USA

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"In the United States, you are 'free' from liberty" (CCCP, 1973)

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Airborne rocket attack, October 14, 1943

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British soldier receiving painful injection from a nurse along the Russian front

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The morality of capitalism is MAN IS THE ENEMY OF MAN! USSR 1965

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Reddit History

North Hollywood bank robber Larry Eugene Phillips Jr. takes aim at LAPD officers after robbing a Bank of America branch on February 28, 1997. [1224x637]

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Reddit History

A German soldier says farewell to his son before leaving for the front, c. 1940 [975 x 1350]

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Reddit History

Bolivian President Jaime Paz Zamora shakes hands with Japanese Prime Minister Toshiba Kaifu in the Akasaka State Guest House in Tokyo, Japan, November 14 of 1990 [612x408]

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Reddit History

“It Was a Renowned Triumph” – A Trafalgar veteran shares his memories with two young sailors

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Reddit History

Poland based Ukrainian nationalist Mykola Lemyk, being charged for assassinating a Soviet diplomat in Lwów, Aleksei Maylov. He did so in protest against the genocide of Soviet Ukrainians, the Holodomor. Sentenced to life in prison, but escaped during WW2 and killed by the Gestapo (1933)(640x471)

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Reddit History

When Al Capone’s Henchmen Marked Valentine’s Day With a Bloody Massacre | The infamous mob assassination, which took place on this day in 1929, resulted in the deaths of seven men linked to gangster George “Bugs” Moran [1000x750]

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Reddit History

Johnny Bratton vs. Joe Miceli (31.101952) - Commentary Rocky

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Reddit History

A black U.S. soldier reads a message left by the Việt Cộng during the Vietnam War, the message reads: "U.S. Negro Armymen, you are committing the same ignominious crimes in South Vietnam that the KKK clique is perpetrating against your family at home.", 1970 [640 x 428]

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Reddit History

Me and my wife (then girlfriend) in college in 1981 and a few months ago. Married 42 years

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Actress Jayne Mansfield (1950s)

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Mads Mikkelsen and wife Hanne Jacobsen in the late 90s. They have known each other for 38 years

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A brigade of Navarrese "Requetés" (carlist paramilitaries) in Pamplona, during the Spanish Civil War (1937) [1024 x 651]

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Reddit History

Bodiam Castle is a 14th-century moated castle near Robertsbridge in East Sussex, England. It was built in 1385 by Sir Edward Dalyngrigge, a former knight of Edward III, with the permission of Richard II, ostensibly to defend the area against French invasion during the Hundred Years' War

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Reddit History

George Metesky - bomber who terrorized New York City from the 1940s to 1957, planted 33 bombs. He was found legally insane and committed to a state mental hospital. [800x669]

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Reddit History

A team from the 1st MASH performs surgery on a wounded soldier in Inchon, Korea (14 February 1951), Photograph courtesy of the AMEDD Center of History and Heritage, Army Nurse Corps Photo Collection [850 x 667]

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Chess Legend Bobby Fischer on his way to a game at the championship held in Reykjavik, Iceland in August, 1972 (Dimension 1500 x 1044)

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Reddit History

PJ Harvey | NYC | 1995 © Michael Lavine

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Reddit History

Emir of Shammar Emirate before the Battle of Al-Sarif , 1900s [ Colorized ][ 1312 x 2048 ]

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Reddit History

Varatec Monastery, with a portrait of Nicolae Ceaușescu (1918-1989) behind the Abbess. Socialist Republic of Romania (1965-1989)

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Reddit History

Howard Hughes and Ginger Rogers, Rainbow Room, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, circa mid 1930s [965 x 741]

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Reddit History

The British actress Audrey Kathleen Hepburn - as she was reviewing a script before recording a program for the United Nations Children's Fund - on the United Nations Radio, c. 1953 [1170 x 1204]

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