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Читать полностью…How to calibrate your android battery
ℹ️ Info:
Battery problems are among the biggest concerns for smartphone users, if you notice that your battery performance and duration has decreased, it could be time to calibrate your battery.
📲 How to:
🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
1. Pake hapenya sampe batre sisa 1%.
2. Setelah itu cas dalam keadaan hidup sampe 100% + di overcharge (tetep di cas) sekitar 15 s/d 20 menitan.
3. Hapus file "battery stat" di: data/system/batterystats.bin atau klik icon tong sampah di menu batre (beberapa rom support fitur ini kaya aex, cardinal, dll).
4. Setelah itu restart hape dalam keadaan masih di cas.
5. Setelah masuk ke home screen baru dah di cabut casannya.
🇬🇧 English Language
1. Use your phone until 1% battery left.
2. Charge your phone until 100% and overcharge it around 15 to 20 minutes.
3. Delete "battery stat" file in: data/system/batterystats.bin or simply tap the trash icon in battery menu (some roms has it like aex, cardinal, etc).
4. Restart the device while still connected to charger.
5. Unplug the charger after you enter the home screen.
🗒 Notes:
• Lakukan minimal 1x sebulan setiap melakukan pergantian rom/kernel (do this at least once a month after you changing rom/kernel)
Redmi 5 (rosy - D1) Models:
MDG1: Redmi 5 Global
MDI1: Redmi 5 India
MDE1: Redmi 5 China
MDT1: Redmi 5 China Mobile
Sources: @XiaomiGeeksBot
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• WARP: Play Store
• Rethink: F-Droid | Play Store
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• InviZible Pro: GitHub | Play Store
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