I also hate ea
Is it safe to pirate in Germany.
Hello all I have a question. My friend's is currently wasting a lot of money on bunch of streaming services. The thing that bothers me is that they don't even have that much cash to be wasting it on shit like Netflix and Disney+. But, whenever I ask him why don't they just pirate he says that they have much stricter anti piracy laws in Germany and even say that their neighbor got arrested for it. Is this true? Is it actually unsafe to pirate in Germany, or is he just making this up?
How did I do for my first month of sailing the seas?
Canada's Federal Court Grants NBA, NHL, & Premier League Piracy Blockades * TorrentFreak
Look what I found in the Pantheon in Paris!
RIAA Sues Verizon After ISP "Buried Head in Sand" Over Subscribers' Piracy * TorrentFreak
Mirarr, a piracy first movie app.
Someone made an IGG Games Pokémon card
What sites are still out there where I can grab flac music?
Browsing what's listed under the Music section of the sub's megathread, most of what's out there is all sites for MP3 downloads, even YouTube audio rips. I'd rather get flac if I can. For a while, I was using free-mp3-download.net and slavart, but it's been a minute since I downloaded anything and both sites appear to be unavailable now.
Is there any relatively hassle-free options left to get flac files?
Watching National Theatre Live performances come through the cinema I work at is being so close yet so far to a beautiful 4K 7.1 DCPRIP
I work in a small-ish theatre (2 screens, capacity \~400 between the two spaces) that runs cinema 6 days a week. Pretty much since I got into piracy national theatre stuff was always what I sought after most since its live theatre performances are unparalleled. Present Laughter is one that I've always wanted to find somewhere on the internet but sadly it's never had the opportunity to be pirated as it's never been through public domain but this week it came to the cinema and I put away a few hours to sit down and watch it.
Made me kinda pensive to realise I can hold drives that contain all these amazing films of 4K quality, 7.1 surround audio that this community would love but just can't do anything since we can't break the encryption lol. Being a pirate-projectionist is a curse.
Which free movie and TV streaming site uploads the fastest and has the most extensive collection of movies?
So, I know many of the popular streaming sites like fmovies, lookmovie2 etc but I was wondering which movie and TV streaming site had the most movies and TV shows and also uploaded the quickest among them. In the year of 2024,which sites would you recommend for very early viewing of TV shows or movies? Which sites would you recommend for having the most extensive and largest collection of movies letting you see even obscure and rare to find movies or TV shows? You can recommend one site or different sites that answer the question separately or jointly.
Are the rumored creamapi steam account bans real?
Hey everyone! Recently I read about steam showing warnings about banning users if they use pirated dlc. I'm pretty much a beginner in this subject so I have a lot of questions and am quite anxious:
- Is it real?
- Does that mean no more getting pirated dlc on an owned game?
- Is it just smoke api like some people say or is cream api also in danger?
- Should I get rid of dlc that I previously used creamapi to get?
Sorry if thats too many questions its just that my steam account got pretty loaded over the years and I'm really scared of losing it.
I posted about the lawsuit against me a week or so ago, this amazing article about it just dropped on TorrentFreak
He Wanted to play a game that was already open on a road trip but Nintendo won’t let happen, they making sure to not pirate the games
I'm interested in pirating cars paid features
As the title suggests I have a friend who is a mechanic and a couple of people came to him asking if he can unlock certain features in their cars that are paid monthly and annually does anyone know how to do it or a subreddit that you can recommend
I pirated games from some websites and now laptop storage is eating itself.
Simpcity is back guys!
Is there anyone paying for premium service on pirate streaming sites and why?
Is the difference between free and premium really that worth it?
Can I delete the setup folder after doing the setup
Noob here. Trying to learn qBittorrent usage, does this mean anything?
VirusTotal says one analysis found it to be unsafe, I got it directly from the official site though?
Edit: Thanks for info all <3
Piracy in 90s was something...
Shout out to my man johncena141, doing the lord's work
Simpcity Update
Would Steam Know If You're Abusing Free Trials?
There's a free trial for a game on right now, 2 hours. I ran through the time and then realized, wait... I have an alt account I bought a like 90 cent game on to fully activate it.
What would happen if I did the free trial again on the alt account, with the currently installed game and picked up right where I left off? Would Steam know? Would they ban my main?
All the games from my main are on the alt account's library, and steam flat out tells me they belong to my main account, so they know the two accounts are connected somehow.
Could I technically create several alt accounts, paying a small amount to fully activate and then play through the entire thing?
Who are your favourite encoders?
Hope this is OK to post, I didn't see anything in the wiki and the last convo about this subject that I found was 1 year old.
So what I do right now, for TV shows I usually go for PSA (even though their website is kinda hard to use, they're quick and OK quality) or Megusta (from eztv). Then, if it's something I want to keep, I'll hold on to these files until I can replace them with Blu-ray x265 rips, usually from qxr. For movies I usually go for qxr Blu-ray rips unless it's something I don't want to wait for, then I just go for a x265 web rip either from PSA or whatever else I can find on 1337x
I'm watching mainly on my laptop (WQXGA IPS display) and the quality seems good for the file sizes, but I'm wondering if maybe I'm missing some better encoders/websites. I wouldn't mind larger files unless it's something like double the filesize for 5% quality increase
Follow-up question (maybe not fit for this sub, this is more about my laptop specs): even though my display is not 4K, I can watch 2160p rips and to me they look better than 1080p rips. Am I just imagining this? :) Or is the display actually capable of rendering higher definitions?
Can I disable this safety feature? I'm on the last episode and don't want to wait for a torrent just this once..
Good music apps?
Spotify getting on my fucking nerves
Weekly Discussion Thread (July 14, 2024)
The Weekly Discussion Thread is for the [r/Piracy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/) community to discuss whatever is on their mind, whether it is related to digital piracy or not.
# 📜 ➜ Wiki + Megathread
* Don't forget to browse the [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/index/), where you'll find the [Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/megathread/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/faq/). There, you'll discover a multitude of websites, apps, tools, and a wide range of outstanding resources.
# 🪶 ➜ Follow the Rules
* [**Rules are still applicable**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/piracy_rules/)**, so please do not request for specific pirated content (ie. specific movie, book, etc.) and definitely don't link to any. Do not mention specific media names asking for help in finding them.**
* Your question also may have been asked previously - you can search the subreddit via the search bar or even google - example: [https://i.imgur.com/1jA767u.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/1jA767u.jpg)
For previous weekly threads, click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/search?q=WEEKLY+THREAD&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all).
So what's with the monkrus being malware infested stuff?
For context, I've been pirating using monkrus for a while but I've seen a lot of comments saying he's infested with spyware and malware. Previously, he was regarded as the safest option after the GenP method for YEARS! So can anyone fill me in. All the guides on this sub related to monkrus have also been striked through last I checked. So what happened? Are old versions unsafe/infested with malware too?