Redmi Note 10 Indonesia Group🇮🇩 📺Channel: @RedmiNote10IDUpdate 🎮Gaming : @XiaomiGamersID 📷Photography : @XiaomiPhotographyID 😂Out Off Topic : @ootnote10series Supported by : • @OnlineFederationIndonesia | OFI • @XiaomiFederationIndonesia | XFI
Are you sure? Because i have changed rom over 3 times, and not solve the problem, since I was flash to DerpFest.
Читать полностью…Balik ke MIUI terus unlock bootloader bakalan bikin normal lagi gak ya? Padahal devices udah certified ini😭
Читать полностью…Hi 👋
Don't you know the reason why the sound was not sent in the Telegram call?
On Superior Os
It shows that it is using the microphone, but no sound is transmitted, it was the same in the other native Apps.
(It doesn't sound with headphones)
But there is no problem with headphones because I send voice
Ada yang melakukan hal ceroboh...!
••• Shuwghuz ••• Diblokir.
peringatan keras, dah baca rules tapi tidak memahami
Available firmware downloads for Redmi Note 10 (mojito
Ketuk disini untuk melihat semua catatan di obrolan ini.
Читать полностью…faktor baterai dah gak ori mgkin
Читать полностью…Mau tanya bang, kenapa ya klo pas buka info aplikasi langsung fc
Читать полностью…Only some ROMs have this problem.
It is not obligatory to return to miui
bang firmware MIUI 14.0.8 cari dimana
Читать полностью…faktor modul disabel termal ini mah
Читать полностью…Ketuk disini untuk melihat semua catatan di obrolan ini.
Читать полностью…kmgkinan paling besar krn debloat
Читать полностью…Ada yg bisa bantu kasih solusi, posisi di SparkOs 13.9 ,sering banget kaya gini play storenya, kemaren masih bisa klw pake wifi lancar lg, sekarang engga bisa.
Читать полностью…hapemu 60 doang bang, itupun gak bisa stabil 60 fps😆
Читать полностью…just read and scroll one by one, everything clearly wrotten here.
Читать полностью…but it's very easy to download it, elementary scholl child with little reading knowledge can do it.
Читать полностью…they're didn't provide direct link, they're need little shortlink for maintain server/filehosting to make project still alive
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