IELTS imtihoniga oid qiziqarli va foydali videolar kanali!!! Admin: @muzaffar0511
Bugungi imtihonda birinchi marotaba informal letter tushibdi. DTM formal va semi formal letter bo'ladi deb aytgan edi. DTM bizni lol qoldirishda davom etmoqda. Shuning uchun bugun 19.00 da @multileveltest kanalaida informal letter yozish bo'yicha webinar bo'lib o'tadi. Ertaga imtihon topshiruvchilar uchun juda foydali. Hammani taklif qilib qolamiz.
Читать полностью…ONLINE INTENSIVE MULTI-LEVEL kursiga qabul ochildi:
Kurs haqida umumiy ma'lumotlar:
🕔 Kurs davomiyligi 1 oy
📆 Kurs 7-Noyabrdan boshlanib 7-Dekabrgacha davom etadi
📱 Kurs telegram platformasida olib boriladi
Ushbu kursda siz quyidagi ko’nikmalarni hosil qilasiz:
🎧 Listening
📕 Reading
✍️ Writing
🗣 Speaking
1 oylik kursda siz:
✅ Essay yozish
✅ Speaking savollariga to’liq javob berish
✅ Barcha Listening savol turlari bo’yicha testlar ishlash
✅ Barcha Reading savol turlari bo’yicha testlar ishlash
✅ Yangi Mock testlar ishlash
Imkoniyatiga ega bo’lasiz
Dars o’tish tartibi:
🗓 Haftada 6 kun jonli online darslar o’tkaziladi
⏳ Jonli online darslar vaqti 20:00-22:00
📖 Har kuni Multi level testi bo'yicha test savollari va topshiriqlar berib boriladi
🧑🏻🏫 Darslar malakali ustoz (69/C1) tomonidan olib boriladi
Kurs 2 xil tarif bo'yicha baholanadi:
1️⃣ BASIC COURSE. Narxi 1 oyga 200 000 so'm.
✅ Jonli darslar
✅ Listening va Reading test savollari
✅ Writing bo'yicha video va jonli darslar va uyga vazifalar
✅ Speaking bo'yicha sample model javoblar
✅ Yangi Multi level mock testlari
❌ Speaking uchun feedback berilmaydi
❌ Wrting uchun feedback berilmaydi
2️⃣ PREMIUM COURSE. Narxi 1 oyga 300 000
✅ Jonli darslar
✅ Listening va Reading test savollari
✅ Writing bo'yicha video va jonli darslar va uyga vazifalar
✅ Speaking bo'yicha sample model javoblar
✅ Yangi Multi level mock testlari
Premium course qimmatroq bo'lishiga sabab har bir o'quvchini speaking va essaylari tekshirib beriladi bu esa ko'p vaqt va kuch talab qiladi.
Muhim eslatma:
⚠️ To'lov qilinganidan keyin to'lov qaytarib berilmaydi!
to'lovni: 8600 1404 6225 8535(Muxammadjonov Xadyatullox nomida) raqamiga yuborasiz.
To'lov kvitansiyasini (skrinshot) bizga yuborishingiz kk.
qo'shimcha savollar bilan @muzaffar05111 ga murojat qiling
Dekabr oyida imtihon topshiruvchilar uchun ajoyib imkoniyat!
Safimizni bir necha yillik tajribaga ega malakali ustoz bilan to'ldirmoqdamiz.
Ushbu ustozimizning 1 oylik intensive online Multi level kursi 7 Noyabrdan start oladi Hudo hohlasa.
Kurs har kuni (Yakshanbadan tashqari) soat 20.00-22.00 bo'lib o'tadi.
Kurs yozilish uchun @muzaffar05111 ga yozishingiz mn.
Yangicha formatda speaking practice testlar to'plami!
Test 1:
Test 2:
Test 3:
Test 4:
Test 5:
Test 6:
The pie chart shows the breakdown of employment destinations of students who finished Brighton University in 2019. In general, the industries which employed the highest number of graduates were service, education and government employing about two thirds of all students.
The leading job providing sector was service industries where one third of all students chose to work. In contrast, negligible proportion of students preferred to pursue their career in charity and sport, 0.1 and 0.3 per cent respectively.
Apart from service industries other main employers were Education, Politics and government and Manufacturing, each employing about 15% of survey takers. Other sectors such as Transportation, Science and Technology and Civil service seem to be less popular with students as only about one in five of all students opted for one of the three options.
It is interesting to note that 2.8% of all Brigton University alumni of 2019 preferred to work in other workplaces not mentioned in the pie chart.
Читать полностью…Online shopping is becoming more common these days.
Why is this happening?
What effect could this have on the environment?
The table below shows the percentage participation of women in senior management in three companies between 1975 and 2015.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The diagram illustrates how bees produce honey.
*Nectar: a sweet liquid produced by flowers
Hive: a container where bees live
Evaporation: water changing to gas
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Some universities now offer their courses on the Internet so that people can study online.
Is this a positive or negative development?
The graph shows the number of visitors to four international museums between 1980 and 2015.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Computers today can quickly and accurately translate languages, therefore, it is a waste of time to learn a foreign language.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
To succeed in a business, one needs to know maths.
Do you agree or disagree?
webinar boshlanishidan oldin kanal chatiga ham qo'shilib oling:
Imtihonga kiruvchilar! Hammangizni Alloh qo'llasin. Osonidan bersin!
Читать полностью…The pie chart illustrates the career choices of Brighton
University's 2019 graduates, giving the percentages who
worked in each of various sectors after finishing
university. Overwhelmingly, industry and government were the most popular choices.
Just under half the students went into industry, with service industries attracting more Brighton graduates than any other sector by far — almost a third (33.0%). About half that number (16.3%) took jobs in manufacturing. Politics and public service were the next most popular choice, accounting for nearly a fifth of graduates. Just over 12% went into politics and a further 5.6% chose the civil service. The other significant career choices were
education (about 15%) and two others: transportation and warehousing, with 7.8%; and science and technology with 7.3%.
The least popular choices included work in the charitable sector and careers in sport, both of which were chosen by well under 1% of graduates. Finally, 2.8% entered work in other, unspecified, sectors.
Yangi Elementary guruhi ochilmoqda!!!
Kunlari: S / P / SH
Vaqti: 15:30-17:00
Birinchi dars: 20 Aprel
Ўзбекистонликлар IELTS'да ўртача неча балл олиши маълум қилинди
IELTS халқаро имтиҳонини Ўзбекистонда топширувчилар қайд этган ўртача натижа – 5,7 балл. Бу борада мамлакат 34-ўринда туради.
Таққослаш учун, Қозоғистонда бу кўрсаткич 6,1, Россияда 6,7 баллни ташкил этади.
👉 Telegram каналлари👇
Ўзбекча | O‘zbekcha | Русская
Yangi ELEMENTARY guruhi ochilmoqda.
S /P / SH kunlari 14:00 da
The diagrams below give information about the manufacture of frozen fish pies.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
In many workplaces, online communication is now more common than face-to-face meetings.
Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?
Yana bir o'quvchimiz bizni hursand qildi!
listening 8 😎
The bar chart below illustrates five different industries’ percentage share of Brazil’s economy in 2009 and 2019 with a forecast for 2029.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Endi IELTS imtihoniga PAYME orqali ham to’lov qilish imkoniyati mavjud!
Читать полностью…The plans below show a theatre in 2020 and future. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant.
Читать полностью…The chart below shows the proportions of graduates from Brighton University in 2019 entering different employment sectors.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.