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Consider the following statements regarding City Data for India Initiative:
1. It is a major program of Tata Trusts in partnership with UN Habitat.
2. It aims to help the participating cities to achieve World council on city data certification.
3. Jamshedpur, and Pune is the first cities to achieve World council on city data certification.
Choose the correct answer using code below:
Consider the following statements with respect to “Overseas citizen of India”:
1. Any person who is a citizen of another country but eligible to become citizen of India at the time of commencement of the constitution.
2. Any person who is a citizen of any country but belonged to the territory that became part of India after 15th August 1947.
3. He is not eligible to enjoy equality in the matter of public employment.
Choose the Correct Code:
1. Consider the following statements with respect to Indian council Act 1909:
1. The members for the first time got an opportunity to oppose the executives.
2. The bulk of provincial council members were official.
3. Foreign policy or relations with princely states could be discussed.
4. The non-official majority was invalidated by the election of nominated members.
Choose the correct code:
Very sorry guys,my telegram was hacked few days back, just it recovered 10 minutes back, i will start updating important news from tomorrow
Читать полностью…#Polity GS Paper 2
Context: Interfaith couple Protection
Interfaith couples in India can get married under the Special Marriage Act 1954.
In March 1947, the Constituent Assembly’s Sub-Committee on Fundamental Rights in a vote of 5-4 rejected Minoo Masani’s proposal to add the clause, ‘No impediments to marriages between citizens shall be based merely upon difference of religion” as a fundamental right to the Constitution.
Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, Hansa Mehta and B.R. Ambedkar supported Masani’s amendment
Court Intervention:👇👇
#Polity GS Ppaer 2
Context: This news is about Custodial Torture.
#Polity GS Paper 2
We need to understand two thing here:
1. Undertrial
2. Remission
1. Intermediaries will losse the safe harbour protection under section 79 .
[Under Section 79 of the IT Act, ISPs and other intermediaries are not held responsible for any third-party content that they host or transmit on behalf of others, as long as they comply with certain conditions. These conditions include:
1. They must not initiate the transmission of the content
2. They must not select or modify the content
3. They must observe due diligence in the operation of their services
4. They must remove or disable access to the content upon receiving actual knowledge or notification of the content’s illegality]
2. SC in Shreya singhal case has struck doen section 66 of IT act and held taht any law that limits the speech can neither be vague nor overbroad. These IT Guidelines defy both.
a. Guidleines notification fails to define fake news.
b. The use of word "Any Business" in guidelines is overbroad.
3. Under article 19 (2), there is no any restriction on the speech on the basis of fake news and misinformation.
Consider the following statements about Chairperson in local bodies:
1. Chairperson at intermediate and district level need not necessarily be amongst from the members of local bodies.
2. The Samiti is elected for five years and is led by a chairman and deputy chairman who are elected by the Panchayat Samiti members.
Choose the correct answer using code below:
The Central Sector scheme “SMILE: Support for Marginalised Individuals for Livelihood and Enterprise” is related to:
a) Transgender
b) Manual scavenger
c) Street vendor
d) Migrant Labor
Which one among the following statement(s) is not correct? The word ‘socialist’ in the Preamble of the Constitution of India read with:
a) Article 39 (d) would enable the court to uphold the constitutionality of nationalization laws.
b) Article 14 would enable the court to strike down a-statute which failed to fully achieve the socialist goal.
c) Article 25 would enable the court to ensure freedom guaranteed under that Article.
d) Article 23 would enable the court to reduce inequality of income and status.
#Governance GS Paper 2
Context: Brij Bhushan singh accused of sexual harrasment cannt contest election now in any sports federation.
National Sports Code
The sole aim of the National Sports Code is to develop a culture of transparency and accountability in the functioning of national sports federations. Delhi HC has said: Any governing body that does not fall in line with the rules outlined in the code shall not receive any government grants.
