Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1444 H
Semoga di hari yang fitri dan penuh berkah kita bisa saling memaafkan dan banyak dilimpahkan keberkahan.
Taqabbalallaahu minna wa minkum, taqabbal ya karim. Wa ja'alanallaahu wa iyyakum minal 'aidin wal faizin wal maqbulin, kullu 'ammin wa antum bi khair.
Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.
XFI | tdspya | OFI
LineageOS | 19.1 | Experimental | S | Mi8937_4_19
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 with k4.19 [Mi8937_4_19]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: April 19, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.19.157-mi8937+
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: c5f2262
📦Download: [Smash]
(Smash expiry: 7 days)
- Initial LOS19.1 k4.19 public build
❗️Known Issues:
- No RIL
- No Camera support on land/prada yet
- In-call Audio is broken on land/prada
- Screen doesn't work before turn off/on on some devices
- Touchscreen doesn't work on some devices
- MSM8917 devices crashes after resuming from deep sleep for a while
- Video record green artifact
- Broken Thermal zone
- Battery info might be wrong
- WIFI Display crashes the kernel
- and many more... wait for fix patiently
- No need of testing for now
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #19.1 #UNOFFICIAL #S #Mi8937
LineageOS | 19.1 | UNOFFICIAL | S | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: April 19, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937 (No Polly/LTO)
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: 7ec1a56
📦Download: [Smash]
(Smash expiry: 7 days)
- Updated to latest LOS sources
- Switch FM Radio app to RevampedFMRadio
- audio: Extend "ADC1_INP1 Switch" to wherever ADC1 is used (Fixes incall audio on some rare santoni/ugg/ugglite)
- kernel: Redo DTS from scratch
- kernel: Fix rolex nt35521s panel
- Enable 1.5 IRadio hal
- Import 19-snet patches
- Increase DPI to 280
- Reassign fingerprint touch keyevent to WAKEUP
- Update to latest ih8sn
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #19.1 #UNOFFICIAL #S #Mi8937
Magisk v26.1 | Magisk Manager v26.1 | Stable.
Updated: 11/04/'23
By @topjohnwu
🔹 Changelogs
🔹 Installation
🔹 Uninstallation
Follow 👉🏻 @RedmiNote5a_channel
Join 👉🏻 @RedmiNote_5aid
#magisk #magiskmanager
Magisk v26.0 | Magisk Manager v26.0 | Beta.
Updated: 06/04/'23
By @topjohnwu
🔹 Changelogs
🔹 Installation
🔹 Uninstallation
Follow 👉🏻 @RedmiNote5a_channel
Join 👉🏻 @RedmiNote_5aid
#magisk #magiskmanager
ArrowOS 13.1 | UNOFFICIAL | Android 13 | Mi8937
Build Date: 29/03/2023
By: nem1x
▫️Telegram | OneDrive
• Merged March security patch
• Bumped Arrow version to 13.1
• Other device side changes
• Vanilla build
• Flashing instructions: Here
• 0xCAFEBABE for device sources and testing
LineageOS | 20.0 | UNOFFICIAL | T | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: March 20, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937 (No Polly/LTO)
🔍MD5sum: 4ac343d
📦Download: [Smash] [Mirror]
[GDrive by VEDANT]
(Smash expiry: 7 days)
- Updated to latest LOS sources
- Fix Bluetooth for A13 QPR2
- Fix mobile data after modem crash
- Fix power profile for 8937/8940
- Drop unused BT Audio blobs
- Drop obsolete BT Audio policy xml inclusion
- Import missing services for GPS
- Switch FM Radio app to RevampedFMRadio
- Enable LED in offline charging mode
❗️Known Issues:
- /channel/mi_msm8937/593
- Can't play videos recorded from camera? Use 3rd party camera apps or video players
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #20.0 #UNOFFICIAL #T #Mi8937
Gabuter-OS | 4.4 | Ulysse | Android 13.
Build date : 21/02/2023
🔸 Download
🔸 Screenshots
🔸 Group Support
Notes :
* This is Vanilla build.
* Simple.
* Enforcing build
* Recommended TWRP
* Clean Flash is Recommended
Credits & All Thanks
• All Contributors
#ulysse #gabuters #indoproud #unified-rom #android13
LineageOS | 18.1 | Android 11 | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: February 18, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937 (No Polly/LTO)
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: 401547c
📦Download: [Smash]
[Telegram by Yona]
[OneDrive by Nem1x]
(Smash expiry: 7 days)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/649
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in our group!
