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Reddit Piracy

4 days, YT must be high AF.....☘️

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Reddit Piracy

Subscription cars....

Okay, this subscription shit is getting out of hand. Cars now require subscriptions to use. I once saw an add for pirating.. the one where it asks the, seemly stupid, question, "Would you pirate a car?"

F!n how do we pirate these cars????!!!!

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Reddit Piracy

Game not showing in steam library(please read comment).

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Reddit Piracy

IOS app to listen to youtube videos without internet/download as mp3

I used to have a great app but it won’t download anymore since the new update. Are there other apps that can do this?

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Reddit Piracy

Apps not downloaded from the Play store trying to update

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Reddit Piracy

uTorrent my love

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Reddit Piracy

Why should I be expected to pay the full subscription price for a streaming service if I only get access to a fraction of the streaming library?

First off, I'm not justifying piracy. I do it cuz I want to. I just think it's bullshit that Netflix and Disney charge me full price for their service and then only give me access to a portion of their library. Now I understand the argument of rights not being universal and some shows only being licensed in the US or the EU and it tends to balance out (I'm guessing) but less populous countries really get shafted here as we just lose access to about half of the libraries. It pisses me off to search through three streaming services and not find what I'm looking for just to google it and see it as available on one of the streaming services I already have. I would say this happens on average for about 2 out of 3 shows that I search for. It's just ridiculous. At least HBO charges less for their subscription here to compensate so that seems far. Then again, I'm not allowed to install their app on my new phone for some reason.

I'm sorry... just needed to rant a bit. Finally dusted off all of my old PT accounts and got an old PC with like 4TB for seeding so I don't think I'll be coming back ashore for the foreseeable future.

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Reddit Piracy

Is there any precedent for trackers accommodating disability?

Just curious about something.


For the last few days I've found myself going down a crazy rabbit hole reading about private trackers and how they work. Specifically Redacted and its seemingly cult-like initiation process.


When I take an interview in real life, be it for employment, accommodation etc, one of the first things I do is disclose to the interviewer that I am blind. This way they are made aware as early in the interaction as possible that there may be things they're going to ask me as part of the standard interview that might be much harder for me than for other candidates, if not impossible.


It seems that part of the interview for Redacted involves analyzing waveforms visually and identifying whether or not they represent lossy encodes.


For a blind person, doing this legitimately would be impossible: the only somewhat viable solution in 2023 would be to hand it off to ChatGPT and pray that its image analysis capabilities are up to the task.


Is there existing precedent for this in the private tracker scene? If I were to disclose visual impairment to them, is it likely that they would accommodate or just move on to an easier interviewee without a second thought?

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Reddit Piracy

Advice wanted: some way to access one-off item from private tracker?

There exists a fan-made scan of a particular movie that shall not be named, which was sourced from an original 35MM cinema film print. The best version of this movie that exists, period. The problem is that the only known place to get it is a private tracker that hasn't let anyone in for almost a decade as far as I can tell.


I won't bore you with a lot of detail, but suffice it to say that I have no interest in being a career pirate. Historically I've only turned to torrents on rare occasions when I couldn't find something, or cared about a movie enough to find my legally bought / indefinitely rented copy inconvenient, etc.


I didn't even know about the world of private trackers until I started trying to find this a month or so ago. A day or so worth of research has lead me to suspect that it would probably be easier to get into Harvard than some of these places, and that I really don't want to get involved; or at least not long term.


In general, is there any way at all for someone to obtain content like this on a one-off basis? I would be happy to provide whatever gratuity this scene generally expects in return; if that means seeding for a few weeks / months or whatever, then cool. But dedicating potentially years of my life to disseminating pirated content in hopes of being in the right place at the right time is just not something I can do.


Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Thank you.



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Reddit Piracy

whoever you are, I hope you the best week of your life. If you want me too, i will kiss, bark, even meow if so requested.

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Reddit Piracy

Place for Paid FFXIV Mods? Or Ko-Fi?

Hi, does anyone know of a depot or something where people upload paid ffxiv mods that I could get for free? Or a place where people upload Ko-Fi content?

The mod I'm looking for is for FFXIV and on Ko-Fi so both would be helpful to have.

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Reddit Piracy

Thoughts on Popcorn Time?

So I know that this sub will often recommend Stremio in combination with some other apps and services

However I am wondering what people here think of the state of popcorn time (PT), why it's not being recommended etc.
Back when I was more into streaming this way I used popcorn time.

Now I haven't really streamed or downloaded in a while, but recently got back into it, just occasionally. For my needs PT is doing fine for now.
But still wondering, any reason why I should switch / check out other options... perhaps even avoid PT for some reason, since I don't see it recommended here like ever?

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Reddit Piracy

what about switch?

I see people from other subreddits avoiding talking about switch roms and always change the subject all time. is there any worry about downloading it and playing? even having the game? is there any thing to be extra cautious besides VPN on download?

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Reddit Piracy

this is another reason why piracy is important. not only they pay for a service to have ads, they also lose contents, while we have an Infinite library.

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Reddit Piracy

Funny how the titanic 4k blu ray doesn’t officially come out till next week and yet the 75gb remux available right now

Gonna be a good 7 hours for it to download but damn it looks worth it!

