You are not arguing logically. It’s called cognitive dissonance. Reality does not match your beliefs, and since you are unwilling to give up those beliefs, you say things like this.
Tell me: are these clips fake? Did the Zionists make them up? What exactly makes them unreliable?
See all of the videos linked in this article—not from Zionists, from the Arabs themselves.
I don't think so it's a fact that our enemies are only the freaking zionist nazis nobody else!
Читать полностью…We have a right to revenge, and no we don’t. We let them govern themselves and they paid us back in blood
Читать полностью…U can badmputh me as much ad u want but pls stop spreading ur zionist lies here tnx
Читать полностью…אזעלכע מענטשן ווי אים איז נישט ווערט אויסצוטוישן א ווארט.
ער איז בכלל נישט אינטערסירט אין פאקטן און אין דעם אמת.
קענסט אים ווייזן ווידעאויס, בילדער, פאקטן, און ער וועט זיך האלטן ביי זיינס.
ער איז אין א קולט.
Please do not link here to lying zi9nist nazi p.r. propaganda from Kahana terrorists who endanger us all
Читать полностью…The simple fact is that hamas and its leadership have said, in public, many many times that they wish to eliminate Jews around the world. And even if it was just in eretz yisroel, they are still our enemies. You might bring up that they are our enemies because of the Zionists, but I really don’t think it matters at this point. A roitzeach is a roitzeach. The rebbe made a מחאה against all these neturei karta ppl marching with the Arabs, that they are marching with sonei yisroel. Every gadol byisroel agrees (yaakov Shapiro not included 😉).
Читать полностью…Even if u think so…don’t bother defending the Arabs. You think they’re your friends more than the freia and the Zionists? You’re kidding yourself.
Читать полностью…No according g to our holy Torah we are in Exile that means we have NO RIGHT TO REVENGE
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