This channel explains daily editorial covering indian express, Hindustan Times, Livemint and Hindu. You can reach to me for any query at @saurabhGSPaper2
Fintech Open Hackathon has been launched by:
a) Phone pay and Niti Aayog
b) Paytm and National skill development council.
c) Phone pay and Ministry of Communication
d) Paytm and Niti Aayog
Context: Case study on Gender equality
Bihar and Kerala has introduced Menstrual Pain leave
Sexual Harassment at Workplace:-
1. This Act aimed to provide every woman, irrespective of her age or employment status, a safe and secure working environment free from all forms of harassment.
2. This Act covered both the organized and unorganized sectors in India.
3. The Act provided for the establishment of an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) at each and every office or branches of the organization employing 10 or more employees.
4. It also provided for the establishment of a local complaints committee (LCC) at the district level by the Government where the ICC has not been constituted for the reason being, it having less than 10 employees.
▶️Lack of initiative on the part of government authorities to monitor the implementation and enforce the law.
▶️The government at the State level has not even bothered to appoint district officers or local committees under the 2013 Act.
▶️There are no appointments of nodal officers or internal complaints committees in certain offices.
▶️There has been no move to ensure the reporting and collection of annual compliance reports from workplaces.
▶️70% of the women do not report sexual harassment by superiors because of fear of repercussions.
▶️Cases that remain pending in court for a long time enhances the agony of victims.
▶️The act does not contain provisions for anonymous complaints.
Currently, different states have different rules; the Union government is considering changes to the rules so that there is a standard criterion followed in all states across the country.
1.The upper age limit has been removed as people are now living longer.
2. No Domicile Requirement: Domicile requirement to register as an organ recipient in a particular state has been removed under a ‘One Nation, One Policy’ move. Now a needy patient can register to receive an organ in any state of his or her choice and will also be able to get the surgery done there.
3. There will be no registration fee that states used to charge for this purpose.
Problem in India is Every year, an estimated 1.5-2 lakh people need a kidney transplant and Only around 10,000 got one in 2022.
Other challenges:
👉Lack of awareness: There is a lack of awareness among the general public about the importance of organ donation, the legal framework governing it, and the procedures involved. .
👉Cultural beliefs and superstitions: Some people believe that organ donation is against religious beliefs, or that it can impact the soul or afterlife.
👉👉Lack of infrastructure: India faces a shortage of hospitals and medical facilities that are equipped to handle organ transplantation. .
👉Regulatory bottlenecks: While the legal framework exists, there is a lack of implementation and enforcement of the law. This can lead to issues such as organ trafficking and black-market activities.
So what can be done:
1. Awareness Program like Punarjanam in Andhra Pradesh.
2. Zonation of a city like in US. Ex: Donor from Rohini need not to come top Safdargunj for donation.
3. Hassle free transportation of a donated organ.
What is this?
Answer:- When court ask the government officials to send report in sealed envelope that can be accessed by Judges only.
Instances of Sealed Cover Jurisprudence:-
1. NRC report asked by SC.
2. Rafale jet deal.
3. BCCI Reform case.
4. Bhima Koregaon case.
1. Against the principles of transparency and accountability of the Indian justice system.
2. Enlarge the scope for arbitrariness in court decisions.
3. Not providing access to such documents to the accused parties obstructs their passage to a fair trial and adjudication. This is contrary to what SC has said in P. Gopalakrishnan vs The State of Kerala:- That disclosure of documents to the accused is constitutionally mandated, even if the investigation is ongoing
BACKGROUND: MP from Lakshadweep has been disqualified after conviction by the session court in attempt to murder case/ As you all know section 8 of RPA Deals with disqualification which says: A person will disqualified if convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for two years or more, then person will be disqualified for the period of imprisonment and six years more after release.
But what you don't know is : The treatment is different in case of sitting MP AND A PERSON CONTESTING ELECTION BUT YET NOT THE MEMBER OF THE HOUSE.
What is the difference?
Ans: Sitting members have been provided with the benefit of three more months to appeal from the date of conviction against the conviction. You are thinking now that this is the violation of Article 14. But do'nt you think that there are other citizens also who has thought this, so one of the enlightened citizens went to the court against differential treatment of sitting MP and contesting election in the court in 2005 in K Prabhakaran vs P Jayaranjan : The court upheld this differential treatment on the basis that disqualification of sitting member disturbs the numerical strength of the house and could have adverse effect on the government and would also trigger bye election.
However in Lily Thomas case, this differential treatment has been discontinued (very important). So in this case, it was cleared that seat will be vacated immediately after disqualification but now in this case of Lakshadweep MP, Kerala HC put a stay on this disqualification until the appeal is decided. HC said suspension of his conviction until the disposal of appeal is very important as there is only 15 months left in the current Lok Sabha tenure and unnecessarily there will be bye election and burden on the nation.
Lets see what SC Says now
#Governance GS Paper 2
Context: Case study to tackle Child Marriage in Odisha by making behavioural changes
Every Girl is Unique, A platform linking all schemes targeting girls. Any village will be declared as child marriage free village and some monetary allowance will also be given by government.
The emphasis here is:
1. Tracking the absence of girls in schools and villages
2. Reporting to the district administration who then send representatives for counselling.
Custodial deaths are events of the demise of persons who are detained by police during pretrial or after conviction. Custodial deaths can be broadly classified into three types –
👉Death in police custody;
👉Death in judicial custody; and
👉Death in custody of army or paramilitary force.
Why there is rising custodial death?
Ans:- Every year 100 custodial death between 2010-2021 as per NCRB.
1. To extract a confession.
2. Burden on police of maintaining law and order and investigation both.
What are the guidelines in this regard?
1. To reduce the number of arrest:-
The SC in Arnesh kr vs state of Bihar held that , Arrest is not mandatory even if the offence is non bailable relating to the torture for dowry.
2. The SC in Special action forum vs UOI in 2018 said, police officer shall furnish to the magistrate the reasons and materials which necessitated the arrest for further detention of the accused.
3. Dk basu guidelines:- SC laid down guidelines that one can Inform to the friends , family about arrest and permit the accused to talk to the lawyer.
What is to be done?
1. Separate law and investigation as per directives in Prakash Singh case
2. Increase the number of civil force.
3. More CCTV camera to be installed to cover large area ( Paramvir Singh vs Baljit Singh case)
Conclusion:- Police modernization with necessary reforms is required, where state need to play an active role as law and order is state subject. The police officer must know that their mandate is to protect human rights and not violate them.
Which of the following violates Right to Freedom under Article 19:
1. Indian citizens need permission to enter in ILP area.
2 .No one is allowed to but property in Andaman.
3. Banning the book that can cause enmity amongst people.
#Governance GS Paper 2
Context: Use it as a case study to show why welfare schemes fails.
PVTG gets 35 kg of food grains under PDS, but when Aadhar based biometric authentication was mandatory it resulted into 12 % of households lost their access to PDS because of lack of digital infrastructure.
Jharkhand government Adim jan jati pension scheme has created a new hassle as new pension system is facing the problem of e-KYC and Aadhar.
#Governance GS Paper 2
Context: Anti Microbial resistance
read below
Context: ECI has forwarded a sealed envelope to Jharkhand governor to disqualify Mr Soren for violation of article 191 (1) which says:-
A person shall be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a member of the Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council of a State
(a) if he holds any office of profit under the Government of India or the Government of any State specified in the First Schedule, other than an office declared by the Legislature of the State by law not to disqualify its holder.
Answer of Q1: D
•FAO, UNEP, WHO and World Organization for Animal Health have together launched One Health joint plan of action to address health threats to humans, plants and the environment.
•One Health is an approach calling for “the collaborative efforts of multiple disciplines working locally, nationally, and globally, to attain optimal health for people, animals and our environment”, as defined by the One Health Initiative Task Force
Answer of question 2: D
•Under the Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation (SATAT), Government of India is promoting the production of Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) as an alternative green transport fuel wherein Oil and Gas Marketing Companies (OGMCs) are procuring the produced CBG.
•The scheme is administered under Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas.
Answer of question 3: C
•India is the third largest player globally in Pharmaceuticals in terms of volume and is the largest supplier of low-cost generics and vaccines to the world.
Answer of question 4: A
Answer of question 5: D
Juvenile Justice Board:
1. This is a judiciary body before which children detained or accused of a crime are brought.
2. This acts as a separate court for juveniles since they are not to be taken to a regular criminal court.
3. The Board comprises of a judicial magistrate of the first class and two social workers, one of whom at least should be a woman.
Child Welfare Committee:
1. The State Governments set up these committees in districts in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
2. The Committees have the power to dispose of cases for the care, protection, treatment, development and rehabilitation of the children in need of care and protection, as well as to provide for their basic needs and protection
The JJ Act in Section 40 provides
for the rehabilitation and social reintegration
of a child in need of care and protection by
means of i) adoption (ii) foster care (iii)
sponsorship (iv) sending the child to an
after-care organisation.
Consider the following statements with respect to Justice Juvenile act:
1. Child welfare committee is constituted in every district.
2. The Juvenile Justice Board consists of judicial magistrate of the first class and two social workers, at least one of whom should be a woman.
3. The act had introduced foster care in India.
Choose the correct answer using code below:
Consider the following statements:
1. India is second largest producer of Vaccines.
2. India is third largest producer of pharmaceuticals by volume.
3. India is largest producer of Generic drugs.
Choose the correct answer using code below:
Consider the following statements regarding National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation:
1. It is a special purpose vehicle under Ministry of Road, Transport and Highways.
2. It aims to develop new industrial cities as smart Cities and industrial corridors under PM Gati shakti.
Choose the correct answer using code below:
News on South China Sea has been discussed by me here on this channel
#Governance GS Paper 2
Context: Allegation of sexual harassment in wresting federation brought a analysis of Sexual harassment at workplace again:
#Governance GS Paper 2
Context: Organ transplantation Guidelines have been changed.
Organ Transplant:
The total number of organ transplants – with organs from both deceased and living donors – increased from 4,990 in 2013 to 15,561 in 2022.
#Polity GS Paper 2
Context: CJI is against the sealed cover report on the findings of the committee Hindenburg report.
(Rule 7 of SC Rules 2013 says CJI or the court can ask any document to be provided in sealed cover.)
We will see in details.
#Context: Disqualification of a candidate and aftermath (VERY IMPORTANT ARTICLE) You cant miss this.
Читать полностью…Regarding the office of the Lok Sabha speaker, consider the following statements:
1. He/She holds the office during the pleasure of the President.
2. He/She need not be a member of the House at the time of his/her election but has to become a member of the House within six months from the date of his/her election.
3. If he/she intends to resign, the letter of his/her resignation has to be addressed to the Deputy Speaker.
World Bank released a Report: Collapse and Recovery: How COVID-19 Eroded Human Capital and What to Do”
What is Human Capital?
Answer: Human capital consists of the knowledge, skills, and health that people invest in and accumulate throughout their lives, enabling them to realize their potential as productive members of society.
Finding of Report (Used in case study)
▶️The cognitive deficit in today’s toddlers could translate into a 25% decline in earnings at their prime working age.
▶️Today’s students in low- and middle-income countries could lose up to 10% of their future average annual earnings due to the COVID-related education shocks.
Consider the following statements with respect to the Article 13:
1. Delegated legislation comes under the meaning of Article 13
2. A constitutional amendment is not to be recognized as a law and thus can’t be challenged under article 13.
3. Custom having a force of law can be challenged under article 13
CM Soren Found violative of section 9(A) of RPA 1951. As he has awarded mining lease to himself which is a misuse of office and breach of people's trust.
What is this section:-
Disqualification for Government contracts, etc.—A person shall be disqualified if, and for so long as, there subsists a contract entered into by him in the course of his trade or business with the appropriate Government for the supply of goods to, or for the execution of any works undertaken by, that Government.
How this matter is related to Office of Profit?
Answer: Soren seek a mining lease from the department he was in charge, that's why disqualification sought under article 191 (1).
Context: The expunction of portions of the speeches made by some Opposition politicians in Parliament recently is an issue that has sparked off a debate on n action taken by the Speaker and the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.
Article 105 of the Constitution confers on members, freedom of speech in the House and immunity from interference by the court for anything said in the House. Thus, freedom of speech in the House is the important privilege of a MP which is subject to the other provisions of the Constitution relating to the running of the House and the House Rules. Rule 380 of the Rules of procedure of the LS and Rule 261 of the Rules of the RS give the power to the presiding officers of the Houses to expunge words used in the debate which are defamatory, unparliamentary, . Once expunged they do not remain on record and if anyone publishes them thereafter, they will be liable for breach of privilege of the House.
Answer of all these 5 question will be discussed in night
Читать полностью…Disinfection technology used in Railway coaches at the time of pandemic has been developed by:
a) Central Scientific Instruments Organization.
b) Science and Engineering Research Board.
c) Centre for health research and development.
d) National research and development corporation.
Consider the following statements with respect to Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation:
1. It is to promote the production of Compressed Natural Gas and Oil pipeline.
2. The scheme is administered by Niti Aayog.
Choose the correct answer using code below: