π§ββ Φ΄ΦΆΦΈ welcome to @sayaokayyy π ββββββββββββββ βΏ β° our cuties bot ; @sayaokayyy_bot βΏ β° born on ; 05.11.2020 π βΏ β° owner kitties ; @softieleya βΏ β° thanks for join β‘ ! ββββββββββββββ
Hai & assalamualaikum semua creator yang join ( @HeartRings_Bot ) , kakbell nk gtau korang bole DELETE bot ya sbb kakbell tak ada masa untuk jalankan bot lagi dah sebab busy dengan kerja .
Terima kasih pada yang sudi join , bole DELETE terus bot ya
β₯ seseorang berubah kebanyakkan hanya sebab 'dikhianati' , simple words tapi sakit dia hanya allah je yang tau .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ sometimes you need bad things to happen to inspire you to change and grow .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ swear nobody goes through more shit in life than a person with a good heart.
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ its amazing how fast someone can become a stranger .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ friendship is delicate as a glass , once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ when you love someone , please don't forget to love yourself too .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ you can love someone , but you can't love her/him more then love yourself because it will hurt you .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
πΌππ π½π @heartsaids ΰΏΛ
ββ’ββ do join these channel βββ’β
π§Ί @bisikannsenja
β’ bisikan senja yang menyedarkanku β’
π§Ί @quotesbatch06
β’ quotes origil from batch 06 β’
π§Ί @dreamyberries
β’ a garden with lovely eunoia β’
π§Ί @cheeseboom
β’ wallpaper for your β’
π§Ί @sayamanetau
β’ Mencari Keredhaan Ilahi β’
π§Ί @dailyaestheticquotes
β’ don't make a joke with others insecurities β’
π§Ί @MiCitaDelDiario
β’ I write all from my heart β’
π§Ί @NasihatHenshin
β’ Nasihat Dari Hati β’
π§Ί @novelmrspanda
β’ hey novel online here β’
π§Ί @feelblessing
β’ learn to feel blessed with everything β’
π§Ί @hyequotes
β’ heyyo my story feeling β’
π§Ί @GachaRyanEnsem
β’ Aesthetic,gacha and others.Official Ryan ensem β’
π§Ί @sayaokayyy
β’ takpa , aku okey β’
[1 SEAT LEFT (200-900)]
*β§ β β ββββββββββββββββ β β β§*
β α΄
α΄Κα΄α΄α΄ ΚΙͺsα΄ sα΄Κα΄α΄α΄s 5 α΄α΄α΄ β
π more information : @aspbyheartsaids
π join asp : @aspbyheartsaids_bot
π paid review : @paidreviewbyheartsaidsbot
π group promote : @heartsaidspromote
β₯ remove yourself from those one sided friendship where you are the only one putting in the effort .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ don't cry when the sun is gone , because the tears won't let you see the stars .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ bila jadi diri sendiri , ada je yang tak suka , bila aku berubah , dah tak bercampur dengan orang lagi , kau kata aku sombong . haih .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ siapa sangka , siang hari mungkin aku kelihatan biasa , tapi bila malam , aku sebaliknya :)
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ sometimes you will never know the value of something , until it becomes a memory
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
Hai / assalamualaikum creator yang join asp kakbell
Tolong alert ya ,
Untuk senarai list : @chickyasp
Untuk info : @chickyaspII
Wajib join dua2 channel ni , kerjasama semua creator amat dihargai , boleh delete post setelah join
β₯ semua berubah , manusia pun berubah , ingat tu .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ people will never truly understand something until it happens to them .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ never let your feelings get too deep , people can change anytime .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ a friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ just because i don't address the shit , doens't mean i don't know about it . some shit just isn't worth the energy .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ we're not friends , we're not enemies , we're stranger with some memories .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ when you said she/he is your family but she/he said you is her/him enemy....its hurt so much .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
πΌππ π½π @heartsaids ΰΏΛ
ββ’ββ do join these channel βββ’β
π§Ί @bisikannsenja
β’ bisikan senja yang menyedarkanku β’
π§Ί @quotesbatch06
β’ quotes origil from batch 06 β’
π§Ί @dreamyberries
β’ a garden with lovely eunoia β’
π§Ί @cheeseboom
β’ wallpaper for your β’
π§Ί @sayamanetau
β’ Mencari Keredhaan Ilahi β’
π§Ί @dailyaestheticquotes
β’ don't make a joke with others insecurities β’
π§Ί @MiCitaDelDiario
β’ I write all from my heart β’
π§Ί @NasihatHenshin
β’ Nasihat Dari Hati β’
π§Ί @novelmrspanda
β’ hey novel online here β’
π§Ί @feelblessing
β’ learn to feel blessed with everything β’
π§Ί @hyequotes
β’ heyyo my story feeling β’
π§Ί @GachaRyanEnsem
β’ Aesthetic,gacha and others.Official Ryan ensem β’
π§Ί @sayaokayyy
β’ takpa , aku okey β’
[1 SEAT LEFT (200-900)]
*β§ β β ββββββββββββββββ β β β§*
β α΄
α΄Κα΄α΄α΄ ΚΙͺsα΄ sα΄Κα΄α΄α΄s 5 α΄α΄α΄ β
π more information : @aspbyheartsaids
π join asp : @aspbyheartsaids_bot
π paid review : @paidreviewbyheartsaidsbot
π group promote : @heartsaidspromote
β₯ tears are words the heart can't say .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ if you lose a friend because you're honest , it wasn't a good friend.
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ as for lovers , well they'll come and go too...
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ kadang kadang , aku menangis bukan sebab 'cinta' , tapi banyak perkara yang tak pernah orang tau disebalik diri aku .
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ everybody wants happiness , nobody wants pain , but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§
β₯ behind every beautiful thing , there is some kind of pain
ΰΏ @sayaokayyy π₯ ΰ§