I built a Bitcoin Power Law investment calculator to see what happens to the value of our stacks if the power law holds (as it has so far). Any feedback is appreciated :)
submitted by /u/pdx2023 (https://www.reddit.com/user/pdx2023)
[link] (http://bitcoinpower.law/) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1ept192/i_built_a_bitcoin_power_law_investment_calculator/)
The last couple months got me like
Road to 0.1 BTC
<!-- SC_OFF -->Hi all, Just want to tell you that finally I making my dream possible so far I managed to get 0.045 BTC from side hustle Uber Eats whatever I make I put all in Bitcoin. I hope by end of the year I will break 0.1 BTC. I always was saying to myself that 0.1 Bitcoin is must in life, if someone is on same journey good luck and let me know your thoughts. Enjoy your day guys. <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/fitforbitcoin (https://www.reddit.com/user/fitforbitcoin)
[link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1eps8l8/road_to_01_btc/) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1eps8l8/road_to_01_btc/)
submitted by /u/Fiach_Dubh (https://www.reddit.com/user/Fiach_Dubh)
[link] (https://stacker.news/items/644578/r/BITC0IN) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1eppzpf/bitcoin_book_review_digital_gold_by_nathaniel/)
I want to buy 0.1 bitcoin for my kids. Where is the best place to do this?
<!-- SC_OFF -->I have three kids (8 years old, 6 years old, and 5 years old) and am setting up investment accounts for them. I invest in bitcoin and would like to buy bitcoin for my children. I believe in the idea that 0.1 Bitcoin may be enough in 15-20 years to have some substantial wealth. My idea is to open a brokerage account like WeBull and purchase 0.3 bitcoin (0.1 for each child). I would give them their portion for their 18th birthday. Is there a better way to do this? <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/Meditativemind15 (https://www.reddit.com/user/Meditativemind15)
[link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1epp1hd/i_want_to_buy_01_bitcoin_for_my_kids_where_is_the/) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1epp1hd/i_want_to_buy_01_bitcoin_for_my_kids_where_is_the/)
Crypto.com Opposes Proposed US Ban on Prediction Markets and Event Contracts - Bitcoin.com News
Crypto.com Opposes Proposed US Ban on Prediction Markets and Event Contracts (https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMipAFBVV95cUxPeEMzZHFGdlhCZG1yVDF6ZGtFZVFZWXdGZUNPdnVtU1JXYW9hc3dxT0luYWhwWUFXLWx4ZHVKak1pMDNlMFJIU3RQX2Nia0N4V3ZRQWRBMGlvN3pObHBOVG1KYVBzTDY1ZEVieVVqTV9sSHBoTE1XajJZWmt0M2ZpMEJjc3MxdmdHZHNJWkxPMzhrMzRpTkZJUmVUVmhlM1plUk9WaA?oc=5) Bitcoin.com News
Hong Kong to enhance digital asset regulation in 18 months - Cointelegraph
Hong Kong to enhance digital asset regulation in 18 months (https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiiwFBVV95cUxNR0xkSXFUQ01EZGxBcXZPLXhWWXdNNlY3RkIwcVp6YTZnVFp0NUhkTUYzWV9taHV3bjFqMmJ2UGdZUkNCMVRHbVBUSzNiTVNPSzRqNWZtbGQ1dGpodjRtUXY5aEtZMkFqWFVxWi1uT1Z6Qk9BV2tTTzB0ckl2M2JSV2NxMFBxTXZ4dkRv?oc=5) Cointelegraph
Am I the only one that feels that Binance is making sure to liquify me every time?
