Thanks mateys yall made my day
Meta Says it Made Sure Not to Seed Any Pirated Books * TorrentFreak
Piracy is a bigger game changer than Netflix circa 2007
TL;DR - The entire streaming industry's offerings, combined, are vastly inferior compared to what's possible through piracy. Piracy is even more revolutionary than Netflix was in the early days.
Remember how amazing it was when Netflix introduced the world to Streaming in a way that no one had done before? In the early days, for a low monthly payment, I could watch The Office online, ad free, without swapping discs. It truly felt like a digital revolution was taking place.
Fast forward nearly 20 years, the streaming industry is massively fragmented, monthly prices have skyrocketed, certain features (like password sharing) that used to be touted by Netflix and others are now no longer possible or require additional monthly fees, and the ads, OMFG, are everywhere unless you pay even higher monthly fees.
Hulu did it. Hulu broke me with their shitty app and incessant ads. They pushed me over the edge, and I came here to learn everything I could so I could be free. It's been a little more than a year since I cancelled every streaming service and hit the seas for the first time in my life, and I seriously cannot overstate how much of a game changer piracy is.
My media server offers more to me than any streaming service can provide:
No rotating content based on licensing. What lives on my server is there forever unless I want it removed. This applies to digital purchases too (looking at you, Sony).
No ads, ever. I don't have feelings a rage after seeing the same shitty, annoying AF ad three or more times during a 20 minute episode of TV. Looking at you, Hulu.
No quality paywalls. If I want 4k, I can get 4k.
No awful compression. I remember watching a show on Netflix a few years ago, and despite having amazing internet speeds, that one specific show had horribly bad compression artifacts. And it was a Netflix original! That BS doesn't happen on my server.
No limits on sharing. If I want to share my server with friends and family, I can do that easily.
No geo-blocks on content. As soon as something is available in any part of the world, I can also watch it.
No hopping between five, six, or seven different apps just to watch what I want. Everything I want to watch is located in a single app.
No hunting for my "continued watching" shelf! Netflix started to get bad about this, though maybe it's better now. I'd have to scroll down just to find the show I wanted to resume.
And the list could go on and on.
Even the hardware and energy costs are less than what I'd spend in a year on streaming services. I've come to the conclusion that even if every streaming service combined into a single entity and offered a subscription as FAST or for a low monthly rate (similar to Spotify), it still wouldn't be enough to make me give up on sailing the seven seas. The seas are just too good to ever go back.
Amazon revokes the concept of owning books, and can edit books you already bought
Here is the link of the video from Louis Rossmann talking about this subject:
To get more info about this removal and how it affects digital ownership of books:\_Kindle\_removes\_download\_feature\_of\_purchased\_books
Some old Kindle devices, still perfectly working in terms of hardware to read books on them, will very soon become (almost) complete ewaste.
We did not accept this when Spotify stopped supporting their car thing, how can we tolerate now that Amazon creates more ewaste ? This new removal serves only right holders and creates a regression for all real, loyal and existing customers.
Spread this video and the FUTO wiki as much as you can matey', to support the cause for a better world where we can actually own what we buy.
What do you think about this ? Right now, the only available alternative is the gigantic existing archive of de-DRM'ed books available online, but how do you think it is going to evolve if DRMs become too difficult to crack ?
Also, it does mean more importantly (outside piracy) that self-archiving will be very tedious or impossible. How can we trust a book reading device if it can auto-update the content of the books from the Internet without any kind of notification to agree to the changes made by the publisher ? It is worrying and will extend to all cultural materials if there's no cultural backslash towards these anti-consumer practices.
We're all concerned
I built a FREE AI text-to-speech tool with no word limit — perfect for audiobooks and more!
Ublock was "turned off" i guess its time to move over to firefox then , fuck you Chrome.
ISP Must Unmask 100 Alleged BitTorrent Pirates in RIAA Lawsuit * TorrentFreak
Looks like someone has seeded the website
ublock origin removed from chrome web store.
Paramount+ To begin showing ads in paid subscriptions
Got this email from Paramount+ (who'm I won't be renewing), the most important part is the 4th bullet point:
We are sending you this email to let you know that we are updating our terms.
You can find important information on these changes in this email.
You should carefully read our updated terms in full. You can find a copy of these updated Terms of Use ####.
You can also find a copy of our current Subscription Terms #### and our current Terms of Use ####.
Here is a summary of what has changed:
We have combined our previous Subscription Terms and Terms of Use into one new document titled Terms of Use, so that you can find all the important information about your account and your subscription in one place.
We have clarified which Paramount entity is responsible for your contractual relationship with us under these Terms of Use.
