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SebaUbuntu's Blog

#lmi #lineageos #r
LineageOS 18.1 Unofficial for POCO F2 Pro/Redmi K30 Pro (lmi/lmipro)

⚡️Build date: 2021/02/15
⚡️XDA thread: Here
⚡️Download: ROM | Recovery

Note: Due to OSS vendor, clean flash is recommended

- February 2021 security patches
- Latest changes from LineageOS
- OSS vendor and odm are now included
- Notification LED is now fixed
- Minumum brightness too high has been fixed
- Status bar padding has been improved
- Fixed deep sleep issues
- Added LiveDisplay

⚡️ Bugs:
- DT2W
- SELinux permissive

⚡️ Suggested firmware:


Wanna buy me a coffee?

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Updates on lmi: only FOD and sepolicies remains to fix

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

OSS vendor and odm on lmi

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Since is no more, I decided to rehost it

For anyone not knowing it, it's an online boot/recovery image unpack/repack utility

Strange how I am the only one knowing it

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Damn that's a lot of data

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Info: domain transfer has finished
All my stuff is now at will redirect to the new domain, while keeping the full address (so links won't break)

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

#lmi #lineageos #r
LineageOS 18.1 Unofficial for POCO F2 Pro/Redmi K30 Pro (lmi/lmipro)

⚡️Build date: 2021/01/20
⚡️XDA thread: Here
⚡️Download: ROM | Recovery

Note: Dirty flash is possible, just flash the ROM + the zip below (order is the same)

- January 2021 security patches
- Restored doze settings
- Latest changes from LineageOS

⚡️ Bugs:
- DT2W
- SELinux permissive

⚡️ Required firmware:
Full firmware: Here
FW + vendor updater: Here

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Lineage OS 17.1 OFFICIAL | Android 10.
Build date - 11.01.2021


By @Srfarias @SebaUbuntu
Follow @WhyredUpdates
Join @RedmiNote5ProOfficial

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Happy new year to everyone!

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Lineage OS 17.1 OFFICIAL | Android 10.
Build date - 28.12.2020


By @Srfarias @SebaUbuntu
Follow @WhyredUpdates
Join @RedmiNote5ProOfficial

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Merry Christmas to everyone!

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Congrats to @EdwinMoq!

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Lineage OS 17.1 OFFICIAL | Android 10.
Build date - 21.12.2020


By @Srfarias @SebaUbuntu
Follow @WhyredUpdates
Join @RedmiNote5ProOfficial

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

#platina #lineageos #r
LineageOS 18.1 Unofficial for Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite (platina)

⚡️Build date: 2020/12/19
⚡️XDA thread: None
⚡️Download: ROM

Note: clean flash required from LineageOS 17.1

- Initial Android R release
- Fixed earpiece audio
- Fixed front camera
- Added LiveDisplay support (color calibration)

⚡️ Bugs:
- DT2W
- Bluetooth audio (Will be auto-fixed once someone gets QTI BT audio stack working)

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Made some progress
Brightness is too low on max, but it scale properly

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Lineage OS 17.1 OFFICIAL | Android 10.
Build date - 15.02.21


By @Srfarias @SebaUbuntu
Follow @WhyredUpdates
Join @RedmiNote5ProOfficial

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

A lot of stuff is dead
But VoLTE works

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Lineage OS 17.1 OFFICIAL | Android 10.
Build date - 08.02.21


By @Srfarias @SebaUbuntu
Follow @WhyredUpdates
Join @RedmiNote5ProOfficial

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

#platina #lineageos #r
LineageOS 18.1 Unofficial for Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite (platina)

⚡️Build date: 2021/02/05
⚡️XDA thread: Here
⚡️Download: ROM | Recovery

Note: January 2021 security patches

- Synced latest LineageOS changes
- Upstreamed kernel
- Added WireGuard support
- Fixed some camera denials

⚡️ Bugs:
- DT2W

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Lineage OS 17.1 OFFICIAL | Android 10.
Build date - 25.01.2021


By @Srfarias @SebaUbuntu
Follow @WhyredUpdates
Join @RedmiNote5ProOfficial

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Info: will be down for 30 minutes for domain transfering to

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Lineage OS 17.1 OFFICIAL | Android 10.
Build date - 18.01.2021


By @Srfarias @SebaUbuntu
Follow @WhyredUpdates
Join @RedmiNote5ProOfficial

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

#lmi #lineageos #r
LineageOS 18.1 Unofficial for POCO F2 Pro/Redmi K30 Pro (lmi/lmipro)

⚡️Build date: 2021/01/05
⚡️XDA thread: Here
⚡️Download: ROM | Recovery

Note: Dirty flash is possible, just flash the ROM + the zip below (order is the same)

- Kernel and blobs updated to V12.2.4.0.RJKMIXM
- Switched to AOSP BT stack

⚡️ Bugs:
- DT2W
- SELinux permissive

⚡️ Required firmware:
Full firmware: Here
FW + vendor updater: Here

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

- Finally got a 1TB SSD for my stuff
- HomeBot CI module has been fixed, now it upload files properly (reminder to follow @SebaUbuntuCI)
so expect more frequent updates

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

#lmi #lineageos #r
LineageOS 18.1 Unofficial for POCO F2 Pro/Redmi K30 Pro (lmi/lmipro)

⚡️Build date: 2020/12/26
⚡️XDA thread: Here
⚡️Download: ROM | Recovery

Note: Dirty flash is possible, but you must find a way to update fw and vendor w/o touching the other stuff (if I have time I'll create a flashable zip to update both)

- Kernel updated to V12.2.3.0.RJKMIXM

⚡️ Bugs:
- DT2W
- SELinux permissive

⚡️ Required firmware:
Full firmware: Here

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

LineageOS 18.1 for vince

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

#Android11 #R #LineageOS18 #Whyred #4.19
LineageOS 18.0 UNOFFICIAL with 4.19 kernel | Android 11.
Build Date: 22.12.2020


• Fixed camera
• Fixed crash when using mobile data
• Fixed headphone jack, volume control and some other audio issues
• Fixed WiFi display? (need feedback)
• Fixed encryption (check known issues)

Known issues:
• In-call audio volume is a low and can't be controlled.
• The default camera app has 4K video recording enabled by default, which isn't supported
and crashes the camera. Go to settings and set the video quality to 1080p.
• Encryption works, but currently no recovery can decrypt data on kernel 4.19. If you encrypt your phone data won't be accessible on recovery.
• SELinux is permissive

• This is initial public release with 4.19 kernel ( if you don't know what that is or what is the difference pls Google it ) any bug/issue report must be in the #bugreport format

By @EdwinMoq
Follow @WhyredUpdates
Join @RedmiNote5ProOfficial

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

#platina #lineageos #r
LineageOS 18.1 Unofficial for Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite (platina)

⚡️Build date: 2020/12/20
⚡️XDA thread: Here
⚡️Download: ROM

- Fixed bluetooth audio
- Fixed focaltech touchscreen

⚡️ Bugs:
- DT2W

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

Note: Build repushed with brightness fix, download it again

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SebaUbuntu's Blog

#lmi #lineageos #r
LineageOS 18.1 Unofficial for POCO F2 Pro/Redmi K30 Pro (lmi/lmipro)

⚡️Build date: 2020/12/16
⚡️XDA thread: Here
⚡️Download: ROM | Recovery

Note: clean flash required

- Initial Android R release
- Fixed LineageOS recovery

⚡️ Bugs:
- DT2W
- SELinux permissive

⚡️ Required firmware:
Full firmware: Here

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