Consider the following statements:
1. Rastriya Mahila kosh provides loans to NGO-MFIs termed as Intermediary Organizations (IMO) which on-lend to Self Help Groups (SHGs) of women.
2. Mission shakti deals with gender sensitization.
3. Mission Vatsalya deals with elderly welfare services.
Choose the correct answer using code below:
If a person's Right to Vote is infringed, what remedy does she/he have:
a) Move the Supreme Court citing violation of Fundamental Rights
b) File a non-judicial petition with the Election Commission of India
c) File a case against the Chief Electoral Officer of the state.
d) Move the High Court for infringement of a Constitutional Right.
Consider the following statements regarding “Judiciary”:
1. Parliament decides the salaries of both SC and HC Judges.
2. The salary of CJI and Judges of SC is different.
3. Pension of the HC Judges is charged on Consolidated Fund of India.
4. Salaries of HC Judges are charged on the Consolidated Fund of State.
Choose the Correct Code:
Which of the following related to Magna Carta is correct:
1. It laid the principle of Balance of Power between Governed and Government.
2. For the first time, it laid the steps towards Parliamentary system of Government.
Choose the correct one:
1. Consider the following Statement with respect to “Public Services”. Which one of the following is Correct:
1. Rules and regulations regarding Service Conditions of Public Servants can be notified by the President and Governor.
2. “Reasonable opportunity” of being heard is not available to Public Servants in case of criminal charges.
Choose the Correct Code:
Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Shafin Jahan vs. Asokan K.M. (2018), wherein it had declared an adult’s right to marry a person of choice as an indispensable part of personal liberty and privacy.
Allahabad High Court had declared that Section 5 of Special Marriage Act, which requires parties to give a 30-day public notice of their intention to marry, as not mandatory, in order to protect their fundamental rights of liberty and privacy. The High Court found that the couple in this case had taken the route of religious conversion, in order to avoid the 30-day waiting period under the SMA, and the risk to their privacy and dignity.
Custodial deaths are events of the demise of persons who are detained by police during pretrial or after conviction. Custodial deaths can be broadly classified into three types –
👉Death in police custody;
👉Death in judicial custody; and
👉Death in custody of army or paramilitary force.
Why there is rising custodial death?
Ans:- Every year 100 custodial death between 2010-2021 as per NCRB.
1. To extract a confession.
2. Burden on police of maintaining law and order and investigation both.
What are the guidelines in this regard?
1. To reduce the number of arrest:-
The SC in Arnesh kr vs state of Bihar held that , Arrest is not mandatory even if the offence is non bailable relating to the torture for dowry.
2. The SC in Special action forum vs UOI in 2018 said, police officer shall furnish to the magistrate the reasons and materials which necessitated the arrest for further detention of the accused.
3. Dk basu guidelines:- SC laid down guidelines that one can Inform to the friends , family about arrest and permit the accused to talk to the lawyer.
What is to be done?
1. Separate law and investigation as per directives in Prakash Singh case
2. Increase the number of civil force.
3. More CCTV camera to be installed to cover large area ( Paramvir Singh vs Baljit Singh case)
Conclusion:- Police modernization with necessary reforms is required, where state need to play an active role as law and order is state subject. The police officer must know that their mandate is to protect human rights and not violate them.
Undertrial: An undertrial is a person who is currently on trial or who is imprisoned on remand whilst awaiting trial or a person who is on a trial in a court of law.
According to National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB), 77% were undertrials in 2021.
Section 436A states that when an person has (during investigation/trial under the CrPC for an offence other than for which punishment of death has been specified) undergone detention for a period extending up to one-half of the maximum period of imprisonment specified for that offence, the person shall be released by the Court on a personal bond.
Section 167 states that undertrial prisoners have the indefeasible right to be released on default bail (even for non-bailable offences), when their judicial custody exceeds 90/60 days, but no charge sheet has been filed by the police.
But it is not being followed.