<!-- SC_OFF -->I'm day trading within the waves in futures in Bitcoin. When I put my stop loss, after a while the price goes exceeds the sl. And I put big difference in price gap. Also when I open a trade, instantly it goes the opposite way. So it's always on minus. It's a miracle if it goes green (pnl). I feel like I have a personal broker from binance from the other side, that knows my tp and sl and makes sure to suck my wallet dry in every trade. Am I the only one that this happens??? <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/Billy_Mc3 (https://www.reddit.com/user/Billy_Mc3)
[link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1ephdyj/am_i_the_only_one_that_feels_that_binance_is/) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1ephdyj/am_i_the_only_one_that_feels_that_binance_is/)
Daily Discussion, August 11, 2024
<!-- SC_OFF -->Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/new) which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you! If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow. Please check the previous discussion thread (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1eolzso/daily_discussion_august_10_2024/) for unanswered questions. <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/rBitcoinMod (https://www.reddit.com/user/rBitcoinMod)
[link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1epdqpq/daily_discussion_august_11_2024/) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1epdqpq/daily_discussion_august_11_2024/)
FBTC and owning 1 Bitcoin
<!-- SC_OFF -->If I want to own the equivalent of 1 bitcoin, but do it in the ETF version, “FBTC” would I buy the current value of $61k in my FBTC brokerage account, or does it not scale the same as doing it on a site like coinbase? <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/bow390 (https://www.reddit.com/user/bow390)
[link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1epantv/fbtc_and_owning_1_bitcoin/) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1epantv/fbtc_and_owning_1_bitcoin/)
<!-- SC_OFF -->Transaction: 51bae58fa9d413b86d74da60d5366987dcdeb0586d39b93b2ca22f9e40dc83de (https://mempool.space/tx/51bae58fa9d413b86d74da60d5366987dcdeb0586d39b93b2ca22f9e40dc83de?mode=details). Block: 856182 (https://mempool.space/block/0000000000000000000261035c3dd0150cb513ddeb471aecc38c2f65596f02cf) OP_CAT is one of the many proposals that are trying to make their way into Bitcoin Core, although not exclusively a covenant proposal, but a way to concatenate elements from the Stack on a Script, OP_CAT could emulate the behaviour of many other Covenants, which are no more that specific spending conditions, allow for many improvements to the Lightning Network, cordinatorless coinjoins, BitVM, L2 bridges and many other things that can't be properly done today in Bitcoin due to Script's lack of expressivity. OP_CAT transactions, although non-standard are valid, since nodes not enforcing OP_CAT only need to read it as OP_SUCCES. The only way to get OP_CAT out of Bitcoin would be by reorging the chain or hard forking. <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/pakovm (https://www.reddit.com/user/pakovm)
[link] (https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1ep8khm) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1ep8khm/bitcoin_script_just_got_more_expressive_a/)
submitted by /u/treydeck77 (https://www.reddit.com/user/treydeck77)
[link] (https://bitcoinist.com/morgan-stanley-faces-regulatory-risks-bitcoin-etf/) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1ep7l6d/morgan_stanley_faces_heightened_regulatory_risks/)
submitted by /u/kingofsats (https://www.reddit.com/user/kingofsats)
[link] (https://i.redd.it/i48yvd3nfxhd1.jpeg) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1ep7ang/may_i_present_the_multisig_sweetspot_diagram/)
Russia Crypto Laws Take New Turn As Putin Legalizes Mining - Bankless Times
Russia Crypto Laws Take New Turn As Putin Legalizes Mining (https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiqAFBVV95cUxOcVBVUi1RbWhmZVN1cHBRcEdvMmoxN0lPaGl5UXJfUmREV0tIU3M4OXFweFoxelpzTHJucU03YnV0LWswUndDQ0xVMXRiMllFUFJSNC1OY2V0XzVEaEM3bzhDS09rUlp1QWJTd010OFZKaHBiSlUwWXVZdW5Ub0wyNVFLeFU1b0c4NTY2NmFXLUt6SERmOGxUMUFFRE8tcy0tR1NqTjZJNXo?oc=5) Bankless Times
This Week In Crypto Asia: BitGo Secures MPI License In Singapore - - 99Bitcoins
This Week In Crypto Asia: BitGo Secures MPI License In Singapore - (https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMipwFBVV95cUxQWUNrMHBYRkRSX1FsRmt5U2hCT3NveVl4dy1pM3pLY3FBNkFTUTRIeWx5OXNWSWowbFVwWE9lbThiTmRJNUFQVnpJWXUtR2otTUtmVldEb3hyTmdia0NvVnZXdlBSZ3Z0VmtQVm5mMENhX2U0QWZXeTdRQjRKNTNxR01EVlhHT19tdzVGTGZ0eTFHQlJGWkxiVGt5Q0xJSldpUEhsWGxmMA?oc=5) 99Bitcoins
<!-- SC_OFF -->I been holding for like 2 years and bought a lot more in February/march 😓 <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/DistinctPriority1909 (https://www.reddit.com/user/DistinctPriority1909)
[link] (https://i.redd.it/fnia2sd933id1.jpeg) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1epssh4/the_last_couple_months_got_me_like/)
Looking for recommendations to get my bitcoin off Coinbase and onto safer long term storage.
