LineageOS | 19.1 | UNOFFICIAL | S | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: September 19, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937v2-g62697f5b55ec
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: 2a1a16c
📦Download: [Smash] [OneDrive by Nem1x]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/787
❗️Known Issues:
- Redmi 4 Standard (prada): /channel/mi_msm8937/731
- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.19 builds
- KernelSU is supported (Download Manager from Here)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flash instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #19.1 #UNOFFICIAL #S #Mi8937
Subscribe /channel/mi_msm8937
LineageOS | 18.1 | Android 11 | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: September 14, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937v2-g62697f5b55ec
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: ac93b4a
📦Download: [Smash] [OneDrive by Nem1x]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
- Update Audio HAL to LA.UM.9.6.4.r1-05100-89xx.QSSI13.0
(Fixes MP3 Playback)
❗️Known Issues:
- Redmi 4 Standard (prada): /channel/mi_msm8937/731
- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.19 builds
- KernelSU is supported (Download Manager from Here)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flash instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in our group!
🏷 #LineageOS #18.1 #R #Mi8937
Subscribe /channel/mi_msm8937
/e/OS | 20.0 | UNOFFICIAL | T | Mi8937_4_19
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 with k4.19 [Mi8937_4_19]
👨💻Author: coreentin
🗓Build Date: September 02, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.19.289-Mi8937v2-gfbd6867ca3c6
🔍MD5sum: 67171ab4e0600407f43161b54ba3962e
📦Download: [AndroidFileHost]
- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.9 builds
- Flash instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #/e/OS #20.0 #UNOFFICIAL #T #Mi8937_4_19
Subscribe /channel/mi_msm8937
Dalam rangka peringatan Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang ke-78, kami dengan penuh rasa hormat dan bangga mengucapkan selamat kepada seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Melalui perjuangan dan pengorbanan para pahlawan, bangsa Indonesia meraih kemerdekaan pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945.
Kita semua diingatkan untuk terus menjaga dan menghormati nilai-nilai kemerdekaan, menjunjung tinggi semangat persatuan dan gotong royong, serta membangun Indonesia yang lebih maju, adil, dan sejahtera bagi semua. Semoga semangat kebersamaan dan tekad untuk terus berkarya memandu langkah kita menuju masa depan yang gemilang.
Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang ke-78! Merdeka!
XFI | tdspya | OFI
LineageOS | 18.1 | Android 11 | Mi8937_4_19
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 with k4.19 [Mi8937_4_19]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: August 14, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.19.289-Mi8937v2-g5ebf941867d3
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: efe881b
📦Download: [Smash] [OneDrive by Nem1x]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/779
- Fixed mistake: Fixed status bar not working on R3S/R3X
❗️Known Issues:
- /channel/mi_msm8937/747
- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.9 builds
- KernelSU is supported
- KernelSU Manager Download: Here
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flash instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in our group!
🏷 #LineageOS #18.1 #R #Mi8937_4_19
Subscribe /channel/mi_msm8937
LineageOS | 20.0 | UNOFFICIAL | T | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: August 14, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937v2-ga0f7ab0f1205
🔍MD5sum: 45b823b
📦Download: [Smash] [OneDrive by Nem1x]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/779
❗️Known Issues:
- /channel/mi_msm8937/593
- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.19 builds
- KernelSU is supported
- KernelSU Manager Download: Here
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flash instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #20.0 #UNOFFICIAL #T #Mi8937
Subscribe /channel/mi_msm8937
TWRP Hotfix update for rare ugglite/ugg users that have Shenchao display panel + Goodix touch panel:
A11 K4.9: /channel/mithorium_archive/490
A11 K4.19: /channel/mithorium_archive/491
A12 K4.9: /channel/mithorium_archive/488
A12 K4.19: /channel/mithorium_archive/489
Other users can ignore this update, there's no other changes at all
TWRP | 3.7.0 | UNOFFICIAL | Recovery | mi8937_4_19
📱Device: Xiaomi MSM8937 with k4.19 [mi8937_4_19]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: July 30, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.19.288-Mi8937v2-g1d5e70502160
⚙️Base: Android 12.1
🔍MD5sum: c0ca498
📦Download: [Telegram]
- Updated to latest TWRP sources (with my additional fix)
- kernel: Upstreamed to 4.19.288
- kernel: Merged LA.UM.9.6.4.r1-05000-89xx.QSSI13.0
- kernel: Various fixes and improvements
- Minor changes
- Supports only A12+ Kernel 4.19 ROMs
- Unmount partitions before using restore!
