Rac'n'Roll band from Estonia
ISD - never forgotten!
Happy 66th 🍻
Attention party animals 🎉
Here is a small reminder, that "RAC Summer", this summer's best open-air RAC concert will take place on August 26th in Tartu County at Äksi Motoranch!!! https://g.co/kgs/Cde7v7
(Same location as it was in 2019.)
This beautiful venue is only 15 minutes car/taxi/motorcycle ride from Tartu city 😎
Be sure to come, because this party is by no means a miss!
So save the date, book your trips, share this information and see you soon in 🇪🇪!
#UpdatedFlyer 🍻😎👌🏻
#RACsummer #SeeYouThere #ShareTheInfo #RACyeahh
#PWA 🇪🇪
#Mistreat 🇫🇮
#Skumshot 🇬🇷 /channel/skumshot
🇪🇪𝗘𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗮, 𝟮𝟲.𝟬𝟴.𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯
Have a successful work week everybody! 💪🏻😎👌🏻
💪🏻🇪🇪 Vägevat Võidupüha ja ilusat jaanipäeva!🇪🇪👌🏻
Victory Day (Võidupüha) marks the decisive battle during the Estonian War of Independence in which the country’s military forces and their allies defeated the German forces who sought to re-assert control over the region. The day has been celebrated on 23 June every year from 1934 until 1939 and then again after the restoration of Estonian independence, from 1992. Although it marks the important historical battle, the annual military parade also commemorates and recognises the contributions of all Estonians in their fight to regain and retain their independence.
🕯Her name was Anastazja Rubińska.
She was 27, from Poland, working in Greece.
She was someone's daughter, sister, friend...
She was raped and murdered by 5 Bangladeshi immigrants in Kos island.
She's another one victim of mass immigration.
How much more can we take?
Enough is enough.
Not welcome!
„Gute Freunde erkennt man leichter, wenn das Leben schwerer wird.“
Es ist mal wieder soweit. Einige Freunde brauchen Hilfe - und wir wollen helfen. 🤝
Neben unserer (natürlich) eigenen Spende, habt ihr ab heute Abend die Möglichkeit, einige Sachen zu ersteigern und damit ebenfalls zu helfen. Gerade die Vinyl Sammler sollten mal reinschauen. 😉
Lasst ein Kanal-Abo da und teilt den Kanal bitte. Dieser wird ab jetzt immer mal wieder für Auktionen aus dem Hause PC Records genutzt.
Heja våra svenska vänner och supportrar på er nationaldag, Vi hoppas att se dig snart igen! 💙🇪🇪🤝🏻🇸🇪💙
#GuardYourNation #LoveSweden #SoManyGreatMemories
💙🖤🤍Happy mothersday!💙🖤🤍
#GuardYourNation #MakeMoreWhiteBabies #For14Words #KeepYourCountryClean
#HuntTheReds #FuckTheirVictoryDay
Читать полностью…#HuntTheReds
The spring is here, so saddle up your iron horses & have a great weekend everyone!
Hälsningar från fina Sverige, skål! 💙🇸🇪🍻
We are waiting for our next flight & hopefully it won't be delayed! 🫣😎👌🏻
#StraightToHell #RevalersOnTour #SoFuckingTired
Cheers & have a great weekend everybody!🍻
Our flight to 🇸🇪 was canceled bc the fcking ✈️ broke down!🤦🏻♂️🤣🤬
But we won't give up & new flights are booked for tomorrow!
#StraightToHell #FTW #TomorrowBelongsToUs
“My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will see i was right."
#TruthWillPrevail #818 #HBD
Alles Gute Mr. Stuart!
Ohne deine Musik wären wir heute nicht hier!
We salute our tactlessly tough rhythm machine Ranno on his mighty 45th birthday!
NB!!! You can congratulate the birthday boy at the upcoming "RAC summer vol.2" concert, which will take place on 26.08.23 at the "Äksi MotoRantšo" in Southern Estonia (Äksi tee 38, Tartumaa)!!! 😉
Do you remember in the summer…
Читать полностью…We have lost many warriors, comrades and heroes of our race throughout the last 18 months but perhaps nothing hits hard like this, Oleg Vitalyevich Fadeenko, sadly fell in Bakhmut direction on 2.7.2023
Leader of “Nord Storm” organisation, military commander and radical nationalist who lived his life by the right ideals, this lost cannot be replaced but our revenge will be fierce!
To be a warrior is to live forever
Oleg Presente! 🇺🇦🫡
Attention party animals, "RAC Summer" is happening again on August 26th! Save the date, book your trips, share this information and see you soon in 🇪🇪!
More information in August 🍻😎👌🏻
#RACsummer #SeeYouThere #ShareTheInfo #RACyeahh
#PWA 🇪🇪
#Mistreat 🇫🇮
#Skumshot 🇬🇷
Today marks the 82nd anniversary of the "June deportation".
More than 10,000 people were deported from Estonia by the NKVD pigs, 6,000 people died as a result of the deportation - may all these souls find peace! 🇪🇪🖤🙏
"June 14, 1941 was a Saturday of the 24th week of the year. The day was warm and sunny. It was in the first hours of June 14, mostly before sunrise, that NKVD & collaborators knocked on the doors of thousands of homes across Estonia.
During that short summer night, 10,205 people were torn from their homes and deported thousands of kilometers in animal wagons to the misery of Siberia without any trial. Among the victims were 132 children under the age of one and also children born in a wagon, 1378 children up to seven years old, 15 people over 80 years old, the oldest of whom was 87 years old. Most of the young children and the elderly died in the following year, many already on the long journey in animal wagons." 🥀 🤬 #DeathToAllCommunists
Have a badass weekend, guard Your nation & don't forget to RAC'n'Roll y'all! 🍻😎👌🏻
Tommie Lindh
ᛉ 12/4/2001 - ᛣ 11/5/2020
On this day, May 11, 2020, 19 year-old Tommie Lindh was stabbed to death when he showed great courage in intervening when he saw a Sudanese raping a 14 year-old girl in Härnosand, Sweden.
Don't forget him.
Day of shame and horror for Europe
Liberators do not murder
Liberators do not steal
Liberators do not rape
8th of May - We do not celebrate!
Fuck your victory day!
Love Poland - hate afa & fck the pol...
It was quite an interesting weekend, filled with unexpected "surprises", but big thanks to 🇵🇱🇩🇪 friends for the laughs and outstanding hospitality!
See you again, the sooner the better! 🍻
✈️ Back to Ethiopia for now
#RevalersOnTour #ACAB #HuntTheReds #NoStress
Good morning friends 😎🍻 10hrs later & nothing has changed - our replacement flight for today is fcking delayed, fcking again!
#StraightToHell #RevalersOnTour #NoStress #FTW
Based Latvia! 🇱🇻
Today Latvia announced the ban on May 9th ‘Victory Day’ - prohibiting the holding of any public events on this day.
European bloodshed is nothing to celebrate!
Baltic Resistance!
Our rehearsals are always funnily fcked, because our frontman is awesomly retarded. 😝🥳
Preparing for the upcoming gig in Poland 😎😆👌🏻