The fcking weekend is here, so get shitfaced, party until monday and don't forget to Rac'n'Roll🍻🍻🍻
#REVALERS #StraightToHell #FirstBlood #getdrunk #oldbutgold #whiskey #beer #rum #RACyeahh
🇸🇪 Daniel Wretström 1983-2000
22 years today 9.12.2000 Swedish Nationalist Daniel Wretström was murdered at just 17 years of age in Salem, Sweden by a group of non-European scum. He was followed after a party and recognised as being in a NS rock band, attacked from behind and had his throat slit and stabbed multiple times.
Khaled Odeh received psychiatric care for ‘manslaughter’, released 4 years later and given a new identity.
Taher Oder and Amir Mahdi both received 40 hours of community service for assault
This is the punishments for ending our comrades life! A big joke. It’s a reminder that we cannot rely on the system to sort the problems that Europeans and Europe face, we must face them ourselves.
We remember you Daniel, today and always.
Heroes never die! R.I.P young man
🏴 @ultrasnotreds2
Today the local police came for a visit. We asked if they wanted a cup of coffee, but they politely replied that they were only here to confiscate our computers. Just a normal day for a dissident we presume 😂 anyways, if you want to support us through this misunderstanding, please visit our shop and buy a CD, some clothes or a book! #NoCoffeeToday
Читать полностью…!!!WLM!!! 📢😎👌🏻RAC yeahh, now the recording of our upcoming album "Legion" is done, atleast here in 🇪🇪, because there will be few surprises coming up!😉🇩🇪🇸🇪
Have a great weekend everybody and please subscribe and share our channel!
#REVALERS #Legion #pcrecords #newalbumcomingsoon #WLM #RACyeahh #RecordingIsDone #FuckTheWorld #AreYouReady
Congratulations to our beloved drummer Ranno on his 43rd birthday!
Smash the drumsticks and pour a gallon of whiskey down your throat, dear friend! 🥳🥁🍺🥂💪😎🇪🇪
#REVALERS #PartyHard #VironVihakone #MostPowerfulDrummerEver
Eternal honor to all those who fought for Estonian freedom and fell in the War of Independence!
Читать полностью…By the way. We did not upload this song to "jewtube" .. And it went missing, was taken down from there about 2 months ago, but out of nowhere, it is back again and banging!
Rac Yeahhh
Remembering the victims of the June deportations. 14.06.1941.. 🥀
We do not forget & we do not forgive!
Happy mothers day to all current and future mothers!
Keep the bloodline clean and make a lot of new white babies 💙
Hyvää Itsenäisyyspäivää rakas Suomi! 🇪🇪🤍🇫🇮
Greetings to our Finnish friends and brothers, happy Independence Day to you! 🍻🍻🍻
#brothernations #GuardYourNation
Szczęśliwego Dnia Niepodległości naszym polskim przyjaciołom!
Pozostań na zawsze silny i dumny! 🇵🇱🍻🇪🇪
Cheers to our Polish friends!
#GuardYourNation #HuntTheReds
Cheers to our friends, skinheads and skingirls, we hope you all will have an awesome weekend!
💪😎🇪🇪 🍻
#REVALERS #RevalSkins #GuardYourNation #RACnROLL #partyhard
1941.aasta 14. juuni öösel kella 1-2 paiku alustasid küüditamist läbiviivad rühmad tegevust samaaegselt üle Eesti.
Selle lühikese suveöö jooksul kisti oma kodudest 10 205 inimest ja küüditati ilma igasuguse kohtuotsuseta loomavagunites tuhandete kilomeetrite taha Siberi viletsusse. Ohvrite hulgas oli 132 alla aasta vanust ja ka vagunis sündinud last, 1378 kuni seitsmeaastast last, 15 üle 80aastast rauka, kellest vanim oli 87aastane. Enamik nii väikelastest kui vanuritest suri järgneval aastal, paljud juba pikal teekonnal loomavagunites.
14. juunil 1941 toimunud kommunistide massikuriteos ei olnud midagi juhuslikku. Küüditamised kolmes Balti riigis, samuti aasta varem vallutatud Poolas ning nädal enne Saksa-Nõukogude sõja puhkemist Moldovas, Lääne-Ukrainas ja Lääne-Valgevenes oli tüüpiline Nõukogude Liidu hävitustöö allaheidetud rahvaste kohtlemisel. Selle eesmärgiks oli hävitada allutatud rahva eliit ning luua ära hirmutatud kodanikega totalitaarne kommunistlik ühiskond. Hävitamisele määratud inimrühmi nimetas punaideoloogia „sotsiaalselt ohtlikuks elemendiks”...
#mälestame #EiUnustaEiAndesta #juuniküüditamine #SeeMaaJääbMeile #HuntTheReds #ihatecommiescum
Have a great weekend you all & don't listen to (((their))) lies, because eventually the #TruthWillPrevail
#REVALERS #GuardYourNation #15yearsofracnroll