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #TWRP #3.7.0 #mi8937_4_19 #recovery
Subscribe /channel/mi_msm8937
RisingOS 1.2- Caspian | UNOFFICIAL | Android 13 | Mi8937
Build date: 17/07/2023
By : maxx459
▫️Sourceforge |
▪️Screenshots :
Changelog: Device | Rom
• Vanilla build
• Some apps are missing (Gallery, Browser, Music, Calendar)
• Flashing instructions: Here
Special thanks to:
• 0xCAFEBABE for device sources
• lekmenakra & RandomGuy398 for testing
❗️Known Bugs: Here
LineageOS | 20.0 | UNOFFICIAL | T | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: June 21, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937v2-g66fb95e239df
🔍MD5sum: 96bbda6
📦Download: [Smash]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
- Updated to latest LOS sources
- Add charging control
- Add xtra toggle
- Be comply with persist with broken selinux attrs
- Fixed FPC fingerprint on prada
- kernel: Fixes and improvements
- kernel: Include KernelSU
- Minor changes
- Use lz4 compression for zRAM
❗️Known Issues:
- /channel/mi_msm8937/593
- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.19 builds
- KernelSU is supported (version: 11008)
- Can't play videos recorded from camera? Use 3rd party camera apps or video players
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #20.0 #UNOFFICIAL #T #Mi8937
Subscribe /channel/mi_msm8937
LineageOS | 18.1 | Android 11 | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: June 11, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937v2-g66fb95e239df
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: 5f35e67
📦Download: [Smash]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/746
❗️Known Issues:
- Redmi 4 Standard (prada): /channel/mi_msm8937/731
- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.19 builds
- KernelSU is supported (version: 10989)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in our group!
🏷 #LineageOS #18.1 #R #Mi8937
LineageOS | 19.1 | UNOFFICIAL | S | Mi8937_4_19
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 with k4.19 [Mi8937_4_19]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: June 10, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.19.282-Mi8937v2-g509f3ef84e5e
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: 2e2ff84
📦Download: [Smash]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
- Initial kernel 4.19 build
❗️Known Issues:
- Minor camera issues (don't affect daily usage in most cases)
- Redmi 4 Standard (prada): /channel/mi_msm8937/731
- KernelSU is supported
- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.9 builds
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #19.1 #UNOFFICIAL #S #Mi8937
SparkOS 13.6 | UNOFFICIAL | Android 13 | Mi8937
Build date: 03/06/2023
By : nem1x
▫️Telegram | OneDrive
• Initial Spark build
• Switched to Mi8937v2 kernel
• Disabled combined QS headers (fixes lag on QS panel)
• Vanilla build
• Flashing instructions: Here
Special thanks to:
• 0xCAFEBABE for device sources
• MrX, nuizens and Harman for testing
❗️Known Bugs: Here
AICP 18.0 | UNOFFICIAL | Android 13 | Mi8937
Build date: 09/05/2023
By : nem1x
▫️Telegram | OneDrive | MEGA
▫️GDrive by aanjaneya
• Synced to latest AICP source
• Merged May security patch
• Added CA LTE (LTE+) support
• Device Side Changes
• Vanilla build
• Flashing instructions: Here
Special thanks to:
• 0xCAFEBABE for device sources
• @ihatekneegrows for testing
• Some UI bugs and glitches
• Other bugs
TWRP | 3.7.0 | UNOFFICIAL | Recovery | mi8937
📱Device: Xiaomi MSM8937 [mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: May 4, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937v2-g5a7249a8180c-dirty
⚙️Base: Android 12.1
🔍MD5sum: 1132018
📦Download: [Telegram]
- Updated to latest TWRP sources
- Migrate to Mi8937v2 kernel
- Keep only 2 CPU Cores to save power
- Type " <path-to-iso-file>
" to become USB bootable drive
- Reflect charging status through LED
- Misc changes
- Audio notifications
❗️Known Issues:
- Mi8937v2 kernel: Some FocalTech Touchscreen variants aren't working yet
- Android 11 & 12 userdata decryption WORKS
- Unmount partitions before using restore!
