Great discussion on "turbo cancers" with Dr. Naomi Wolf @naomirwolf:
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“As a clinician, my greatest concern with any vaccination in pregnancy is provocation of fever, which is one of the most common determinants of preterm labor + in some cases fetal loss or premature delivery.” — Peter McCullough, M.D., MPH @P_McCulloughMD
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Dr. Risch on Emergent Cancers:
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Pfizer mRNA vaccine is contaminated with plasmid DNA -200 Billion Pieces of DNA in Each Dose
USC Professor Dr.Philip Buckhaults warns of the very serious side effects.
The DNA can integrate into the genomic DNA of cells & poses a very real theoretical future risk of cancer & cardiac arrest.
It's different from RNA because it can be permanent...
There's probably about 200 billion pieces of this plasmid DNA in each dose of the vaccine
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BOOSTERS Increase your chance of cancer, Inhibits Your Cancer surveillance system
Dr.William Makis
•2 vaccines you start be produce igG4 antibody which can disrupt your immune system
•3 vaccines+ (booster) increase your igG4 levels 500 fold
•igG4 increases from 0.04% to 20% of the antibodies your producing which shifts your immune system dramatically
You no longer produce igG1 & 3 anymore which handle cancer surveillance and viral infection
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'Alarming' rise in UK stillbirths and babies dying within weeks of being born reverses eight-year trend | Daily Mail Online
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CENSORED RFK JR CLIP: Big Pharma Profits Not From Vaccines, But From Selling Remedies for Vaccine Injuries
"They're making $60 billion a year selling us vaccines, but they're making $500 billion a year selling the remedies for the injuries caused by vaccines," declared Robert Kennedy Jr.
"This is a really great business plan for these [pharmaceutical] companies. You make people sick, and then you sell them the lifetime cure."
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The American people understand the lawsuits to block lower drug prices through Medicare negotiation are not about looking after the best interests of patients and consumers, but about the industry seeking to restore its unilateral power to dictate prices of brand name drugs without limits in the United States." — David Mitchell, P4ADNOW
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Our government, governments around the world, the WHO + UNICEF have spent billions of dollars in a misguided attempt to try to figure out how to make people take (coerce, compel + entice) these experimental medical products (COVID-19 vaccines).
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RFK Jr. Demonstrates Why the COVID Jab Is the Most Deadly Vaccine in History (12/6/21)
"The younger you are, the more likely you'll get myocarditis, which is what's killing people from heart attacks. 50% of the people who get myocarditis, according to historical data, will be dead or require a heart transplant within five years."
"1 in 2700 boys will get myocarditis from this vaccine ... That's 373 people per million."
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Dr. Peter McCullough @P_McCulloughMD Breaks Down How the COVID Vaccines Injure and Kill
Cardiovascular Disease
• "We've seen cardiac arrest now two years after these shots."
• Myocarditis (heart inflammation) • Acceleration of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease • Heart attacks • Posterior orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) • Aortic dissection • Atrial fibrillation • Cardiac arrest in the absence of myocarditis
Neurologic Disease
• Stroke (both ischemic and hemorrhagic) • Guillain–Barré syndrome (can cause ascending paralysis leading to death) • Small fiber neuropathy (numbness and tingling)
Blood Clots
• "The spike protein is the most thrombogenic protein we've ever seen in human medicine."
• Unusually large and resistant blood clots
• Blood clots that are not dissolving with conventional treatments
Immunologic Abnormalities
• Vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia • Multisystem inflammatory disorder
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The vaccines had an unprecedented degree of toxicity, to the point so many were injured that the majority of the population is worried about their side effects, almost half of the vaccinated American adults believe they suffered an adverse reaction, and half of America believes the COVID-19 vaccines are causing a wave of unexpected deaths.
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Town-hall meeting in Red Deer! Blayone, Pawlowski, Hamm, Hodkinson, Bezirgan.
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The eternal dangers
of RNA-vaccines
Sucharit Bhakdi MD
Karina Reiss PhD
Michael Palmer MD
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Remember when the FDA ran a smear campaign on ivermectin calling it horse paste? Three doctors brought a suit against the FDA for the professional harm this caused them.
The FDA has changed its tune and now states - “The FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID.”
The doctors who advocated for ivermectin to treat COVID have finally been vindicated and now the FDA is trying to backpedal. They need to be held accountable.
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Please, please, please: store this on your device and courteously refuse to wear a mask if you’re told to, which most people think you will be.
If I am absolutely required to wear one on pain of exclusion from whatever it is that is demanding the mask, I’m going to refrain from the activity. I’m not going to comply with fear BS. Even if it’s hospital. Or dentistry. On the latter, the dentist is inches from your unmasked face. Yet there were in some waiting rooms an absolute requirement to wear masks. Not doing it.
You cannot comply your way out of tyranny and that’s what this is. It’ll get WORSE if you comply. It’ll become about much more than masks, culminating in mandatory injections.
It’s a big ask for some, because masks work for tyrants to reinforce fear, identity rule breakers to shame and apply peer pressure on us.
Those of us who, politely enough, have never given a monkeys what total strangers think of me have lesser difficulty not wearing them. If you do the right things and let the chips fall where they may, you don’t have to remember which ridiculous lies you’re willing to look the other way about today.
