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Schizophrenics Online

- سألتني من أنت، لا أريد اسماً أريد إجابة غير ذلك؟!
- أنا شخصٌ وحيد و كئيب، هجرني الفرح ولازمني الترح، جنبات ضلوعي مكسورة وجدران قلبي مشقوقة، انزعج من ربطة عنقي، وأعشق الثياب السوداء خاصة القمصان السوداء الملطخة بوهن العمر، ضرس العقل يؤلمني كأنه يقول لي نَمُت للشخص الغير عاقل، عيوني تشبه عيون السكارى من مكاييل الليل الحالكة، حتى بدأ اخضرارها يذبل، حديثي ممل ومزعج يسبب الإزعاج للأميرة النائمة في قصرها، كلماتي ساخرة تشبه طفل أراد أن يذهب لرحلة للأيتام قال لأبيه مُت هذه الليلة وعد بعد غدٍ، ضحكتي تشبه إمراة حامل جاءها المخاض بعد سماعها خبر موت أخيها، في كل ليلة أتمنى أن أفجر شتاتي بحزام ناسف أو أن أبيع ما تبقى من جسدي لحَطاب، لكن أخشى أن أعود بعد حين متلصصاً، لأجمع قطعي لأعيد ترميمها.🥀

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Schizophrenics Online

Looking for French people to learn French with

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Schizophrenics Online

A topic for most everyone

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Schizophrenics Online

Post cats. Bob is dead

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Schizophrenics Online

We sneed 140 more people so we can enable topics: /channel/sneedcultgc

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Schizophrenics Online

Post cute kittens and cats NOW!!!

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Schizophrenics Online

Putting on slow-mode so I can do some work

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Schizophrenics Online

I know but I’m just asking if he intentionally wrote sweaty instead of sweetie.

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Schizophrenics Online

/channel/sneedcultgc behave yourselves

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Schizophrenics Online

Share if you love Bob!

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Schizophrenics Online


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Schizophrenics Online

Politics is downstream from content.

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Schizophrenics Online

One year since Bob's death

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Schizophrenics Online

Hearing reports Patrick is naming his son Bob Al-Zoubi Casey

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Schizophrenics Online

Britain 🤝 Bob's Corner
Being run by non-white immigrants

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Schizophrenics Online

To: Patrick Casey

If you remove the smooch emoji from your Telegram channel, your followers may think you no longer care about them and could stop following you.

Additionally: I would not rest until that emoji was put back, and I would take any and all necessary actions to make that happen.

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Schizophrenics Online

I uses to be in love with a girl named Sam and I just found out she is in prison til 2028

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Schizophrenics Online

He reads every singe one

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Schizophrenics Online

I killed bob in Tajikistan in ‘05

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Schizophrenics Online

New reactions just dropped

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Schizophrenics Online

Looks like Мех left the gc so we need a new owner

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Schizophrenics Online

It is ancient Kaspa lore

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Schizophrenics Online

Yes, this chat is run by an autistic Russian woman. Problem, sweaty? 💅

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Schizophrenics Online

Ignore and certainly do not participate in the smooching taking place on my posts—there's a concerted deep state effort to embarrass me on here. Don't join in!

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Schizophrenics Online

Who's the CEO of schizophrenia

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Schizophrenics Online

Patrick and Schizo Oldhead stream where we play the word game, when?

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Schizophrenics Online

Should we start a cult now or later

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Schizophrenics Online

Hearing reports that Bob from Bob's Corner passed away this morning after sustaining multiple gunshot wounds during a gang-related shooting in Birmingham. His final wish was that his death not be counted as a covid fatality because it would discredit the effectiveness of the vaccine (he had just received his second booster). His wife and her son request privacy during this difficult time.

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Schizophrenics Online

Congratulations Mr. Casey!

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Schizophrenics Online

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