🏷 #LineageOS #18.1 #R #Mi8937
LineageOS | 20.0 | Android 13 | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: February 14, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937 (No Polly/LTO)
🔍MD5sum: 470b781
📦Download: [Smash]
(Smash & WeTransfer expiry: 7 days)
- Updated to latest LOS sources
- Enabled some Go optimizations
- Signed build with private keys
- Add audiosphere effect support
- prada: Enable 5GHz hotspot support
- land/santoni/prada: Enable multiple vibration strength levels setting
- Added signature spoofing support for microG
- Misc changes
❗️Known Issues:
- /channel/mi_msm8937/593
- SafetyNet still passes
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #20.0 #T #Mi8937
BootleggersROM | 7.0 | Android 13 | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: February 6th, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937 (No Polly/LTO)
🔍MD5sum: b38918b
🖼Screenshots: [Here]
📦Download: [Smash]
[OneDrive by Nem1x]
[Mirror by Arif]
(Smash expiry: 7 days)
- Initial Build
❗️Known Issues:
- /channel/mi_msm8937/593
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
- Splash image: [R3S/R3X/R4/R4A/R4X] [RN5A]
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #BTLG #7.0 #T #Mi8937
ArrowOS 13 | UNOFFICIAL | Android 13 | Mi8937
Build Date: 21/01/2023
By: nem1x
▫️Telegram | OneDrive
• Initial build
• Vanilla build
• Flashing instructions: Here
• Screenshots: Here
• 0xCAFEBABE for device sources and testing
❗️Known Bugs: Here
Device : Ulysse - Redmi Note 5A Lite/Prime
Version : 5.4 Trisakti
Variant : Vanilla
Maintainer : @hand08
Group : Community — Device
#NusantaraProject #Ulysse #Android13
LineageOS | 20.0 | Android 13 | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: January 10th, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937 (No Polly/LTO)
🔍MD5sum: 9a826a0
📦Download: [Smash] [WeTransfer]
(Smash & WeTransfer expiry: 7 days)
- Updated to latest LOS sources
- Upstreamed kernel to 4.9.337 [EOL]
- Switch BtAudio to AIDL
- Drop component overrides
- Do not block binder thread on incoming calls
❗️Known Issues:
- /channel/mi_msm8937/593
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #20.0 #T #Mi8937 #build
AICP 18.0 | UNOFFICIAL | Android 13 | Mi8937
Build date: 28/12/2022
By : nem1x
▫️Telegram by VEDANT | OneDrive
• Initial build
• Vanilla build
• Flashing instructions: Here
Special thanks to:
• 0xCAFEBABE for device sources and testing
• Bluetooth pairing with some devices
Selamat Hari Kartini!
Banyak hal yang bisa menjatuhkanmu, tetapi satu-satunya hal yang benar-benar dapat menjatuhkanmu adalah sikapmu sendiri. Selamat hari Kartini untuk semua perempuan hebat Indonesia!
Habis gelap terbitlah terang.
XFI | tdspya | OFI
LineageOS | 18.1 | Android 11 | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: April 18, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937 (No Polly/LTO)
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: 823eb16
📦Download: [Smash]
[OneDrive by Nem1x]
(Smash expiry: 7 days)
- Updated to latest LOS sources
- audio: Extend "ADC1_INP1 Switch" to wherever ADC1 is used (Fixes incall audio on some rare santoni/ugg/ugglite)
- kernel: Redo DTS from scratch
- kernel: Fix rolex nt35521s panel
- Enable 1.5 IRadio hal
- Import 18-snet patches
- Increase DPI to 280
- Reassign fingerprint touch keyevent to WAKEUP
- Update to latest ih8sn
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in our group!
🏷 #LineageOS #18.1 #R #Mi8937
OFRP | 11.1 | Recovery | mi8937
📱Device: Xiaomi MSM8937 [mi8937]
👨💻Author: Omansh Krishn
🗓Build Date: April 12th, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.324-Mi8937-Recovery
⚙️Base: Android 12.1
🔍MD5sum: 4adfb351c53d453769f552188e97f6d8
- Latest Magisk (v26.1)
- Android 11 & 12 userdata decryption WORKS
- changing Splash stucks at "Updating Theme"
(It gets changed if you give it 4-5min, but it would still be stuck, you need to force reboot)
Special Thanks to:
- 0xCAFEBABE for kernel and device tree
riceDroid v10.2 | Unofficial | Android 13 | Mi8937
Build date: 31/03/2023
By : nem1x
Downloads: Telegram | OneDrive
Changelog : Source
• Vanilla Build
• Some apps are missing (Gallery, Browser, Music, Calendar)
• Flashing instructions: Here
Special Thanks to:
• 0xCAFEBABE for device sources
• @ultrabot_420 for testing
❗️Known Bugs: Here
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #RiceDroid #10.2 #UNOFFICIAL #T #Mi8937
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan 1444 H. Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa, dan semoga di bulan yang penuh berkah ini kita semua mendapatkan ampunan dari Allah SWT.