- Don't want audio? Type "setprop audio.mute 1"
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #TWRP #3.7.0 #mi8937 #recovery
LineageOS | 19.1 | UNOFFICIAL | S | Mi8937_4_19
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 with k4.19 [Mi8937_4_19]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: September 19, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.19.294-Mi8937v2-g4b591cc149f7
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: 249e6fb
📦Download: [Smash] [OneDrive by Nem1x]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/787
❗️Known Issues:
- /channel/mi_msm8937/747
- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.9 builds
- KernelSU is supported (Download Manager from Here)
- Wireguard is supported
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flash instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #19.1 #UNOFFICIAL #S #Mi8937_4_19
Subscribe /channel/mi_msm8937
LineageOS | 18.1 | Android 11 | Mi8937_4_19
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 with k4.19 [Mi8937_4_19]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: September 14, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.19.294-Mi8937v2-g8cb9b713a355
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: a864e26
📦Download: [Smash] [OneDrive by Nem1x]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/787
❗️Known Issues:
- /channel/mi_msm8937/747
- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.9 builds
- KernelSU is supported (Download Manager from Here)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flash instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in our group!
🏷 #LineageOS #18.1 #R #Mi8937_4_19
Subscribe /channel/mi_msm8937
Magisk v26.3 | Stable
Build Date: 04.09.23
⬇️Download • Here
*️⃣Installation • Here
🔃Safetynet Fix • Here
🆑Changelog • Here
By • @topjohnwu
Channel: @redminote5a_channel
Discussion: @redminote_5aid
LineageOS | 18.1 | Android 11 | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM893 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: August 14, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937v2-g41070720b1e0
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: 14351fa
📦Download: [Smash] [OneDrive by Nem1x]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/779
- Fixed mistake: Fixed status bar not working on R3S/R3X
❗️Known Issues:
- Redmi 4 Standard (prada): /channel/mi_msm8937/731
- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.19 builds
- KernelSU is supported
- KernelSU Manager Download: Here
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flash instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in our group!
🏷 #LineageOS #18.1 #R #Mi8937
Subscribe /channel/mi_msm8937
LineageOS | 19.1 | UNOFFICIAL | S | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: August 14, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937v2-g41070720b1e0
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: c4e3246
📦Download: [Smash] [OneDrive by Nem1x]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/779
- Fixed mistake: Fixed status bar not working on R3S/R3X
❗️Known Issues:
- Redmi 4 Standard (prada): /channel/mi_msm8937/731
- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.19 builds
- KernelSU is supported
- KernelSU Manager Download: Here
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flash instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #19.1 #UNOFFICIAL #S #Mi8937
Subscribe /channel/mi_msm8937
LineageOS | 20.0 | UNOFFICIAL | T | Mi8937_4_19
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 with k4.19 [Mi8937_4_19]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: August 14, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.19.289-Mi8937v2-gfbd6867ca3c6
🔍MD5sum: 5fe85d4
📦Download: [Smash] [OneDrive by Nem1x]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/779
❗️Known Issues:
- /channel/mi_msm8937/593
- /channel/mi_msm8937/747
- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.9 builds
- KernelSU and Wireguard are supported
- KernelSU Manager Download: Here
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flash instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #20.0 #UNOFFICIAL #T #Mi8937_4_19
Subscribe /channel/mi_msm8937
TWRP | 3.7.0 | UNOFFICIAL | Recovery | mi8937
📱Device: Xiaomi MSM8937 [mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: July 30, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937v2-g3c46740b3c21
⚙️Base: Android 12.1
🔍MD5sum: 74e7d73
📦Download: [Telegram]
- Updated to latest TWRP sources (with my additional fix)
- kernel: Various fixes and improvements
- Minor changes
- Supports only A12+ Kernel 4.9 ROMs
- Unmount partitions before using restore!
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #TWRP #3.7.0 #mi8937 #recovery
Subscribe /channel/mi_msm8937
Semoga Kebaikan selalu menyertai kita,dan menjadi tahun yang lebih baik dari tahun sebelumnya.