I could get much more Anglo Saxon in language about this, but it would only communicate frustration and contempt, whereas communicating your position with a calm and courteous disposition denies the other party the righteous boost they want.
Very best wishes and thank you for reading / watching.
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Dr. Blaylock; The Hep.B Vaccine Contains The Highest Levels of Aluminium Than Any Other Vaccine Which Will Load a Baby’s Brain
Hep. B vaccine is extremely dangerous. It’s given to newborns and loads their brain with aluminium, a very powerful neurotoxin causing all sorts of neurological disorders.
Think twice before giving your newborn the vitamin K injection
Vitamin K given at birth drastically increases the chances of childhood leukaemia.
The average physician would not be able to tell you why these dangerous vaccines are given to babies, they have not read the literature but just following what they’ve been told to be true. It’s like a rumour they blindly believe
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Florida Surgeon General Says NOBODY Should Take A Covid Shot; These are terrible products that absolutely shouldn’t be in human beings
Lapado advises against covid shots for ALL age groups.
“We don’t recommend it for people under 65 but we don’t encourage it for people over 65 either”
“It’s not a product,based on its safety, that ANYONE should take”
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‘Go to Hell’: MEP Christine Anderson Delivers Damning Message to the Global Tyrants
“If you do not unequivocally stand with the people ... you have no place in any parliament or in any government. You belong behind bars. You may even rot in hell for all I care at this point because that’s exactly what you deserve if you sell out the people.”
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In case you missed last week's webinar, host Betsy Ashton was joined by Dr. @ joevaron and Dr. Kat Lindley @ KLVeritas for a discussion on what the doctors are seeing in their practices today in terms of new COVID cases and vaccine injury. Watch webinar:
Politico: The Anti-Vaccine Movement Is on the Rise. The White House Is at a Loss over What to Do About It.
A Biden administration that vowed to restore Americans’ faith in public health has grown increasingly paralyzed over how to combat the resurgence in vaccine skepticism.
And internally, aides and advisers concede there is no comprehensive plan for countering a movement that’s steadily expanded its influence on the president’s watch.
The rising appeal of anti-vaccine activism has been underscored by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s insurgent presidential campaign and fueled by prominent factions of the GOP. The mainstreaming of a once-fringe movement has horrified federal health officials, who blame it for seeding dangerous conspiracy theories and bolstering a Covid-era backlash to the nation’s broader public health practices.
But as President Joe Biden ramps up a reelection campaign centered on his vision for a post-pandemic America, there’s little interest among his aides in courting a high-profile vaccine fight — and even less certainty of how to win.
“There’s a real challenge here,” said one senior official who’s worked on the Covid response and was granted anonymity to speak candidly. “But they keep just hoping it’ll go away.”
The White House’s reticence is compounded by legal and practical concerns that have cut off key avenues for repelling the anti-vaccine movement, according to interviews with eight current and former administration officials and others close to the process.
SOURCE: Politico
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Vaccine Injury Victims Resort To Using Code Language To Bypass Online Censorship, UK Inquiry Hears
An unsettling wave of censorship, imposing a wall of silence around the Covid vaccines’ sometimes adverse effects, has been revealed by the official UK Covid Inquiry. Those afflicted or bereaved by the vaccines are resorting to coded online communication to share their experiences due to censorship fears. Chairperson Baroness Hallett was informed during a recent hearing that even healthcare personnel are apprehensive about voicing vaccine-induced side effects, out of concern for repercussions.
Without a doubt, this represents an appalling curbing of free speech and free expression. This issue has come to light as campaign groups representing a multitude of individuals affected by vaccines in one way or another are now able to present their case to the public inquiry.
“Censorship is a very real issue for the vaccine injured and bereaved,” said Anne Morris KC, legal representative for UK CV Family, Vaccine Injured Bereaved UK (VIBUK) and the Scottish Vaccine Injury Group, in her address to the inquiry. In a notably Orwellian manner, these support groups face shutdowns enforced by digital media platforms, while mainstream media outlets often fail to report their accounts.
As reported by The Telegraph, lamentably, these victims must resort to coded language on the internet, apprehensive about losing their singular source of solace. “They face stigma and abuse for sharing their symptoms in the context of the Covid vaccine, even being branded as anti-vax for sharing very real and medically proven vaccine injuries,” Morris added.
A chilling reality was laid bare: Victims genuinely afflicted by vaccine-related harm, or who have lost cherished ones, are hamstrung in expressing their ordeal without it being misconstrued, distorted, or exploited to serve others’ agendas.
SOURCE: Reclaim The Net
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"This is an example of how legal wins can lead to legislative wins, and this is definitely a win when doctors can practice medicine freely.” — Mary Holland, CHD President
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Dr. Roger Hodkinson - How we can take back control of our own health
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Pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson reveals startling insights into the global birth decline
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Seven-year-old child has a cardiac arrest and dies a week after his first COVID vaccine, government fails to follow up.
If something bad happens after your shot, you are 100% on your own.
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"So this, to me, just makes the issue more important... to protect children around the world from something they don't need, for diseases that essentially no longer exist + could be treated otherwise." — Ryan Cole M.D.
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