Dr Roger Hodkinson is the CEO of Western Medical Assessments, and has been the Company’s Medical Director for over 20 years.
“A recent preprint from the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) showed that lipid nanoparticles, which transport COVID-19 mRNA in the vaccines, cause inflammation within cells. However, this inflammation can be reduced if the proper lipid nanoparticle is used.
The researchers tested several different lipid nanoparticle formulations in animals, including ALC-0315 and SM-102, used in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines, respectively.
They found that all the tested lipid nanoparticles cause inflammation by damaging cellular components called endosomes. However, the degree of inflammation varies depending on the degree of damage.
‘Our group and others have recently shown that LNPs can induce severe inflammation and worsen markers of pre-existing inflammation by up to>10-fold,’ the researchers wrote in the preprint.”
Full Story & Study Link: https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/lipid-nanoparticles-cause-inflammation-in-cells-but-damage-can-be-reduced-upenn-preprint-5643238
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.@ ChrisCuomo now that you have left CNN and started to provide a more balanced view on the COVID vaccines, including the serious harm they can cause, would you be willing to apologize for interviews like this one from 2021?
The mainstream media’s denial of natural immunity, claims that the vaccine would stop infection/transmission, and complete omission of potential risks caused great harm in our society. People lost careers, relationships, loved ones, and trust in our institutions due to this harmful propaganda.
Your apology would show a lot of courage that frankly, your peers have lacked.
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Chemotherapy is one of the biggest lies in medical history, along with vaccination
Majority of Oncologists Won’t Take Chemotherapy-
They know chemo. is carcinogenic & mammograms cause cancer.
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Astrazeneca U-turn on Admission of Covid Vax Side Effects?
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The Shocking Truth About Chronic Disease: What You’re Not Being Told
You’re being poisoned — and it’s not just through mRNA shots.
BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard are “making a killing on disease,” and the regulatory agencies are in on it.
Here’s what you need to know.
Ultra-processed foods are everywhere, and they come with some serious health risks, such as increased risks of all-cause mortality, heart disease, anxiety, and even most types of cancers. They’re literally making everyone sick.
But there’s a financial incentive...
Who owns portions of all major processed food companies that are causing the chronic disease epidemic? BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard.
And who owns portions of all major pharmaceutical companies that are creating “solutions” to the chronic disease epidemic? BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard.
So first, they hit you with harmful foods that cause chronic disease, then they hit you with pharmaceutical products that don’t cure the disease but require you to keep taking for life.
The pharmaceutical products create further problems, and you’ve become a human vending machine for the likes of BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard.
There’s so much money being made on sickness that the regulatory agencies are silent.
“Because they know that if they try to figure out what’s causing the obesity epidemic, they’re going to end up offending the high fructose corn syrup industry and other industries that are so entrenched in our political system and our economic system and our financial system that none of the regulatory agencies want to lift up that rock... They won’t look at it.”
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💉During his 40-year career as a pathologist, Dr. Arne Burkhardt had never observed this type of unusual blood clot until after the rollout of the C19 injections.
This type of clot was found in several living vaccinated patients, including a 40 year-old former marathon runner.
Soon after this vaccination, she could not walk anymore for some time and had very severe problems.
🚨 NOW - Rep. Brad Wenstrup Says Recently Released Emails Show Dr. Peter Daszak Still Has 15,000 Samples 'In Freezers in Wuhan'
""Yesterday Dr. Martens produced 30,000 pages of emails. Emails from his Gmail account which he said he had used to avoid FOIA. So this investigation does not end today. Dr. Daszak told Dr. Morens in these private communications that he still had 15,000 samples 'in freezers in Wuhan' and had not yet analyzed more than 700 coronaviruses he had identified in those samples."
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UN Official Condemns Health “Misinformation,” Advocates for Stricter Censorship
🇺🇳The United Nations continues with an attempt to advance the agenda to get what the organization calls its Code of Conduct for Information Integrity on Digital Platforms implemented.
This code is based on a previous policy brief that recommends censorship of whatever is deemed to be “disinformation, misinformation, hate” but that is only the big picture of the policy UN Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications Melissa Fleming is staunchly promoting.
In early April, Fleming gave a talk at Boston University, and here the focus was on AI, whose usefulness in various censorship ventures makes it seen as a tool that advances “resilience in global communication.”
A piece on the Boston University Center on Emerging Infectious Diseases site first asserts that AI had a “major role” in helping spread misinformation and conspiracy theories “in the post-pandemic era,” while the UN is described as one of the institutions that have been undermined by all this, while “working to dispel these narratives.”
(The article also – helpfully, in terms of understanding where its authors are coming from—cites the World Economic Forum (WEF) as the “authority” which has proclaimed that “the threat from misinformation and disinformation as the most severe short-term threat facing the world today”).
You will hardly hear Fleming disagreeing with any of this, but the UN’s approach is to “harness” that power to serve its own agendas. The UN official’s talk was about AI can be used to feed the public the desired narratives around issues like vaccines, climate change, and the “well-being” of women and girls.
Read the full story: 👇
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EXCESS DEATHS: "We need as
much sunlight on this data as possible" (Danny Kruger)
We need a proper independent investigation into excess deaths to find out what's really happening
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ALARMING: US Births Plummet to the Lowest Levels Since 1979
Elon Musk says, “Any nation with a birth rate below replacement will eventually cease to exist.”
This is true — and it's happening in America.
While the media urges you to stop having kids, a shocking report reveals that US birth rates have collapsed to 1.617, a staggering fall from 3.75 births per woman after World War II and far below the replacement rate of 2.1.
ZeroHedge writes:
“With the total birth rate well under the level of replacement since 2007, it should now make sense why the Biden administration has facilitated the greatest illegal alien invasion this nation has ever seen.”
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🚨 Australia’s Public Broadcaster Partners With Trusted News Initiative to ‘Protect Public’ From ‘Misinformation’
Critics say governments are being protected by journalists, instead of being held to account for their pandemic policies + they’re concerned the alliance has shaped public discourse by controlling people’s access to information + censoring content that diverges from the status quo.
Agree or disagree? ⬇️
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If they tell you that there is a new pandemic with H5N1 & they will use the PCR 'process' to diagnose, STOP right there, turn it all off, spit on whomever especially if its your doctor; its the same
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An NBC affiliate in Minnesota, KARE 11, recently interviewed people suffering from serious adverse events after their COVID-19 mRNA shots and were shaken by what they discovered. Their new report sheds light on the neurological symptoms that even impacted one of NBC’s own photojournalists.
See the comments on KARE 11's YouTube upload of this report and consider thanking these mainstream news reporters for airing some hard to hear truths. 🙏
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The Covid shots package inserts were intentionally left blank? Why after 3 years are they still blank?
Surely that’s enough to make people begin to question? These are NOT vaccines but toxic bioweapons. The ingredients, side effects and risks were hidden and never disclosed. There was never informed consent. This is battery and murder
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👀 Joe Rogan & Elon Musk on How the 'Cure Was Worse Than the Disease'
"I actually posted on Twitter at the time and said, 'Hey what I'm hearing from Wuhan is that they made a big mistake in putting people on intubated ventilators for an extended period and that this is actually what is damaging the lungs.' Not COVID, it's the treatment. The cure is worse than the disease. And people yelled at me and said I'm not a doctor...There was this very bizarre narrative that you had to believe everything that the government was telling you, you had to believe everything the CDC was telling you."
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🔥 Prof. Todd Zywicki Rips the Biden Regime for Censoring True Information Which Was Inconvenient for the COVID Narrative
"How many parents would have changed their mind about the wisdom of keeping their kids out of school for a year and a half if they had understood what The Great Barrington Declaration said?...If people had accurate information about the COVID vaccines, they might have changed their minds...What I heard today is silencing me was a triumph for these [Biden] guys not because I said anything wrong, but because all they cared about was vaccine hesitancy. We heard them say, 'We can suppress true information about side effects if that promotes vaccine hesitancy.'"
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“Thousands of Americans believe they suffered serious side effects following Covid vaccination. As of April, just over 13,000 vaccine-injury compensation claims have been filed with the federal government — but to little avail. Only 19 percent have been reviewed. Only 47 of those were deemed eligible for compensation, and only 12 have been paid out, at an average of about $3,600.
Some scientists fear that patients with real injuries are being denied help and believe that more needs to be done to clarify the possible risks.”
Full Story: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html
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Watch Rep. Morgan Griffith EXPLODE Over Peter Daszak’s BIG Lie About Natural Spillover Events
“You changed... the likelihood of bat coronavirus spillover into humans, from ‘very rare’ in early 2020... to possibly over a million spillovers annually... by late 2021.”
“You don't think this is a significant change?”
“Wow. You know what? I practiced in the criminal courts for many, many years. And I will just tell you - if you were my client, I would tell you that that dog won’t hunt, and the judge ain’t gonna believe that.”
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🚨 Is the Public Ready for the Truth About COVID Vaccines?
In a recent RealClear Health op-ed, Dr. Pierre Kory cited studies that show repeated vaccinations may “undermine mechanisms of immunity — disabling antibodies that fight cancer + even COVID — and perhaps facilitate cancer growth.”
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🚨BREAKING: Dr. Aseem Malhotra on Mainstream Indian TV; AstraZeneca causes blood clots and accelerates heart disease
In light of the recent court case against ASTRAZENECA,
Dr. Malhotra talks of the catastrophic harms caused by The ASTRAZENECA COVID INJECTIONS.
•Covid jabs should never have been rolled out given serious harms
•WHO cannot be trusted as long as they take money from Bill Gates
‘We are likely dealing with the greatest scandal in the history of medicine’
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Pfizer Knew The Shots Caused Myocarditis.
They Were Studying Heart Damage In Children a Month Before FDA Authorized COVID Shots for Kids Ages 5-11
The CDC promoted the COVID-19 vaccine as “safe + effective” for children while Pfizer studied how much heart damage it caused.
Why else would they add an anti heart attack drug (Tromethamine) to the child covid shots?
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AstraZeneca admits for first time in court documents its Covid vaccine can cause rare side effect
Pharmaceutical giant being sued in class action over claims its vaccine caused death and serious injury in dozens of cases
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Hospital Whistleblower: I Saw Patients Die “So Horrifically, So Quickly” After the COVID Shots
Zoe, a medical coder, recently presented a disturbing testimony.
Not only were patients having seizures like she’d never seen before, Zoe said, “I didn’t know it was possible for a human to die so horrifically, so quickly, before they rolled out the mRNA injections… It was insane, I’ve never seen anything like that.”
“[For] days, patients would be seizing, and no medications would stop it, and eventually they… kinda had to be put down. They called it encephalitis, or encephalopathy, and then later on, even the coding organization… [called it] COVID-19-associated encephalitis,” Zoe continued.
She says the doctors treating these patients “were baffled” and that “they weren’t connecting the dots.”
“Knowing what the potential symptoms of a vaccine injury could be, we 100% had all the things I just described,” the medical coder added.
However, “doctors would never tell [patients] that. They would just say, ‘It’s a stroke. It’s a heart attack. It’s a blood clot.’ And then they would never connect the two.”
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My friend Andrew in Australia is noticing weather modifications too.
Nice, France, has never been this wet, this cold and this cloudy so late in spring. People in the street are confused. Normies can’t bring themselves to believe that anything officially sanctioned is being done.
Once you’re done the rabbit hole about “vaccines”, “lockdowns” and PCR based “diagnostics”, it’s much easier to see that this isn’t natural.
The weather forecasters are complicit because they forecast the actual weather and not the seasonally expected weather. Worse, despite it being way colder than the last several springtimes, they claim “it’s significantly warmer than normal”.
I’ve never liked the term “chemtrails” as I don’t know what’s being sprayed.
Weather modification, sure it is. I’ve seen it happen several times. Nothing like this over the previous 60 years.
Best wishes
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🚩 New NIH-Funded Research Examines the Opportunity to Use Community Notes as a Vehicle to Educate the Public on COVID-19 Vaccines
“Notes from the first year of Community Notes (December 12, 2022, to December 12, 2023) were obtained from X’s public data page. We filtered for notes that were visible on X that mentioned ‘vaccin*’ and ‘covid*’ or ‘coronavirus.’
Of the 45,783 notes made visible on X, 657 mentioned COVID-19 vaccination. Monthly rates increased from 22 to 186 notes during the study.
The US Food and Drug Administration commissioner recently urged health professionals to redouble their vaccine education efforts. The small number of notes addressing posts with COVID-19 vaccine misinformation suggests opportunities for health professionals to contribute to this mission via participating in Community Notes.”
Source: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2818054
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The FDA detected a safety signal for seizures in young children following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, according to a study published Wednesday in JAMA Network Open.
Sadly, the CDC continues to recommend children ages 6+ months be vaccinated against COVID-19.
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CHD Asks Supreme Court to Hear Case Alleging FDA Misused Emergency Power to Authorize COVID Shots for Children
🇺🇸💉Children’s Health Defense (CHD) attorneys have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear CHD’s case against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for granting emergency use authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for children and babies.
CHD’s lawsuit, filed Jan. 24, 2022, alleges the FDA misused the emergency power to push dangerous biologics on minors.
Robert Barnes, CHD’s attorney of record in the case, filed the petition for a writ of certiorari asking the Supreme Court to review district and appeals courts’ decisions that have prevented the lawsuit from moving forward.
CHD CEO Mary Holland told The Defender:
“CHD’s petition to the U.S. Supreme Court raises a critical question: Who can sue the FDA for malfeasance? So far in this case, the district and appeals courts have said that parents of vulnerable children cannot sue the FDA for its patent misinformation.”
In other words, Barnes said, “When the FDA lies to kids, who can hold them accountable and stop the lies?”
In this situation, the FDA “stooped so low as to use Sesame Street and Elmo to lie to kids about the safety, efficacy and necessity of the COVID-19 vaccines,” Barnes told the Defender.
Someone — or some organization — must be able to hold the FDA accountable, Barnes said. “The FDA is not above the law. That is why CHD is asking the Supreme Court to answer the question.”
Read more:👇
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Watch Peter Hotez Squirm as He Takes Questions from Vaccine Skeptics
MOTHER: “We don’t have confidence in the vaccine program.”
HOTEZ: “And that’s because of this misinformation. You’re functioning as the useful idiots of the anti-vaccine lobby.”
OTHER WOMAN: “Is there a mandated vaccine reporting system?”
HOTEZ: “Read the book.”
MOTHER: “All I want you to do is find out what those issues are and bring us the science showing, ‘You don’t have to worry.’”
HOTEZ: “We did... Okay, I gotta go.”
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