keep doing that
Best solution 🎯
streaming is great but torrenting quality is unmatched
How much money do you estimate you saved per month because of piracy?
Out of curiosity I pirated and older version of YNAB4 (budgeting app) and looked at how much I saved by pirating content. This was looking at each TV show I watch, then looking up how much that network cost for a subscription then entering it into a dummy sheet. I did the same with movies (say once per week) and it added up to $160-210 per month! Using closer to the lower middle of that number that would be over $2000 per year, holy moly.
‘Strike 3’ Filed a Record Number of Piracy Lawsuits in 2024 * TorrentFreak
As if we care lol
Did we lose WatchSoMuch or are they just updating?
What’s stopping people from recording music for personal use (USA)?
According to 17 U.S.C. 506, criminal copyright infringement requires willful copying for “commercial advantage” or “private financial gain,” so it wouldn’t cover simply recording and saving for personal use.
On the other hand, civil copyright infringement can only lead to a lawsuit if the publisher or creator finds out. If a song is recorded for personal use, wouldn’t it be essentially impossible, to actually push a lawsuit, in practice?
(Does this count as piracy?)
Anyone know what's going on with watchsomuch today?
I've been getting an "under construction" all day. Anyone else?
Got a new home for my Plex server last night :)
OMG look at those yachts and fancy mansions. LMAO
1337x Official Proxy/Mirror (VPN Removed) 100% Safe (Crosspost)
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Enjoy a cleaner and faster torrenting experience with these proxy URLs!
How do I pirate groceries?
Seriously they are high af 🥲
Wasn’t streaming meant to save money?
If this subreddit was deleted tomorrow, is there a place to go for the megathread and other info?
As the title says. I would just like to know if there is a back up site.
When there is no regulations against piracy and ISPs know what people want...
Lawsuit says Mark Zuckerberg approved Meta's use of pirated materials to train Llama AI
Finally got my hands on the Onn fire stick here in eu
VLC is Pretty Cool
Before Napster, before Edonkey (ed2k), before Limewire, before Torrents ...there was FXP - a way of sharing and storing pirate material using unsecured or hacked FTP sites doing remote site to remote site (FXP) transfers and boards such as CarlingFXP (pictured) facilitated the sharing.
Getting back into torrenting after a long break. Is grabbing links from TPB and using plex still the simplest workflow?
Hi all. I manage the plex server for my whole family. Currently they message me what they want and I grab it from TPB and stick it on my plex.
Is there a more efficient way, possibly for them to select what they want themselves and have it downloaded automatically to my server?
Thanks, I never really updated my workflow over the years.
DTS Headphone:X piracy?
If ever you needed another reason to Pirate
Firstly, was visiting family over the Christmas, we have every streaming service going. Youtube Premium, MAX, Amazon Prime Video, Sling not one of them had Lethal Weapon on there. I ended up streaming from a pirate website and cast to tv screen. Movie night sorted.
Main point.
I was watching Deliverance tonight on Binge streaming site. Got me thinking of another road trip movie ALOT more light hearted "Without A Paddle", I watch the trailer, yep it's the movie. It's a Paramount Movie, my curiosity peaked, I wonder if it's on Paramount +....It's not.... Watching it on Binge as we speak. Paid streaming services is a con.
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