<!-- SC_OFF -->Hey guys. I’ve held bitcoin on Coinbase for quite some time. (Not in the CB wallet) (just the custodian wallet) I still intend to hold it but after seeing hundreds of post on r/Coinbase (https://www.reddit.com/r/Coinbase) about people getting locked out of there accounts, I want something safer. I made a post there and every bit of advice was contradicted by someone else’s answer. Can you recommend a wallet that I can store my BC on and one day use to potentially sell my BC? <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/Cotee (https://www.reddit.com/user/Cotee)
[link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1epscz9/looking_for_recommendations_to_get_my_bitcoin_off/) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1epscz9/looking_for_recommendations_to_get_my_bitcoin_off/)
Pros/Cons of buying/holding bitcoin through 3rd party custodian
<!-- SC_OFF -->If only for investment purposes, what are the pros/cons of purchasing and holding bitcoin through say, fidelity crypto, versus purchasing through an exchange and then transferring to a cold wallet. Again, my purpose is not to trade crypto or purchase other items with crypto, only to hodl and watch appreciate in value. I’ve heard people say it’s not truly yours until it’s in cold storage but shouldn’t Fidelity be responsible for any theft/hacks since they’re assuming responsibility as custodian? My take is having someone take the responsibility of owning and managing “my” bitcoin is well worth the spread of 1% when buying/selling so as not to have to deal with hardware, seed phrases, passwords, etc. I’m just wondering if there’s any other benefit to self managing bitcoin I’m not thing of. <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/Little-Shirt-3139 (https://www.reddit.com/user/Little-Shirt-3139)
[link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1eprws7/proscons_of_buyingholding_bitcoin_through_3rd/) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1eprws7/proscons_of_buyingholding_bitcoin_through_3rd/)
BITCOIN Book Review: Digital Gold By Nathaniel Popper ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
What's the biggest pain point you've faced when swapping between Bitcoin and other assets?
<!-- SC_OFF -->Swapping Bitcoin for other assets can feel like a rollercoaster sometimes, right? Between the fees, the wait times, and that nagging feeling that something might go wrong, it's not always smooth sailing. I’m curious—what’s been the most frustrating or challenging part of swapping BTC for you? Maybe it’s dealing with slippage, or maybe you’ve had some close calls with security issues? Share your experiences—I think we’ve all got a story or two. <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/BatSignal9 (https://www.reddit.com/user/BatSignal9)
[link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1epo4rg/whats_the_biggest_pain_point_youve_faced_when/) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1epo4rg/whats_the_biggest_pain_point_youve_faced_when/)
Nigeria SEC Open to Bitcoin Regulation as Lawsuit Challenges Crypto Restrictions - BeInCrypto
Nigeria SEC Open to Bitcoin Regulation as Lawsuit Challenges Crypto Restrictions (https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiiwFBVV95cUxNNzVodXkxRVQ2dU9mdGdid2tGSWR1d2c2NU1MTjZRM2IwTk1YNnpoOFBGeXBIdlhWbnpvTy1nOU5BSEpyZkJ1UUgxanFKY3VGSXowVWJxWWprdEI0QnRMcDI0NGtGT2xpVWNQMzV0YmJ3LUt3ekkyTVNPYjVDbDk1ZjVWSmlRTi1HaVhv?oc=5) BeInCrypto
Should I sell my Leica camera to purchase BTC?
<!-- SC_OFF -->I’ve got a beautiful analog Leica rangefinder that I bought back in 2014 for around $1,300 which has risen to a value of about $2,500. I got great use of it for 6-7 years but it has mainly been left unused for the past few years. It has great value to me and I’ve always thought that I won’t ever sell it. But it also feels weird to have something staying in a closet unused and only existing in my mind as something I own - so why not transform the value to BTC instead which surely will rise in value much faster than the camera itself? I’ve been DCA’ing for a few years now but I’ve been wishing that I had more liquidity to invest. <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/yalldusty666 (https://www.reddit.com/user/yalldusty666)
[link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1ephfkc/should_i_sell_my_leica_camera_to_purchase_btc/) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1ephfkc/should_i_sell_my_leica_camera_to_purchase_btc/)
My bank refused me a stock account.
