This channel explains daily editorial covering indian express, Hindustan Times, Livemint and Hindu. You can reach to me for any query at @saurabhGSPaper2
National Credit Framework:
UGC has announced the implementation of the National Credit Framework (NCrF) for all regulatory organisations and universities in India.
☑️This framework is designed to integrate the credits earned through school education, higher education, vocational, and skill education, and provide lifelong learning opportunities. The framework will offer students the flexibility to leave school and enroll in vocational learning.
☑️The total 'Notional Learning hours in a year' for assignment of Credits will be 1200 hours. A minimum of 40 credits may be earned for 1200 hours of learning every year with 20 credits per semester of six months.
☑️The National Credit Framework has divided education into eight levels from Class 5 to Ph.D. level and the credits will be assigned based on learning hours wherein School education comes under Levels 0 to 4, Higher education starts from levels 4.5 to 8 and vocational training also falls under levels 4.5 to 8.
☑️The total credits earned by a student during the entire schooling period will be 160 credits.
☑️By the end of a three-year bachelor's degree course, the student will have earned 120 credits.
☑️When a student completes a Ph.D., the earned credits would be 320.
☑️Students will also get credits for participating in Olympiads, science quizzes, internships, and taking up jobs while they are studying in college.
What happens in case candidate files false information while contesting election?
1. If details are omitted in the nomination papers, it is fit to be rejected.
2. If information is believed to be false, prosecution under Section 125A is possible, however the consequences upon conviction are unclear.
While the Bombay High Court in Arun Dattaray Sawant maintains that filing of false affidavit is a ground for setting aside the election, other High Courts have taken a contrary view. The filing of false affidavits can therefore at most lead to six months imprisonment and fine, without altering the election verdict or the candidate's ability to contest future elections.
Which one of the following statement is correct regarding UN Democracy Fund:
1. It was established in 2005 by UNSC.
2. The majority of the fund goes to Civil society organisation.
3. US is the highest donor and Germany is the loswest donor to this fund.
#Polity GS Paper 2
Context: This information is not that much significant for exam, better to read this👇👇
What is the present law and rule for regulation of Electronic media?
☑️☑️Section 69(1) of the Information Technology Act, 2000 allowed for intervention of information in the interest of the country’s sovereignty and integrity, security of the state, friendly relations with foreign states, or public order or for preventing incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence.
☑️☑️Section 79 of IT Act:- An intermediary shall not be liable for any third party information, data, or communication link made available or hosted by him.
‼️‼️Very Important
The Information Technology [Intermediaries Guidelines (Amendment) Rules] 2021:-
✍️Social media intermediaries should publish rules, privacy policy to stop users from engaging in online material which is paedophilic, pornographic, hateful, racially and ethnically objectionable, invasive of privacy, etc.
✍️The online intermediaries should provide information or assistance within 72 hours when asked by any government agency for reasons of State security, cyber security, investigation, detection, prosecution or prevention of offenses.
✍️The online intermediaries should appoint in India, a nodal person of contact for 24X7 coordination with law enforcement agencies and ensure compliance with their orders.
Online Intermediaries should remove or disable access to unlawful content,within 24 hours.
✍️The intermediary is also expected to preserve such information and associated records for at least 180 days for investigation purposes.
SC in 1996 ruled that Forest conservation act will be applicable on all land parcels taht were either recorded as Forset or resembled the dictionary meaning of forest. It means on Non forest land also FC act will be applicable.
Now the amendment bill seeks to limit the applicability of FC Act only to land recorded as Forest.
1. Less number of projects will be required to obtain forest clearance.
2. The bill will exempt all strategic linear projects of National Importance and concerning national security within 100 km of international borders.
3. As per the bill, security related infra ranging 10 hectares need not required to define the scope.
Context: The general rule for a Bail cant override the stringent provisions of the law like PMLA, UAPA and NDPS.
Section 436 A of Code of criminal procedure requires an accused to be granted bail if the trial is not conducted within specified periods.
Section 436 A also requires that no person shall be detained during the period of investigation, inquiry, trial for more than maximum period of imprisonment provided for an offence.
However section 37 of NDPS act says the court can grant bail only if there are reasonable grounds for believing that the accused is not guilty of such an offence and upon release is not likely to commit any offence.
Court ruled section 37 cannt override generak rule of CRPC in the matter of granting bail
#Polity GS Paper 2
Context: Case pending in Judiciary.
There is a backlog of more than 59 lakh cases in the country's 25 high courts. While most of the pending is in Allahab abd calcutta HC AND nearly 10 % in the HC of North eastern states.
The pendency is the problem of demand and supply problem.
The nuber of cases filed in the court is rising year by year and number of judges presiding over these cases are stagnant.
#Governance GS Paper 2
Context: World water conference was convened by the UN, and outcome of the conference is Water action agenda. However the action agenda is voluntary and legally non binding.