OFI | tdspya | XFI
AICP 18.0 | UNOFFICIAL | Android 13 | Mi8937
Build date: 01/03/2023
By : nem1x
▫️Telegram | OneDrive
• Switched to Revamped FMRadio
• Some device side changes
• Vanilla build
• Flashing instructions: Here
Special thanks to:
• 0xCAFEBABE for device sources and testing
❗️Bugs: Here
LineageOS | 19.1 | Android 12.1 | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: February 19, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937 (No Polly/LTO)
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: b7941c7
📦Download: [Smash]
[Telegram by Yona]
[OneDrive by Nem1x]
(Smash expiry: 7 days)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/649
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #19.1 #S #Mi8937
Device : Ulysse - Redmi Note 5A Lite/Prime
Version : 5.5 Tarakan
Variant : Vanilla
Maintainer : @hand08
Group : Community — Device
#NusantaraProject #Ulysse #Android13
Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiu’un.
Turut berduka cita atas bencana gempa bumi yang menimpa masyarakat negara TURKI dan sekitarnya
Semoga korban yang tertimpa diberi keselamatan dan kesabaran beserta ketabahan.
Dan semoga korban meninggal dunia Husnul Khotimah.
#OFI #tdspya #XFI
Miku-UI | TDA | Android 13 | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: January 30th, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937 (No Polly/LTO)
🔍MD5sum: 98748325
📦Download: [Smash]
(Smash expiry: 7 days)
- Initial Build
❗️Known Issues:
- /channel/mi_msm8937/593
- Vanilla build
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
- You can disable taskbar in Home settings
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #Miku-UI #TDA #T #Mi8937 #build
riceDroid v10.1 | Unofficial | Android 13 | Mi8937
Build date: 18/01/2023
By : nem1x
▪️Downloads: Telegram|OneDrive
Changelog : Source
• Initial Build
• Vanilla Build
• Some apps are missing (Gallery, Browser, Music, Calendar)
• Flashing instructions: Here
Special Thanks to:
• 0xCAFEBABE for device sources and testing
❗️Known Bugs:
• Bluetooth pairing with some devices
LineageOS | 18.1 | Android 11 | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: January 11st, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937 (No Polly/LTO)
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: 6f4a9fd
📦Download: [Smash]
(Smash expiry: 7 days)
- Updated to latest LOS sources
- Upstreamed kernel to 4.9.337 [EOL]
- Added bionic optimizations from AOSPA
- Switched to AOSPA's fork of external/arm-optimized-routines
- Updated Graphics stack to LA.UM.9.6.3.r1-06200-89xx.0
- Updated Bromite WebView to v108.0.5359.156
- Add Vulkan dEQP feature flags.
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in our group!
🏷 #LineageOS #18.1 #R #Mi8937 #build
LineageOS | 20.0 | Android 13 | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: January 1st, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.336-Mi8937 (No Polly/LTO)
🔍MD5sum: 0d84394
📦Download: [WeTransfer]
[Telegram by Yona]
[OneDrive by Nem1x]
(WeTransfer expiry: 7 days)
- Added bionic optimizations from AOSPA
- Switched to ProtonAOSP's fork of jemalloc memory allocator
- Switched to AOSPA's fork of external/arm-optimized-routines
- Updated LOS sources
- Updated Graphics stack to LA.UM.9.6.3.r1-06200-89xx.0
- Updated Bromite WebView to v108.0.5359.156
- Removed bdroid_buildcfg.h (but kept disable sco enhanced command)
❗️Known Issues:
- /channel/mi_msm8937/593
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #20.0 #T #Mi8937 #build
LineageOS | 20.0 | Android 13 | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: Dec 23th, 2022
🐧Kernel: 4.9.336-Mi8937 (No Polly/LTO)
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: 599b1b2
📦Download: [WeTransfer] [OneDrive by Nem1x]
(WeTransfer expiry: 7 days)
- Initial Build
❗️Known Issues:
- /channel/mi_msm8937/593
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #20.0 #T #Mi8937 #build