ስለ የስነ-አዕምሮ ጤና አጠባበቅ እና ህመም አይነቶች ግንዛቤ እንዲኖርዎ እንወያያለን። 🧠 Remember mental health is a priority and it's okay to put yourself first! -For any mental health consultation & suggestions: Contact Us @selegnapsychologybot
📣የሚጥል በሽታ አይተላለፍም!
የሚጥል በሽታ ጤናማ ያልሆነ እና ከመጠን በላይ የሆነ በአንጎል ነርቮች መካከል የሚፈጠር የኤሌክትሪክ ስርጭት ሲኖር የሚፈጠር በሽታ ነው።
የሚጥል በሽታ በማህበረሰባችን እንደሚታሰበው የመጥፎ እርግማን ምልክት አይደለም በሚከሰትበት ጊዜም ወደ ጤና ባለሙያ በመሄድ በህክምና መቆጣጠር ይቻላል።
ለተጨማሪ መረጃ ነፃ አጭር የስልክ መስመር 9610 ይደውሉ ።
Habits are mental shortcuts learned from experiances. Habits reduce cognitive load and free up mental capacity, so u can allocate ur attention to other tasks.
@selegnapsychology #Habits
Most of the time, the problem isn't the problem. It's the way you think about the problem.
99% of the harm is caused in ur head, by you and ur thoughts. 1% of the harm is caused by reality, what actually happens and the outcome.
💥 በሂወታችሁ ውስጥ ትልቁ መዋዕለ - ነዋይ ጤናችሁ ይሁን።
💥ወደ ውስጣችሁ የሚገቡ ነገሮችን ሀሳቦችን ጨምሮ ተጠንቀቁ።
💥አካላዊ እንቅስቃሴ አድርጉ።
💥በመንፈሳዊ ህይወታችሁም በርቱ! እግዚአብሔርንም አመስግኑ!
✍ብሩክ የሺጥላ
If you just walked near where water is visible for 20 minutes it can immediately improve your mood.
“The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.”
—Sherlock Holmes
Contact us @selegnapsychologyconsultation
Читать полностью…Did you know that some people who visit doctor or emergency room have real pain NOT caused by a diseased organ?
Their pain is caused by DISEASED THINKING and what has found is that their pain is often caused by something extraordinary….......🧠 THE MIND 🧠
life can be tough, and sometimes it feels like there's no way out. But no matter what every problem has a solution - and ending your life is not the answer.
If u r depressed please get help ASAP❤
for mental health consultation
👉 @selegnapsychologybot
Join us @selegnapsychology
Five mental health fundamentals you could focus on:
1. Sleep - Lack of sleep is a leading cause of poor focus and anxiety, prioritizing time away from your phone and increasing your time spent asleep is key.
2. Exercise - Movement is a must, many of us could benefit from going for more walks, runs, and gym sessions.
3. Nutrition - 95% of your serotonin is produced in your gut, so eat good quality foods.
4. Relationships - Relationships are what make us human. Intimate, in-person social experiences are vital.
5. Progress - Our ancestors had to constantly be making progress to survive, our brains are wired for progression and love when we align with it.
Benefits of Deep breathing exercise
🪶 Reduce anxiety
🪶 Helps you to remain calm
🪶 Strengthens sustained attention
🪶 Helps to control your emotions
🪶 Sharpens the ability to focus and learn
🪶 Lowers blood pressure
JoinUs @selegnapsychology
☄ Impulse control disorder
These disorders are characterized by failure to resist an impulsive behavior that may be harmful to self or others.There may be a feeling of release of tension by doing the act and a feeling of guilt after the act is over. Important impulse control disorder are:-
1. Pyromania (Pathological fire setting)
2. Kleptomania (Pathological stealing)
3. Trichotillomania (Compulsive hair pulling)
4. Pathological gambling
5. Intermittent explosive disorder
🤔Curious about finding or suggesting a psychological and psychiatric center in Addis Ababa ?
Check out this list of centers and their 📍
Suicide prevention awareness
If u need someone to talk we r here for you.
Contact Us 👇
free online counseling
The aim of therapy is not to correct the past, but to enable the patient to confront his own history, and to grieve over it.
✍Alice Miller
World suicide prevention day
#suicide #say_no_to_suicide
It's okay to be sad or angry. It's not okay to stay sad or angry.
To manage your emotions, you must be able to experience them.
Substance use disorder is one of the #most stigmatized condition where not only is the client stigmatized but also, the disease is stigmatized and the treatment is stigmatized.
Good habits that can change ur life
1. Write things down -our brains are for having ideas, not holding them.
2. Read someting every day. Even just one page.
3. Take a second to pause before you respond.
4. Write something every day. Even just one paragraph.
You decide - one day or day one.
Mood is a sustained emotion or feeling tone that influence a persons behavior and colors his or her perception of being in the 🌎
Mental health matters
😔Please check on ur friends
Mental health should always acknowledged.
We suffer more than often in imagination than in reality.
- Seneca