2. Remission
In remission, the nature of the sentence remains untouched, while the duration is reduced i.e., the rest of the sentence need not be undergone.
The effect of the remission is that the prisoner is given a certain date on which he shall be released and in the eyes of the law he would be a free man.
However Remission is granted to convict only but now Undertrials will also get remission, in Delhi
#Polity GS Paper 2
The Tamil Nadu Assembly adopted a resolution, urging the Centre to amend the Constitution to extend statutory protection, rights, and concessions, including reservation, to Scheduled Caste members who have converted to Christianity.
CM Stalin said: “While humans have the right to follow the religion of their choice, they cannot do it in the case of caste. Caste is not just about the identity of two different persons. On the other hand, it treats one as higher and the other as lower. It is not horizontal, but vertical. The philosophy of social justice is to use the same casteism, a tool of oppression, to provide reservation and uplift the victims of oppression. It is the objective of the ‘Dravidian Model Government’ to follow in all aspects.
According to the Constitution, those who have converted to any religion, other than Sikhism and Buddhism, cannot claim the Scheduled Caste status. When they remain as the Scheduled Castes historically, it is but fair to extend them the benefits.
2007 Rangnath Misra committee suggested that reservations benefits be extended to Dalits who accepted Christianity and Islam.
This Government has constituted Justice K G Balakrishnan Commission to look into the plea of Dalits christians and Muslim to be included in reservation quotas.
#Polity GS Paper 2
Context: The government has introduced a new guidelines in IT Rules which says:
1. Meity will create Fact check unit which will indentify false or misleading online content relating to the "any business" of central government.
Consider the following statements:
1. Atal Space Challenges was conducted by Niti Aayog in collaboration with ISRO and Ministry of Earth science.
2. World Space Week is coordinated by the United Nations with the support of the World Space Week Association.
Choose the correct answer using code below:
Unified District Information System for Education Plus has released the report on school education, in this context, which of the following is correct:
1. It was developed by Department of School Education & Literacy in the year 2018-19.
2. Total students enrolled in school has decreased marginally in 2021 compared to 2019.
3. The Pupil Teacher Ratio has improved in 2021 compared to 2019.
Choose the correct answer using code below
1. Restoring limits on tenures of office bearers: As per rule, no office bearer can stay in a position for over 12 years.
2. Annual Recognition of National Sports Federations: The organisations that follow the National Sports Code and whose Constitutions abide by the guidelines enjoy various facilities/ concessions provided by the Government of India. Failure to do so leads to losing the right to select national teams and represent India in any international event.
3. Setting roles and responsibilities for agencies: The National Sport Federations are fully responsible and accountable for the overall management, direction, control, regulation, promotion, development and sponsorship of the discipline for which they are recognized by the concerned International Federation. Lastly, Sports Authority of India provides the necessary support to NSFs for the identification, training and coaching of sportspersons, including the provision of infrastructure and more.
4. Long Term Development Plans (LTDP): Sports Code clarifies that in order to receive assistance from the government, NSFs must submit LTDPs.
Читать полностью…Consider the following statements with respect to India Urban Data Exchange:
1. It is a transformative initiative of the Ministry of Electronics and Communication, Government of India to provide a data exchange platform to Indian cities.
2. Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban affairs is the head of India Urban Data Exchange.
Choose the correct code:
Consider the following statements with respect to Deendayal Antodaya Yojana National Urban Livelihood Mission:
1. Its beneficiaries are Street vendors, unemployed and differently abled in urban areas.
2. It provides subsidy to urban poor for setting up individual microenterprises.
3. It has been conferred award for its Portal for affordable credit and interest subvention access in 2021.
Choose the correct answer using code below:
Consider the following statements with respect to Representative of People act 1951:
1. The Court can give Punishment or impose fine in case of violation of the act.
2. A person convicted of adulteration of food or drugs adulteration shall be disqualified from the date of such conviction and shall continue to be disqualified for a further period of six years since his release.
Choose the correct code: