Dr Roger Hodkinson is the CEO of Western Medical Assessments, and has been the Company’s Medical Director for over 20 years.
NYC appealed last month’s state Supreme Court ruling reinstating 10 teachers fired for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine on religious grounds.
Despite confusion, the appeal means the teachers have NOT returned to work or received back pay.
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“The next pandemic is not a matter of if but of when,” says WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Not everyone complied — and that’s a problem, according to Tedros. So, he’s working on measures to ENSURE your compliance next time:
• A new pandemic treaty and amendments to the IHR: “To strengthen the legal framework for the global response to pandemics.” In other words, countries signing away national sovereignty to the World Health Organization.
• “Misinformation” and "disinformation” led to mistrust of the government. Expect further efforts to censor speech.
• “And we can't stop there,” said Tedros. “We must follow through with national ratification and accountable implementation for the sake of future generations. We must not go back to the old cycle of panic and neglect that left our world vulnerable. We are stronger together (think globalism).”
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The Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” injected into billions of arms was not the same one used in Pfizer’s clinical trials.
There was a “bait-and-switch.” The public received vials contaminated with plasmid DNA.
A new study by Kevin McKernan and colleagues found "the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry, all vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose by 188 to 509-fold."
"That's not 500%, that 500 times the amount that's acceptable," added Del Bigtree.
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WHO Director-General Tedros Complains of Slow Progress on Pandemic Treaty, Giving the WHO Powers to Target “Misinformation” and “Infodemics”
The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMG) – a body set up by the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank – has released its annual report for 2023.
WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus offered his reaction to it, the key takeaway from both the report and his remarks being that work on the proposed pandemic accord/agreement/treaty is progressing too slowly.
The WHO has a great interest in this treaty coming into force as soon as possible and wants UN member-states to speed things up, as it would give WHO new, not only health-related but also essentially political powers – such as targeting what it designates as “misinformation,” all the way to surveillance.
The way the WHO head is selling the need for the document to be completed and adopted ASAP is, naturally, different: Tedros says it has to do solely with preparedness and response to health emergencies. And he is using Covid as proof and justification that this treaty is needed.
As Ghebreyesus put it in urging countries to hurry up finalizing the document, “Another pandemic or global health emergency could come at any time, just as it did in 2019.”
SOURCE: ReclaimTheNet
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Megyn Kelly, Legal Experts Debate Legal Issues Around COVID Vaccine Liability
“In other words, when they wrongfully promoted the experimental vaccines as ‘safe and effective,’ they did that in order to achieve the wrongful purpose of turning America into one giant human trial." — Ray Flores, attorney
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🚨 Fauci Trafficked Coronaviruses to the U.S. a Year Before the Pandemic Started
“The NIH is currently spending $125M of COVID relief funds to expand its bat labs. It’s an accident waiting to happen and we’re funding it.”
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Elon Musk reveals to Joe Rogan that no one from his factory in South Texas wore a mask — and none of them died of COVID.
Rogan: "Did anyone from your factory die of COVID?"
Musk: "Not that I'm aware of. No."
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Are masks poisoning us?
Earlier this year, a German team published an extensive review of masking during the COVID-19 pandemic that should put the final nail in the coffin of masking and mask mandates.
Fresh air has a 0.04% carbon dioxide concentration. Wearing a mask increases that up to 3.5% which is an 8,800% increase! Acute and chronic carbon dioxide toxicity come with a laundry list of symptoms.
The harms of masking are clear. Are you at all surprised?
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Africa Pharma Terror: 9-Month-Old Paralyzed, Blind + Brain-Damaged After Yellow Fever Vaccine
After a routine yellow fever vaccination in Cameroon, Africa, 9-month-old baby Grace went unconscious and “lost use of her limbs, before becoming completely blind” with “irreversible brain damage.” The vaccine-induced injury was confirmed by a pediatric neurologist in India before the Cameroon Department of Health turned a blind eye to baby Grace’s severe adverse reaction and abandoned the traumatized family.
“If the Minister of Health who is supposed to … protect the children can come out and lie against an innocent baby in this terrible situation of health, then I don’t think there is hope for the young in Cameroon at all,” mother Ndzelen Bomki Ivoline lamented on # CHDTV.
Watch the FULL heart-breaking segment on “Good Morning CHD” 👇
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Oncologist: I've Never Seen Cancers Behaving Like This
Young people, in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, are developing aggressive and rapidly-growing "turbo cancers."
Dr. William Makis, who has diagnosed 20,000 cancer patients in his career, says, "I've never seen anything like this."
"I've never seen stage four breast cancers presenting in women in their 20s. I've never seen stage four colon cancers presenting in men and women in their 20s [and] 30s. Leukemias that will kill you in a matter of days or even hours after diagnosis."
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UK Government Apologizes After Counter Disinformation Unit Got Caught Lying, Monitoring Journalists’ Speech
Those who may have a penchant for English literature, may also be aware of this quote from “The Witch of Edmonton” – “(…) This were a fine reign; To do ill, and not hear of it again.”
But even to those who lack that interest, this might seem like a succinct way to describe some of the ways politicians, and whole national cabinets – apologize, or, “apologize” – regarding certain fundamental mistakes they made/are making.
These do at times read less like apologies and more like, “can we please move on”? Fit for individuals perhaps – but is it ever, for states and governments?
Well, if talkTV host Julia Hartley-Brewer wanted a “formal apology” from the UK government, she has it.
You see – the said government is either “sorry” for inflicting pain on Hartley-Brewer, or just upset because their “counter-disinformation unit” (formally – “Rapid Response Unit“) got caught, pants down, spreading actual disinformation.
Who’s to say?
However, who knew being a mere vaccine (Covid, specifically) skeptic (as juxtaposed to “anti-vaxxer”) came to be considered one and the same, equal to “spreading misinformation”? What will happen to science itself? The UK cabinet is aware – right? – that there is no science without skepticism?
In the meanwhile, Julia Hartley-Brewer, as far as the UK government, is no longer a “vaccine skeptic.” She has received an apology. But of far more interest to the general public, that label was slapped on the journalist as she was included in what Big Brother Watch rights group says was “a secret report on vaccine hesitancy sent across UK government recipients – and even to the US government.”
The saddest – or the most alarming part of this story is that Hartley-Brewer could hardly be considered any kind of skeptic to begin with. And yet – she made it to “the list.”
The reporter has apparently had the Covid jab and even promoted it on her show. But it was a post on X – then Twitter – that got her in hot “secretive list” water....
SOURCE: ReclaimTheNet
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Documents recently obtained from the NIH suggest that public health officials used INACCURATE information and MISREPRESENTED medical research to advance their policy objective that masks prevent severe COVID-19 and virus transmission - despite opposing scientific evidence received from experts.
The CDC was informed that it was promoting flawed data and excluding data that did not reinforce their narrative.
Is this a surprise to anyone? How is selectively choosing data to support a desired narrative “following the science”?
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This is a most important question. Not to be ignored.
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In a Huge First, Scientists Transfer Alzheimer's to Healthy Young Animals
The role of the gut microbiome in causing Alzheimer's disease has finally been confirmed.
Using gut microbiota transplants, an international team of researchers has shown memory impairments in humans with Alzheimer's can be passed on to young, healthy rats.
The study also revealed specific bacteria in the gut are directly linked to cognitive decline in Alzheimer's patients.
This highlights the gut microbiome as a key area of research for Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia, and that could lead to new ways to treat the disease.
"People with Alzheimers are typically diagnosed at or after the onset of cognitive symptoms, which may be too late, at least for current therapeutic approaches," says neuroscientist Yvonne Nolan from University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland.
"Understanding the role of gut microbes during prodromal – or early stage- dementia – before the potential onset of symptoms may open avenues for new therapy development, or even individualized intervention."
SOURCE: Science Alert
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👀 Kevin McKernan & Bryam Bridle on Why Pfizer Didn’t Annotate the SV40 Promoter in Their Regulatory Submissions
“The material they gave to the EMA…annotated everything in the plasmid except the SV40 region…To me, it’s clear someone hid something…People don’t go into plasmids by hand anymore and annotate these things. They put them in tools like SnapGene…and it paints all of this stuff on there. So I would have to actively go and delete this stuff from SnapGene and then give it to the FDA.”
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Thousands of Black Women Claim Hair Relaxers Gave Them Cancer
Sheila Bush, a cosmetologist, was lounging in the recliner at her St. Louis-area home last winter when an advertisement from a law firm flashed up on her television screen, urging viewers to call a toll-free number if they or a loved one had used hair relaxers and been diagnosed with uterine cancer.
After seeing the ad three times, Bush, who said she had used hair relaxers every six weeks for most of her life and was diagnosed with uterine cancer about a decade ago, decided to pick up the phone.
The ads Bush saw, on television as well as on her social media feeds, were part of a nationwide effort by law firms to sign up Black women to file lawsuits alleging at least a dozen cosmetic companies, including L’Oreal and Revlon, sold hair relaxers containing chemicals that increased the risk of developing uterine cancer – and failed to warn customers.
The recruitment campaign launched in October last year, days after a U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) study found an association, though not a causal link, between frequent use of chemical hair relaxers and uterine cancer. Hair straighteners such as L’Oreal’s Dark & Lovely and Revlon’s Creme of Nature are marketed overwhelmingly to women of color, according to the lawsuits.
Source: Reuters
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Donald Trump promoted hydroxychloroquine early on, and he was ridiculed for it. The FDA said it caused "heart rhythm problems." Former NY Governor Cuomo even went as far as to ban HCQ from being dispensed for COVID-19.
However, a new study from France just observed staggering benefits from this drug.
The study examined records of 23,172 patients who received HCQ in combination with Z-Pak for COVID-19 and 7,030 who did not.
The results: "Among those who received the drugs, 191, or 0.8 percent, died. Among those who did not, 344, or 4.8 percent, passed away."
That's an 83% relative risk reduction. This means that out of 1.2 million Americans who died of COVID-19, 1 million deaths could have been prevented.
Article: https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/hydroxychloroquine-associated-with-lower-covid-19-mortality-study-5521868
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Officials With Ties to Wuhan Institute Still Conspiring to Discredit Theory That COVID May Have Leaked From Lab
“The NIH has hidden what it knows + when it knew it, and is ignoring Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.” — Paul D. Thacker
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According to investigative reporter Lee Fang, Pfizer financed a long list of U.S. groups that lobbied for COVID jab mandates.
The extensive list of those with funding from the pharmaceutical giant includes consumer, doctor, and medical groups, as well as public health organizations and civil rights nonprofits. Many of those groups did not disclose the funding they received from Pfizer while they were advocating for policies that would force workers to get the “vaccine.”
“If people or institutions advocated for or implemented mandates, while failing to disclose ties to the vaccine companies, that is a serious ethical violation, and potentially even unlawful, and should be thoroughly investigated.” - Attorney Jenin Younes
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Matt Gaetz on Fauci’s Newly Revealed Coranavirus Experiments in Montana
“The research was a joint venture between the NIH’s Rocky Mountain Laboratories & the Wuhan Institute of Virology, specifically with their collaborator Ralph Baric”
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CHD Sues Philadelphia Over Law Allowing 11-Year-Olds to Consent to Vaccines Without Parents’ Consent
“But here the government of Philadelphia is issuing a blanket statement + taking away parental rights without due process + that is one of the greatest violations ever." — Tricia Lindsay, attorney
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“CHD is supporting us in our fight to defend these wins on appeal, and we are pursuing additional options to try to speed this process up and secure relief for additional plaintiffs. But the fight is not over yet.” — Sujata Gibson, attorney
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‘Great Awakening Underway’: Vaccine Awareness Week Celebrates 14 Years
A silver lining to the devastating fiasco of the mRNA COVID-19 shots is that Americans have finally realized that not only do they not work, but they’re also incredibly dangerous.