We have updated the language to reflect all the various ways to sign up for a subscription and the different types of subscriptions on offer, as well as providing the possibility to switch to a different subscription plan where permitted.
We have added wording which makes clear that any content and subscriptions to Paramount+ may include trailers shown before/after content, sponsorship and/or product placement (or similar). We have also clarified that live content in any subscription may contain ads and that you must not use ad-blocker technology to try and prevent the display of ads anywhere on our service.
We have clarified how you can cancel your subscription if you sign up directly with Paramount, but also if you sign up in a different way e.g. via an app store.
We have provided information on how add-ons and bundles might work.
We have also clarified how and when we might change our prices, Terms of Use and service in the future, and how we will let you know about these changes and your options as a result.
We have added some clarificatory language around the quality of the service and how it may be affected depending on your location and the speed and bandwidth of your internet connection, amongst other factors.
We have confirmed when and how we may transfer your agreement so we can maintain your access to the service if our business structure were to change.
We have improved the language and structure of our Terms of Use to ensure they continue to be transparent, clear and easy to navigate, including removing some repeated sections.
When will the changes take effect?
The Terms of Use will take effect 30 days after the date of this notice. If you have an active subscription and do not agree to the updated Terms of Use, you can cancel your subscription before the changes take effect (or if you reside in the Province of Quebec within 30 days from the date the changes come into effect without cost, penalty or cancellation indemnity) and, if you do so, our current Subscription Terms and our current Terms of Use will continue to apply to you until the end of your billing period. If you do not cancel your subscription before the changes take effect (or if you reside in the Province of Quebec within 30 days from the date the changes come into effect without cost, penalty or cancellation indemnity), you are agreeing to the updated Terms of Use and your subscription will continue in accordance with the updated Terms of Use.
For help visit our Help Centre or contact us at
Thank you
Your Paramount+ Team
Books? LibGen is down, Anna's Archive is clogged up.
I finished reading a book recently and when logging into Library Genesis I find out not only my usual mirror is down, most of them are and the few that work don't have direct download links, instead, request links you have to paste on their Discord so a bot grants you a link... that doesn't work either because their servers are saturated.
Anna's Archive free downloads are also saturated, and none I've tried were working.
In their subreddit r/libgen the word is the zuckerborg has been hoarding/collapsing all their traffic to train his AI model, Llama, at the expense of others.
Really dystopian take on all this. I have almost a decade religiously downloading a book each 1 or 2 months only to find, yet again, another megacorporation, is enshittifying something I like.
Where can I pirate knowledge now?
Through and through
Always an exciting time on the Pirate Bay
Amazon books removing the option to download books. If you have books on Amazon, you have until Feb. 26 to download them. After that it's online only.
ISP sued by record labels agrees to identify 100 users accused of piracy
Anonymous Torrenting With I2P // Like Tor but for file-sharing – why is nobody using I2PSnark
A moment to salute and appreciate uBlock Origin, our best crewmate. Thank you. My PC would've been cooked without you.
LOL. Oh no! What am I ever to do?
Unlocked PS4 now has FPKGi, a "store" that allows you to download games and homebrews in pkg format directly from the console, as is already possible on the PS3. Completely open source project, managed by the community!
What would Adobe Company would do to me if I install pirate version of their products
I am making an ideological decision to pirate all games that offer "advanced access"
Let's get this out of the way first: Don't worry, piracy is perfectly legal where I'm from (at least downloading is, uploading is still illegal). I'm not doing anything illegal.
It's a absolutely disgusting tactic. It's not "advanced access" for those that pay premium, it's "delayed access" for those that don't. You can't make me pay 75.- and then go "oh that's not enough, you'll have to wait to play the game".
Starting from now I'll pirate all games that have advanced access in order to boycott this stupid tactic. (And then buy it on GOG when it releases there because GOG is amazing)
I always like to remember this post whenever I see publishers push for insane DRM and launchers. Just a great way to let people trial your game.
Found this in swizterland
Found this in the solo leveling subreddit thought it should go here as well lol
So GOATED for admitting it!!
The first game You pirated
What was the first game You personally pirated (downloaded)? Which thoughts and feelings went through Your head? How long did it take to download and over which connection?
For me it was Heretic over 56k modem. IIRC the size was 10MB give or take. In reality it took several hours and connection dropped a few times. Did it at night when my parents were asleep, sweat pouring and heart pounding, constantly glaring at the screen. Downloaded off an shady FTP server.
I swear I was waiting for some three letter agency to come a knockin' in the following days. Seems I dodged a bullet.
How the hell was it THIS convenient?!?😭
Oh ye of little faith, TorrentGalaxy is back and working once again.
For the people that still use Nord VPN, this is good to hear.