Aamiin 🤲🤲🤲
LineageOS | 20.0 | UNOFFICIAL | T | Mi8937_4_19
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 with k4.19 [Mi8937_4_19]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: July 11, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.19.288-Mi8937v2-g87884d3fb25fd
🔍MD5sum: 34d3d13
📦Download: [Smash] [OneDrive by Nem1x]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
- Updated to latest LOS sources
- ROM: Add 2 more SafetyNet hacks
- kernel: Minor fixes
- kernel: Merge ACK 4.19.288
- kernel: Merge LA.UM.9.6.4.r1-04900-89xx.QSSI13.0
- kernel: Disable UClamp (Fixes CPU frequency scaling)
- KSU: Update to version 11101
- Minor changes
❗️Known Issues:
- /channel/mi_msm8937/593
- /channel/mi_msm8937/747
- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.9 builds
- KernelSU (version: 11101) and Wireguard are supported
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #20.0 #UNOFFICIAL #T #Mi8937_4_19
Subscribe /channel/mi_msm8937
LineageOS | 20.0 | UNOFFICIAL | T | Mi8937_4_19
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 with k4.19 [Mi8937_4_19]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: June 21, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.19.282-Mi8937v2-gd2ec400d83d6
🔍MD5sum: ec399ce
📦Download: [Smash]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
- Initial kernel 4.19 build
❗️Known Issues:
- /channel/mi_msm8937/593
- /channel/mi_msm8937/747
- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.9 builds
- KernelSU (version: 11008) and Wireguard are supported
- Can't play videos recorded from camera? Use 3rd party camera apps or video players
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #20.0 #UNOFFICIAL #T #Mi8937_4_19
Subscribe /channel/mi_msm8937
LineageOS | 18.1 | Android 11 | Mi8937_4_19
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 with k4.19 [Mi8937_4_19]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: June 11, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.19.282-Mi8937v2-g509f3ef84e5e
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: 5f2c263
📦Download: [Smash]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
- Initial kernel 4.19 build
❗️Known Issues:
- Minor camera issues on most of devices (don't affect daily usage in most cases)
- Major camera issues on land and prada
- Redmi 4 Standard (prada): /channel/mi_msm8937/731
- Do NOT dirty flash from k4.9 builds
- KernelSU is supported (version: 10989)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in our group!
🏷 #LineageOS #18.1 #R #Mi8937_4_19
TWRP | 3.7.0 | UNOFFICIAL | Recovery | mi8937_4_19
📱Device: Xiaomi MSM8937 with k4.19 [mi8937_4_19]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: June 7, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.19.282-Mi8937v2-g2c814814fd47
⚙️Base: Android 12.1
🔍MD5sum: 5a1951f
📦Download: [Telegram]
- Initial Kernel 4.19 build
❗️Known Issues:
- SafetyNet doesn't pass
- Supports only A12+ Kernel 4.19 ROMs
- Unmount partitions before using restore!
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #TWRP #3.7.0 #mi8937_4_19 #recovery
LineageOS | 18.1 | Android 11 | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: May 16, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937v2
⚙️Vendor blobs: R
🔍MD5sum: b14b0a7
📦Download: [Smash]
(Smash expiry: 14 days)
- /channel/mi_msm8937/727
- biometrics: Cleanup goodix fp when fp is not goodix
- kernel: Fixes and improvements
- kernel: Enable exFAT and UClamp
- Increase Smash expiry to 14 days
❗️Known Issues:
- Redmi 4 Standard (prada): /channel/mi_msm8937/731
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in our group!
🏷 #LineageOS #18.1 #R #Mi8937
LineageOS | 20.0 | UNOFFICIAL | T | Mi8937
📱Target: Xiaomi MSM8937 [Mi8937]
👨💻Author: 0xCAFEBABE
🗓Build Date: May 12, 2023
🐧Kernel: 4.9.337-Mi8937v2 (ThinLTO)
🔍MD5sum: 5a72105
📦Download: [Smash]
[OneDrive by Nem1x]
(Smash expiry: 7 days)
- Updated to latest LOS sources
- Migrate to Mi8937v2 kernel (/channel/mi_msm8937/710)
- Enable Camera and IR on Redmi 4 Standard (prada)
- Fix misimport of "santoni: Disable handset noise cancellation"
- Implement key disabler
- Make headset volume up/down buttons working
- Move some things to odm partition
❗️Known Issues:
- /channel/mi_msm8937/593
- No support for old kernels, they may won't even boot
- Can't play videos recorded from camera? Use 3rd party camera apps or video players
- /channel/mi_msm8937/324
- Flashing instructions: /channel/mi_msm8937/416
Community: [Mi8937 Discuss]
Contributors: Ask #contributors in group!
🏷 #LineageOS #20.0 #UNOFFICIAL #T #Mi8937
ArrowOS 13.1 | UNOFFICIAL | Android 13 | Mi8937
Build Date: 30/04/2023
By: nem1x
▫️Telegram | OneDrive
• Merged April security patch
• Other minor improvements
• Vanilla build
• Flashing instructions: Here
• 0xCAFEBABE for device sources
• @a1pha0 for testing
❗️Known Bugs: Here