Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy said that the newly-created HYDRA (Hyderabad Disaster Response and Assets Monitoring and Protection) will cover 2,000 square kilometres of the city's region and offer a wide range of services in the GHMC limits, 27 surrounding municipalities and 33 gram panchayats up to the Outer Ring Road (ORR).
Who suggests these names 🤣🤣
How do you feel about kids not being able to speak Telugu nowadays
I've observed a few IT parents whose kids cannot speak any Telugu. Do these parents think of it as an achievement or wha?
JUST IN:- CMO Telangana has announced revised Hyderabad Metro Phase II plans. More details in comments
Case filed against BJP LS candidate Madhavi Latha for threatening polling agents and intimidating women voters
Fresh case against Madhavi Latha for taking away seized dummy EVMs used to manipulate voters
No identify check for woman in burkha for voting!
I went for casting my vote today at Feelkhana and no official was checking the women's face who are in burkha.
They are checking the id cards but are not asking them to lift their veil and show their face for identify verification!
The voting is soo rigged in hyderabad constituency no wonder why the MP is constant here.
My sister is in Delhi and could not vote this time, wish if I had the burkha privilege..i could have casted her vote. 🤷♀️
Madhavi Latha checking Voters' ID cards when she doesn't have the authority to do so.
Congress freebies in Telangana claim its first victim: Larsen & Toubro likely to exit Hyderabad metro after free bus rides for women lowers metro ridership, makes project unviable
Best burger in Hyderabad
Can anyone suggest the list of good burger shops here?
Why is South India Combined Getting Less Taxes than Uttar Pradesh?
The tax revenues of the 5 southern states is significantly higher. Yet, their taxes are being taken away and given to Uttar Pradesh. One can argue that we should help our brothers grow, but not to the extent that we suffer. The population of the 5 southern states per the last census was 251 million compared to the 200 million of Uttar Pradesh. Thus, even per capita, South India is being treated like a step-brother. Why?
Peak satisfaction, happy with traffic police for once
Let's share our favorite restaurants in Hyderabad!
Fresh case against Madhavi Latha for taking away seized dummy EVMs used to manipulate voters
Hyderabadis don’t cry when you see the results.
Seeing the voter turnout is making me annoyed. When we went to vote the officers over there commented how people didn’t come since morning. It will be your fault for the condition of Hyderabad after a few years because you were too lazy to vote. This (ek vote se kya hota?) attitude will make y’all miserable. Y’all need to be served everything on a platter. Shame.
B-B-But it's M dominated area bro she needs to check under burkha bro 🤡
What's with families begging in Hyderabad?
This has happened to me several times, especially in the Hitec City/Mindspace area. At times it's a couple with kid(s), other times it looks like a whole joint family with several men and women, carrying bags. And they just walk up to you asking for food/money.
They're very persistent, once you give them attention, they will not let you go. I got followed a few hundred meters once, when I refused to give them money. These days I just ignore them and keep going. But I'm really curious, does anyone know anything about this?
We have election tomorrow and light wentoff 🤣
Now very one will clearly understand