common random leaker w
Where can I post a textbook that isn't available for free online?
In one of my courses, the prof is pretty much forcing us to use the new edition of a textbook that came out last year. Even worse, there's no physical version of it. It's all digital and we have to rent it from the publishing company.
I couldn't find it anywhere online so I rented it, did a little work with networks tab and pyautogui, and now I have offline access to it.
Unfortunately, I was only able to get it as a .xhtml file. Each xhtml file has it's own directory (similar to what happens when you save a .html page). I then used a tool to combine all the .xhtml files into multiple .pdf files, and then combined all those into a single .pdf file.
The .pdf file seems correct, but it feels like somethings might not have been converted properly, so I still want the option to distribute the .xhtml files. Where can I post them such that other students will find it if they try searching for it?
Also, is it possible that the file could be traced back to me?
(I did the same thing about 2 years ago and uploaded it to libgen but libgen has been down for like the past week)
I had a question, but the megathread answered it.
I just wanted to give a huge thanks for putting all that info together. I love this community.
What do you mean which 'streaming platform' is that show on?! Where I watch, everything's on the same platform.
They know what I desire
Bruh they increase price of YouTube premium
Nhentai Fights Back: Drops Bombshell Evidence Showing They Were Granted Permission To Host 'Pirated' Content
Thankfully I already have Premium free. Thank you ublock.
What's your current music streaming situation?
My friend got scammed from a Moderator approved Megalink on this Subreddit
Fuckingfast is fucking fast!
Real Debrid still has trigger words that automatically ban users if their support ticket contains them
Nhentai Asks California Court to Dismiss Piracy Lawsuit * TorrentFreak
I saw an old torrent was dying and no one was able to finish it. Found it and let everyone finally complete their journey.
Weekly General Discussion Thread (January 12, 2025)
The Weekly General Discussion Thread is for the [r/Piracy]( community to discuss whatever is on their mind, whether it is related to digital piracy or not.
### 🪶 ➜ Follow the Rules
* [**Rules are still applicable**](**, so please do not request specific pirated content (ie. specific movie, book, etc.) and definitely don't link to any. Do not mention specific media names asking for help in finding them.**
### 📜 ➜ Wiki + Megathread
* Don't forget to browse the [Wiki](, which contains a [Megathread]( with a list of sites/apps, tools, [FAQ](, and other useful resources.
* Your question also may have been asked previously - you can search the subreddit via the search bar or even google - example: [](
For previous weekly threads, click [here](
Am I missing something? (I use a VPN always on own server for another layer of security)
Reddit Answers does not include piracy results
Time to resort to piracy at work, can't do my job because we have a license cap
Wich VPN u use and why?
I love my VPN
I made Wrong accusations On the M4ckd0ge
I apologize to the M4ckd0ge and for the post that I made, this is regarding to the accusations that I made. I saw the comments in regarding the steam items being sold causing to be something else rather than the the link M4ckd0ge made. I got rash and posted an accusation on a locally trusted dude without considering some other reasons for the malware. I got negligent and got too ahead of my myself, but The damage that I've made has Been done. I hope everyone that saw my previous post see this and I never meant to harm the person that made the link, I meant to made this in retaliation for my friend since I thought it was a malware he pressed from a random reddit link... Yes, It is stupid since I didn't do any research on this site and instead posted it immediately. I have apologized to M4ckd0ge but this is the only way I can make up for it to try fixing this.
In case you are seeing this, I was WRONG.
Streamium: my attempt at an open-source streaming web app
Imagine caring this much about having your game mod inaccessible to those with pirates copies
Is it piracy tho?
Piracy? Are we seriously still calling it that, like it’s some childish act of rebellion or a major crime? I’ll make it simple: what other choice do they leave us? The big corporations sit in their glass towers, hoarding more money than any human could spend in ten lifetimes, and they still have the audacity to block movies, shows, and games just because the numbers don’t add up for them. It’s not about art; it’s about greed. And what do they offer us, the everyday people? Streaming services that raise their prices every six months, force you to pay extra so the picture doesn’t look like a VHS from the '90s, and even have the nerve to include ads. Ads on a paid service! Is this a joke or a dystopia disguised as progress?
Even their 4K streaming is shit. I download a Blu-ray rip, and I can see every damn detail in a movie. Every shadow, every expression, every single spark of the director’s creativity, which gets completely lost in those compressed, mediocre streams they call ‘high definition.’
And video games? That’s a whole other story. You fall in love with a game, its story, its mechanics, and one day it’s gone. Pulled from the market because, of course, they don’t want you enjoying their masterpiece from the past when they can force you to buy the new trash they released this year. Games full of microtransactions and endless patches. What happened to playing for the joy of it, for the experience, for connecting with something bigger than yourself? Why do I have to lose something I loved just because it’s no longer profitable for them?
Maybe I was born a pirate, but if I wasn’t, the world made me one. The truth is, I’m not stealing anything. I’m reclaiming what they took from us. Access to art, to culture, to entertainment without ridiculous barriers. If that makes me a criminal, so be it. Because to them, I’m just a number. But to me, this is a declaration of independence.
And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have several torrents to check.
Ps: Honestly I don't care if it's called piracy, it was just a theatrical way to adress the issue. Have a good day and thank you all for seeding.
What should we do?
VLC is fantastic 🎉
The autopay machines to pay my electric bill don't have activated windows lol.
MAS for the win
I am not paying for shit bruh 😭