Water action agenda:
1. One of the most important objectives of the water action agenda is to ensure equitable access to safe and clean water for all people and to protect and restore water-related ecosystems, such as rivers, wetlands, and groundwater systems.
2. The water action agenda also emphasizes the necessity of cutting-edge and environmentally friendly water management techniques, such as desalination, water harvesting, and water-efficient agriculture, that can help address water scarcity and ensure water resources are used sustainably and effectively.
My telegram account has been hacked, so anyone receiving any messages,kindly ignore.
Читать полностью…#Polity GS Paper 2 (Defamation) you can watch this video
Читать полностью…▶️The Indian Telegraph Act of 1885 governs phone tapping in India.
▶️Phone tapping can be done by the Center or states "on the occurrence of any public emergency, or in the interest of public safety," according to Section 5(2).
▶️It can be done in the name of "public safety," "Indian sovereignty and integrity," "State security," "friendly relations with foreign states," "public order," or "preventing inducement to commit an offense."
Who can tap a phone?
1. The State Police , The Intelligence Bureau, CBI, Enforcement Directorate, Narcotics Control Bureau, Central Board of Direct Taxes, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, National Investigation Agency, R&AW, Directorate of Signal Intelligence, and the Delhi Police Commissioner are among the ten Central agencies with this authority.
2. Any other agency's tapping would be considered illegal.
Can these agencies tap a phone anytime as per their wish?
1. Phone tapping orders "must not be granted unless by an order made by the Secretary to the GoI in the Ministry of Home Affairs," according to Rule 419A of the Indian Telegraph (Amendment) Rules, 2007.
2. In the case of a State Government, it can be authorized by the Secretary to the State Government in charge of the Home Department.
4. In EMERGENCY situation, an order may be issued by an officer, not below the rank of a Joint Secretary of India, who has been authorized by the Union Home Secretary, or the State Home Secretary.
Safeguards to prevent Misuse?
The interception orders are in effect for a period of not more than 60 days.
They can be renewed up to a maximum of 180 days.
Any order issued by the competent authority must be accompanied by reasons, and a copy must be sent to a review committee within seven days.
The Cabinet Secretary chairs the committee, which also includes the Secretaries of Law and Telecom.
#Polity GS Paper 2
Context: Transparency in Collegium
As we all know that there are several allegations on collegium system, Former CJI U U Lalit, has started Grading of judgements delivered by the the judicial officers. The best of the judgment is given the grade of outstanding and their aithors are recommneded for judgeship in constitutional courts.
#Polity GS Paper 2
Context: Election commission using its power under The Election Symbols (Reservation And Allotment) Order, 1968 withdrew the National Party Status of Trinamool congress (TMC), Nationalist congress party (NCP) and Communist party of India (CPI) and granted the status of national party to the Aam Admi Party (APP).
At Present there are 6 National Parties:- BSP, BJP,CPI-M, INC, National People party and AAP.
Recognition for National Party:
1. Parties have secured not less than six percent of the total valid votes polled in each of those States at that general election; and, in addition, it has returned at least four members to the House of the People at the aforesaid last general election from any State or States.
2. The party has won at least two percent of the total number of seats in the House of the People, and the party’s candidates have been elected to that House from not less than three States.
3. The party is recognized as State party in at least four States.
Parliamentary Committee:- Drawing its authority from Article 105 and Article 118
Parliament scrutinizes legislative proposals (Bills) in two ways:-
1. The first way is by discussing it on the floor of the two Houses. This is a legislative
requirement; all Bills have to be taken up for debate.
2. The second way is by referring a Bill to a Parliamentary Committee.
Purpose of Parliamentary Committees:-
▶️Since Parliament meets only for 70 to 80 days in a year, there is not enough time to discuss every Bill in detail on the floor of the House. Plus debate in the house is mostly political and does not go into the technical details of a legislative proposal.
▶️Therefore, it takes care of the legislative infirmity of debate on the floor of the House. However, referring Bills to parliamentary committees is not mandatory.
✍️Acting as Mini Parliament:-
Instruments of Detailed scrutiny:- Ex:- Committee on Health and Family welfare studies surrogacy
Regulation Bill.
✍️Strengthening the Laws:- Consumer Protection act has been amended in 2019 after the Committee
signaled for change.
✍️Inter-Ministerial Coordination:- Closed door meeting where members are not bound by Populist Demands.
Members are not bound by whips.
1. Decline in matters referred to PSC:- According to data by PRS Legislative Research, while 60% of the Bills in the 14th Lok Sabha and 71% in the 15th Lok Sabha were referred to DRSCs concerned, this proportion came down to 27% in the 16th Lok Sabha.
2. Neglected in some important matters like Farm Bill, Article 370 revocation, Labour laws.
1. NCRWC:- Replace the committee that has outlived its utility and new committee on economy, employment should come now.
2. Amend the Rule of Business so that all major bills must be referred to the Departmentally Related
Thus we can say, the Parliamentary Committee supports the three pillars of Democracy:- Representativeness, Accountability and Responsiveness.
