1/ This group is only for Our Beloved Poco F1 2/ Communication languages English /Hindi 3/ No other rom mentioned here The Official Maintainer of RomKTpro Has Left the Project Permanently... So Update will not be regular.
Читать полностью…#romktpro-v12.6-21.8.27-a11
Читать полностью…😑 Stop asking for the best ROM (for battery, for performance or any other criteria), it doesn't exist. If there was one true best ROM, do you think there would be other ROMs?
😌 There is only subjectively best and that's different for everyone. Everyone has different usage patterns and preferences, so when asking for the best, you get the best for them, not the best for you. The only way you'll find the best one for you is by trying them yourself. They're all free, anyway.
😏 Also, keep in mind that the devs are not competing against each other and they're not trying to win you over or anything. They all have different design goals, they're not trying to be better than one another. They're just trying to be different. Asking for the best is quite disrespectful towards the devs.
Читать полностью…https://mega.nz/file/0ko2XYAD#DL2iAUOhblOqc9TLLLPd2ruao3GJ5nlbdUTnl9acKKQ
Читать полностью…Short this point insert usb cable ready for 9008 mode u can flash your divice and reset your divice
Читать полностью…Edl like test point 9008 mode
Читать полностью…List of notes in romKTpro pocophone f1 official group:
- amoled_zip
- best_rom
- chrome_not_installing
- cyberpunk-bootanimation
- deletableapps
- dfe
- dolbyatmos2x_a11
- dolbyatmos_oos_a10
- donation
- download
- dsb_ktpro_a11
- fix_12.5.18_bootloop_issue
- fkm
- flashing_instructions
- gcam8.2
- gcam8.3forandriod12
- gcam_for_a12
- gyro_calibration
- helptodeleteapps
- kernalsepolicy
- kernel
- kfmark
- languages_supported
- magisk+dfe
- majisk_24
- majisk_24_apk
- majisk_canary
- majisk_latest
- miui13_logo
- miuichinafont
- mix_explorer
- new_power_menu
- no_sim_cards_error
- orange_fox_recovery
- pbrp_recovery
- permanent_heat_fix
- poco_f1(12.0.3_v3)
- poco_f1_kernal(a11)
- poco_f1_stock-kernal
- recomended_twrp_3.6
- removing_gdrive_limit
- romkt_channel
- romktpro-forever-20-11-18
- romktpro-forever-pocof1-oos-10.3.11-10
- romktpro-pocof1-v12.5.5.0.rfkcnxm-v12.5-11
- romktpro-pocof1-v12.5.8.0.rkfmixm-enhanced-k40port-11
- rom_ktpro_skyx2_v12.5-10
- romktproskyxgamer
- romktpro_skyxgaming
- romktpro-v12.5-10
- romktpro-v12.6-21.8.27-a11
- root_detection_all
- rules
- shrp_v3
- stock_kernel
- stock_thermal
- stopthermalbykt
- twrp_nonsystem_ext
- walpaperstopping
You can retrieve these notes by using /get notename
, or #notename
And also thx for Ur recommendation, this rom is butter smooth
Читать полностью…https://drive.google.com/file/d/10oA5WNICdNseXQ-cws42SCgTCX1LkSzC/view?usp=sharing
Читать полностью…https://www.mediafire.com/file/hcev8y5qf542et6/romKTpro-Forever-POCOPHONE-F1-20.11.18-10.zip/file
Читать полностью…https://mega.nz/file/0ko2XYAD#DL2iAUOhblOqc9TLLLPd2ruao3GJ5nlbdUTnl9acKKQ
Читать полностью…https://www.mediafire.com/file/hcev8y5qf542et6/romKTpro-Forever-POCOPHONE-F1-20.11.18-10.zip/file
Читать полностью…Someone has another link? This link is unavailable
Читать полностью…For those who cannot download the ROM due to excessive downloads. Create a shortcut on your drive, make a copy of the file, send it to a folder on your drive and download the folder.
Читать полностью…Romktpro 21.2.3 miui 12.5 link ?
Читать полностью…https://www.mediafire.com/file/hcev8y5qf542et6/romKTpro-Forever-POCOPHONE-F1-20.11.18-10.zip/file
Читать полностью…#romktpro-v12.6-21.8.27-a11
Читать полностью…That service for totally hard brick
Читать полностью…New rom. 13.0.14 EU stable kìa bro
Читать полностью…any one want to do EDL for their device contact @kkashiyan u will need a laptop or pc with internet connection a good usb cable and your device frimware files in pc the charges for the service is 100 rupees only.
Читать полностью…Can anyone share d8g 2.8 apk
Читать полностью…New update kernel stock [ pef ] 60hz
Читать полностью…