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Reddit Piracy

Google Play Store is attempting to update my sideloaded/modded apps.

Basically, the title, that didn't happen before, never.
Would you happen to have any idea how to stop it?

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Reddit Piracy

The Crew is shutting down 31st March 2024 and will be unplayable after that because it is online only.

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Reddit Piracy

Lighter ad experience? That's a new one.

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Reddit Piracy

Bro literally uploaded a full length movie of spiderman no way home on YouTube 💀

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Reddit Piracy

Revanced ftw on a ltt video

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Reddit Piracy

What are some reliable sites for HQ music?

I recently turned into an ameture audiophile and the streaming services in my country don't provide CD quality streaming. So I'm thinking of taking the high seas. Pls suggest some reliable sites also what is a good torrent client these days?

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Reddit Piracy

Fuck Hasbro, all my homies fuck Hasbro

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Reddit Piracy

Piracy is more convenient, I don’t get the whole “Streaming got big because it was more convenient than piracy”.

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Reddit Piracy

Zuckerbeard the Data Raider.

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Reddit Piracy

A particular CAD software is beginning to charge even for hobbiests that don't generate income. If one has a dedicated computer that stays offline would that be a workaround, or is there a shutoff built in for larger softwares?

Not sure if I am able to name particulars here. Philosophical discussion lol

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Reddit Piracy

arr for games?

I’ve been looking for an
arr or something to automate snagging games and their updates but have been coming up empty handed.

I have some autobrr filters set up, but it will grab everything matching a game’s name including multiple releases of the same version, etc.

Would love to have something to track releases, updates, DLC, etc.

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Reddit Piracy

What is this?

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Reddit Piracy

Google Bans ‘Downloader’ Again Following Markscan DMCA Notice

"Speaking with TorrentFreak last evening, Saba calmly explained that a new DMCA takedown notice, filed by India-based anti-piracy outfit Markscan, had resulted in Google suspending Downloader once again. "

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Reddit Piracy

A Huge Thank You to Piracy

Recently, piracy helped in fulfilling a childhood dream of mine, I think maybe dream is too exaggerated to classify it but still it was something I wanted to do so much. This is quite a long story so bear with me.

I am currently twenty years old and I live in India. I used to love watching Pokemon as a kid. I freaking loved it. I practically grew up with it. I was 11 years old when I found out that Pokemon actually had games as well. I wasn't a gamer back then, I could only play games on my mother's mobile. When I found out that a Pokemon game actually exists, where you could raise Pokemon and traverse the world, I wanted it badly. I was promised I could get anything if I got more than 95 percent and I wanted a Nintendo 3DS and a Pokemon game. I got 96 percent but my parents refused to buy me a console solely meant for games. They bought me a phone. As years passed by, I kind of got over it and my interest in Pokemon also diminished.

Two years ago, I got an expensive gaming laptop. I only played 2 games on it for the first year and finally in the 2nd year, did I completely jumped into gaming as a hobby and purchased games from Steam.

Now just 3 weeks ago, I found out about piracy. I even made a post about sharing my experience. But after maybe a week passed by, a thought occurred to me. I thought "Is it possible to play a Pokemon game on PC ?" At first, I just laughed and thought that it was silly. Pokemon is on Nintendo and I am playing on a PC. How could it be possible to play a Switch game on a PC ? But just to humour myself, I opened up Fitgirl and typed in 'Pokemon' in the search bar.

Imagine my reaction when Pokemon games actually appeared there. I was so surprised, I went around and learned how to use emulators and how to play switch games.

I played my first ever Pokemon game. It was Pokemon Sword and I really, really loved it. I finally fulfilled a childhood wish of mine, all because of Piracy. Just 4 days ago, I finished it and I genuinely couldn't believe I played a Pokemon game. I loved raising my Pokemon, travelling the world of Pokemon and be the champion.

I know it's childish for an adult guy to play and be excited for a Pokemon game but it was a great to experience to be a child again. I have already downloaded Pokemon Arceus and Pokemon Scarlet and I can't wait to play them as well.

Thank you so much Piracy.

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Reddit Piracy

I purchased Movies Anywhere titles for years because of Screen Pass. Then they removed the feature… and their apologists love them even more for it.

For years, I considered much of the justification used by folks like this subreddit’s members to be dishonest and inconsistent. I argued that piracy is less justifiable when content is affordable and convenient to access, citing things like Movies Anywhere and their Screen Pass feature, which allowed you to digitally “lend” a movie to family or friends.

Though I still stand by this principle, it’s clear that the companies selling the content and services to us do not. They removed Screen Pass last year, a feature under whose premise I justified purchasing digital content due to its convenience.

The /r/MoviesAnywhere subreddit, as one might expect, has no problem with Disney, the owner or MA, operating on the “I’m altering the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further” principle. Apparently they think consumers should have strict ethical constraints, but companies are exempt from those same standards.

Long story short? Though I still disagree with some of the justification used to pirate, you guys were right about one thing: purchasing digital libraries is for suckers, and will only get you screwed in the end. I still buy the occasional Bluray movie or pay a few bucks to “rent” a movie on Prime or such, but I’ve got no issue with pirating movies now instead of digitally “buying” them.

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