<!-- SC_OFF -->Applied for an account online and two weeks later the fuckers send me an email "The opening of your stock account failed. Come to a branch office for counseling." I have a 15 year old checking account with this bank in good standing and a very healthy balance. What the fuck. I won't take a day off for whatever ridiculous "counseling" they think I need. Bought Bitcoin instead out of spite. <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/BaleBengaBamos (https://www.reddit.com/user/BaleBengaBamos)
[link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1epgygx/my_bank_refused_me_a_stock_account/) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1epgygx/my_bank_refused_me_a_stock_account/)
Crypto: The MiCA Regulation Could Trigger a Banking Crisis in Europe! - Cointribune EN
Crypto: The MiCA Regulation Could Trigger a Banking Crisis in Europe! (https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiowFBVV95cUxQM1lvOWVDV2xVZWF0OUVQbEN6VlZiSFpCVmVDRnRabVNKbzF2T2xDdm5ZbE92UG53OU1LUXo4Ti1YT3JZU0NtUjNSZUNKRWl1Vm9DbWQyVE9HLTFjbl9oSGdmTnhfZVktZjAteU5IZnZ6UW9QOG42MUgxclFJc0lYWU9SNzhzcGpoRWtJYjZaTTVKWDItdUtkR0pYanZaR3duaUtr?oc=5) Cointribune EN
Supernoob buying bitcoin question
<!-- SC_OFF -->This is the most basic obvious question about buying bitcoin, idk if I just dont have the right keywords to search or what. Wondering why when I buy 100 dollars worth of bitcoin, it ends up being like 85 dollars worth in the wallet. Then when I buy something, there are more huge transfer fees. I'm sure im using a shitty medium (bitcoin.com wallet) but do they just have huge fees or is that just kinda how bitcoin works? I just buy the bitcoin every once in a while when I want to make a single purchase, and yes i know I should prob just buy a decent amount and keep it in a wallet but I don't, so by the time I buy bitcoin and want to buy something for say 70 dollars worth of btc it ends up costing me like 25 dollars extra. I dont want to get too deep in to the tech side of it, rather just transfer money from a card in to bitcoin and buy something but is it just always expensive doing it that way? TIA <!-- SC_ON --> submitted by /u/Fast-Recognition-788 (https://www.reddit.com/user/Fast-Recognition-788)
[link] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1ep9p6l/supernoob_buying_bitcoin_question/) [comments] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1ep9p6l/supernoob_buying_bitcoin_question/)
Bitcoin Script just got more expressive: A transaction including an OP_CAT Script has been included in block 856182
Morgan Stanley Faces Heightened Regulatory Risks Following Bitcoin ETF Offer - Former SEC Chief
May I present: The MultiSig Sweetspot Diagram
Thailand SEC Launches Sandbox for Crypto Services—What Does This Mean? - Bitcoinist
Thailand SEC Launches Sandbox for Crypto Services—What Does This Mean? (https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMifkFVX3lxTE42c3NzclJpT3h3dVZ6T0ZCNkEwbFZlQk1pUkdyWW9SQlhuLTR6bk5DVm9PY0c3RjE4eTVzeEE5OURWV0ZBbTFHWk4xa3VlOGg0U3lUMjVDVU9feF9MUVBqUFFQOGFvQzZHRXRUUU9JT21oU0J5OFdld2ZCRVhxZ9IBgwFBVV95cUxOdUhIYlZIejhGRGZsdkdycmxtbC0zLUpJa190MmdSZUUwbGRUbmFHTi0yNjBrZVBxVXhDeWZnWlRTNDNjZjk2MnRMQU8yS3ZUb19uQVBldXdKM0hmaU5sa25zUUNvendPdmZFbjliNnljREZsQW1yS0YzclotS1dvQ2pORQ?oc=5) Bitcoinist
Crypto Coalition Presses Biden For Clear Digital Asset Regulations - TronWeekly
Crypto Coalition Presses Biden For Clear Digital Asset Regulations (https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiekFVX3lxTE1GTW56WEpKNnZqMFhrWG9qa05MV3hiQ2tURmdPd094Sk1zMENsTWlVVGZqZE00SzhPWUEtaWZsQ0ExMGZKWmZObGZNR1d4Slp0WGI4VmdRc2sxdnFndUFlXzYxTTNYUTJXZGpRSk5zRFA3Q0lhOUZXMWdB?oc=5) TronWeekly