Not Sebi Registered Not Investment advisor Views Shared based on candlesticks patterns which may or may not work.All for educationalpurposes NOT for trading tips.No claims on profit/loss, if you trade totally your responsibilityandwish
Disclaimer: We are not sebi registered. We are individuals sharing our views on any stock based on candlesticks chart patterns. It may or may not work. Its totally your choice whether you follow it or not. No claims in any losses/profits. Its your responsibility to safeguard your capital. Please consult your financial adviser before taking any security positions. This is not an advisory/tips service rather just an educational platform for sharing financial market informations.
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💚💚Good Morning members, have a nice day 💚💚
Adanient being consolidating from past 12 sessions
Either side break may give some move I think
Disclaimer: We are not sebi registered. We are individuals sharing our views on any stock based on candlesticks chart patterns. It may or may not work. Its totally your choice whether you follow it or not. No claims in any losses/profits. Its your responsibility to safeguard your capital. Please consult your financial adviser before taking any security positions. This is not an advisory/tips service rather just an educational platform for sharing financial market informations.
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💚💚Good Morning members, have a nice day 💚💚
Hal chart : Some correction possible as per my view
May go wrong also , Let’s see
Disclaimer: We are not sebi registered. We are individuals sharing our views on any stock based on candlesticks chart patterns. It may or may not work. Its totally your choice whether you follow it or not. No claims in any losses/profits. Its your responsibility to safeguard your capital. Please consult your financial adviser before taking any security positions. This is not an advisory/tips service rather just an educational platform for sharing financial market informations.
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💚💚Good Morning members, have a nice day 💚💚
Disclaimer: We are not sebi registered. We are individuals sharing our views on any stock based on candlesticks chart patterns. It may or may not work. Its totally your choice whether you follow it or not. No claims in any losses/profits. Its your responsibility to safeguard your capital. Please consult your financial adviser before taking any security positions. This is not an advisory/tips service rather just an educational platform for sharing financial market informations.
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💚💚Good Morning members, have a nice day 💚💚
Apollo hospital chart study
W pattern
Near resistance now
Prayers for Odisha train accident victims 🙏🏻🙏🏻
3 trains collided
Brutal accident.
Disclaimer: We are not sebi registered. We are individuals sharing our views on any stock based on candlesticks chart patterns. It may or may not work. Its totally your choice whether you follow it or not. No claims in any losses/profits. Its your responsibility to safeguard your capital. Please consult your financial adviser before taking any security positions. This is not an advisory/tips service rather just an educational platform for sharing financial market informations.
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💚💚Good Morning members, have a nice day 💚💚
Disclaimer: We are not sebi registered. We are individuals sharing our views on any stock based on candlesticks chart patterns. It may or may not work. Its totally your choice whether you follow it or not. No claims in any losses/profits. Its your responsibility to safeguard your capital. Please consult your financial adviser before taking any security positions. This is not an advisory/tips service rather just an educational platform for sharing financial market informations.
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💚💚Good Morning members, have a nice day 💚💚
What a finish of IPL 2023
2.4 crore people watching live at 1.30am , immense support for ipl.
I don’t think any other Indian event gets this much support.
CSK finished in their style 👍
Good contest seen 🤩🤩
Disclaimer: We are not sebi registered. We are individuals sharing our views on any stock based on candlesticks chart patterns. It may or may not work. Its totally your choice whether you follow it or not. No claims in any losses/profits. Its your responsibility to safeguard your capital. Please consult your financial adviser before taking any security positions. This is not an advisory/tips service rather just an educational platform for sharing financial market informations.
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💚💚Good Morning members, have a nice day 💚💚
Actual rally in index or fake buying to trap longs ???
Pumping ????
Deepaknitrite study chart
Cup handle structure being seen
May test trendline again then may give bo I think
Disclaimer: We are not sebi registered. We are individuals sharing our views on any stock based on candlesticks chart patterns. It may or may not work. Its totally your choice whether you follow it or not. No claims in any losses/profits. Its your responsibility to safeguard your capital. Please consult your financial adviser before taking any security positions. This is not an advisory/tips service rather just an educational platform for sharing financial market informations.
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💚💚Good Morning members, have a nice day 💚💚
Auto sector outperformed in last few weeks
Especially Bajaj auto
Tatamotors also made retail investors happy and it is one of the most trusted stock by retailers
Bank near all time high
Tomorrow rbi policy at 10am
Tomorrow interesting day for banknifty index
Index seems range bound
Consolidation ongoing …
Maruti chart as per 28th may study
Multiple W pattern
Techm consolidating from past 1 year in a small range of 950 to 1150
Small 200 pts range
Whatever side if give BO/BD atleast 200-400 pts move in small time frame
Techm chart looking good to watch
CMP 1130-1135
Support below 1110
Expecting 1150/1170+
Disclaimer: We are not sebi registered. We are individuals sharing our views on any stock based on candlesticks chart patterns. It may or may not work. Its totally your choice whether you follow it or not. No claims in any losses/profits. Its your responsibility to safeguard your capital. Please consult your financial adviser before taking any security positions. This is not an advisory/tips service rather just an educational platform for sharing financial market informations.
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💚💚Good Morning members, have a nice day 💚💚
Disclaimer: We are not sebi registered. We are individuals sharing our views on any stock based on candlesticks chart patterns. It may or may not work. Its totally your choice whether you follow it or not. No claims in any losses/profits. Its your responsibility to safeguard your capital. Please consult your financial adviser before taking any security positions. This is not an advisory/tips service rather just an educational platform for sharing financial market informations.
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💚💚Good Morning members, have a nice day 💚💚
After gap up
Whole day index stayed in range
Banknifty if sustains above 44050
I would say very strong in chart
Below 44050 sustain , weak