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Bill Gates Pushes Digital ID for Newborns in Kenya as Critics Warn of Surveillance Risk
“Maisha Namba — Kiswahili for ‘life number’ — is a biometric vaccination system for newborns that will replace birth certificates and help track children from birth to 5 years of age. It will be used to monitor and ensure all children receive their vaccines.” — Dr. Wahome Ngare
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Prof Sucharit Bhakdi: Cell Uptake of Plasmid DNA Alters the Human Genome
🇩🇪 Bhakdi: "In the vaccine production process, the plasmid DNA templates must be removed from the generated mRNA before the latter is packaged into the lipid nanoparticle. Otherwise, plasmids will also end up in the packages. Kevin McKernan discovered that this crucial step of removing plasmid DNA had not been assiduously undertaken. Huge amounts of plasmid DNA were found in packaged form that guaranteed their successful delivery to cells. Kevin's work has been replicated now in other laboratories. Several are represented at today's panel.
Cell uptake of whole or fragmented plasmids alters the entire set of DNA instructions and by definition, equates with alteration of the genome. Heed that the nuclear envelope breaks down when a cell divides so that foreign DNA can gain proximity to and become encased with chromosomes in newly formed nuclei of daughter cells.
Whole recipes will cause production of whole products, and continued production of any non self protein will provoke long term inflammation and organ damage throughout the body. Vessel walls will be damaged. Bleeding and blood clot formation are inevitable consequences. Tissues will die for lack of oxygen. The heart is one organ that cannot replace dead cells. Who has not heard of the mysterious sudden cardiac deaths that are occurring around the world? They are only the tip of an iceberg."
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PFAS Exposure Linked to 56% Higher Risk of Thyroid Cancer
The new research adds to a growing list of health problems linked to PFAS, including kidney cancer, testicular cancer, ulcerative colitis, high cholesterol and hypertension during pregnancy.
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I had not seen the second of these short videos from WHO’s Chief Scientist.
In the first, she makes claims that are not relevant to the covid19 gene based injections.
In the second, she states that WHO does not have good enough safety monitoring systems for vaccines in many countries and that adverse effects not infrequently are detected for the first time only after product approval and launch.
I get the impression that she’s not involved in the global fraud. Not then, anyway. If still in post, she has long been involved and is covering up.
Best wishes
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New Study Confirms COVID-19 Passports Did Little to Convince People to Get Vaccinated
🇨🇦💉@COVID19Up: COVID-19 vaccine passports in Quebec and Ontario did little to convince the unvaccinated to get the jab and did not significantly reduce inequalities in vaccination coverage, a new peer-reviewed study has found.
The passports, which forced people to show proof of vaccination to enter places such as bars and restaurants, were directly responsible for a rise of 0.9% in the vaccination rate in Quebec and 0.7% in Ontario, says Jorge Luis Flores, a research assistant at McGill University and lead author of the paper published Tuesday (October 24) in the CMAJ Open journal.
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🚨 How Pfizer Hid Nearly 80% of COVID Vaccine Trial Deaths From Regulators 🚨
According to an analysis, published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data, the vaccine makers hid fatality data from regulators in order to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization.
How were they able to skirt those obligations?
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These Cells Spark Electricity in the Brain. They’re Not Neurons.
For decades, researchers have debated whether brain cells called astrocytes can signal like neurons. Researchers recently published the best evidence yet that some astrocytes are part of the electrical conversation.
...Researchers study how the brain works by eavesdropping on that chemical conversation. But neurons talk so loudly and often that if there are other, quieter voices, it might be hard to hear them.
For most of the 20th century, neuroscientists largely agreed that neurons are the only brain cells that propagate electrical signals. All the other brain cells, called glia, were thought to serve purely supportive roles. Then, in 1990, a curious phenomenon emerged: Researchers observed an astrocyte, a subtype of glial cell, responding to glutamate, the main neurotransmitter that generates electrical activity.
In the decades since, research teams have come up with conflicting evidence, some reporting that astrocytes signal, and others retorting that they definitely do not. The disagreement played out at conferences and in review after review of the evidence. The two sides seemed irreconcilable.
A new paper published in Nature in September presents the best proof yet that astrocytes can signal, gathered over eight years by a team co-led by Andrea Volterra, visiting faculty at the Wyss Center for Bio and Neuro Engineering in Geneva, Switzerland. The study includes two key pieces of evidence: images of glutamate flowing from astrocytes, and genetic data suggesting that these cells, dubbed glutamatergic astrocytes, have the cellular machinery to use glutamate the way neurons do.
SOURCE: Quanta Magazine
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