#Polity GS Paper 2
Context: India can emerge as International arbitration hub if focuses on online dispute resolution .
Already India has made a key amendment in Arbitration and conciliation act in 2015 and 2019 and sets a right path, but now need is to focus on Online dispute resolution.
ODR is the process of resolution of disputes, particularly small- and medium-value cases, using digital technology and techniques of ADR, such as arbitration, conciliation, and mediation.
Benefits of ODR:
Challenges in adoption of ODR:
1. Structural challenges:
a. Digital Infra
b.Digital Literacy
2. Behavioural challenges:
a. Lack of awareness
b. Lack of Trust
c. Legal culture
3. Operational challenges
a. Privacy
b. Archaic legal process
#Polity GS Paper 2
Context: Socila media intermediaries must take down the news which are flagged as Fake news by PIB. These intermediaries cannt ask for immunity under section 79 of IT Act.
Understand these sections
#Governance GS Paper 2
Context: Forest conservation act is in the process of amendemnt as bill for amendment is tabled in Parliament. The govt brought the bill for two purposes:
1. To build forest carbon stock by raising plantations.
2. To make available land for developers to meet theri legal obligation towards compensatory afforestation.
These both objectives will be achieved by frreing the land that is currently locked as unrecorded forest.
Now understand the technicalities:
1. There is a vacancy of minimum 16% in jharkhand to a maximum of 48% in Rajasthan. The Judges to Population Ratio in India is 20 Judges per million Population. Earlier, Law Commission had recommended 50 Judges per million.
2. Frequent Adjournments:- The laid down procedure of allowing a maximum of three adjournments per case is not followed in over 50 per cent of the matters being heard by courts. Rule 1 of Order 17 of the Civil Procedure Code (CPC) talks about an adjournment, it clearly says that, if sufficient cause is shown, at ant stage of the suit grant time to the parties or any of them, and may from time to time adjourn the hearing of the suit.
3. Early retirement age of Judges - In comparison to other countries, India's retirement age of Judges is the lowest. Now here comes the reason that why early retirement age is a contributing factor in the pendency of cases. Many times it has happened that when the judges are appointed they have only a few years of work left for them, even there have been cases where judges retired after a few months of the appointment because of that judges are not able to properly settle in the court and before they can understand the working of the court they retire.
4. Lower working days in a year - Supreme Court's works on an average of 188 days a year, while apex court rules specify a minimum of 225 days of work but due to frequent strikes done by Bar Association, the working of court gets affected.
Possible Solutions:
1. The Hyderabad police model, wherein the police go beyond routine policing, should be adopted all over. Cops should take down citizens’ complaints pertaining to civil, civic, electrical issues or otherwise and refer them to the departments concerned,
2. Focus on Alternate Dispute Redressal Forum inside the court.
3. We may consider having a Supreme Court in every state while the Federal Supreme Court deals with Constitutional cases and matters of higher importance referred to by the President.
4. There should be a specification regarding the time consumption with regards to an offence and the trial proceedings.
5. There should be an annual target and action plan for subordinate Judiciary and high courts for the disposal of cases every year which can make the pace of a case go a little faster, thus, coping up to the pendency.
6. AIJS (All India Judicial Services) would benefit the Lower subordinate courts by increasing the quality of judges which will result in a reduction in the problem of pendency.
1. According to World resource institute, state lacks proper finance and there is also a lack of quanifiable targets.
2. Maintenance for basic water and sanitation cost will rise to $30 billion per year by 2030.
3. Lack of knowledge about volume, flux and quality of water in lakes, rivers and aquifers.
4. Need to focus on water maintenance services.
India has committed to invest $ 240 BILLION in water sector and efforts to restore grounwater extraction. However the 2021 CAG report says groundwater extraction in India increased from 58 to 63% between 2014-2017.
Secondly the state water boards are understaffed and lacks expertise.
#Polity GS Paper 2
Context: Freedom of press and ban on television means silencing of media by branding them as. anti establishment.
Court's understanding:
1. An independent press is vital for the robust functioning of a democratic republic.
2. Its role in the democratic society is crucial, for it shines a light on the functioning of the state.
3. The press has a duty to speak truth and present citizens with hard facts, enabling them to make choices that prepare democracy in the right direction.
4. Laws such as the UAPA, NRC or CAA, or institutions such as the judiciary and executive, cannot be proof of terrorist links.
"The mere involvement of issues concerning national security would not preclude the state's duty to act fairly. If the state discards its duty to act fairly, then it must be justified before the court and state must satisfy the court that national security concerns are involved.
One can read this link also if they want
#Polity GS Paper 2 (Phone tapping)
It is a practice in which software is used to follow a user's phone calls and other actions.
Law for Phone tapping: