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SF Bay Furs

The blue angels rattled me out in fly by next to the hospital

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SF Bay Furs

either: they grew the fuck up and stopped, or they suffered some sort of life changing consequences

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SF Bay Furs

I've like cracked one into my nose for 20 dollars

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SF Bay Furs

I used to know people like this.... I sometimes wonder what happened to'm


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SF Bay Furs

Heading back to Arizona later today. Wish I could stay longer. Would be nice to hang out with you guys someday.

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SF Bay Furs

You have a nice little cul de sac:3

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SF Bay Furs

people who don't understand the basics of weather (or deny it) shouldn't have the power to effect change

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SF Bay Furs

now weather forecasters are getting death threats because they're disproving political conspiracies around the hurricanes >_>


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SF Bay Furs

My problem with CRTs is like now they're all slowly dying and most have a high pitch whine

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SF Bay Furs

there are some that are really good tho 👀

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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs

I still remember the superscope c.c

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SF Bay Furs

Which is the only real problem I have with it

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SF Bay Furs

but they have the Sinden now, which is camera based and doesn't need a CRT :3 (don't have one, but heard about it)


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SF Bay Furs

for all your light gun games :P

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SF Bay Furs

I will say one of my favorite memories of fleet week in SF was doing whippets while the blue angels flew by

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SF Bay Furs

I'm also a crazy person.

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SF Bay Furs

Is this another chubbyemu video?

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SF Bay Furs

this is why everyone's opinion does not matter EQUALLY (although where to draw that line seems kinda arbitrary which is why our system is like "fuck it, random bullshit, go!")

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SF Bay Furs

Yeah! Which is nice because the yard is almost entirely vegetable and herb garden :D I also learned about Acequias yesterday (400+ year old aquefier ditch that's community managed.) The yard/gardens were flooded yesterday and I was like "Wtf??" so I went and my landlord was merrily traipsing about in her gardens in her waders and told me about the dam+ditch system that kept all the indigenous and native communities basically between southern Colorado and northern Mexico irrigated. Cool little area!

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SF Bay Furs

Today in Tales from the South West!

I was reading on my balcony again (see "There's Evil Asunder" 😅) and noticed this guy SUPER low, and also not with the rest of the pack even a LITTLE bit. Asked around in the usual spots, and apparently about five minutes later the poor guy clipped a power line the next major intersection up and caused a small fire. The flying pig is out and everything 😆Albuquerque has NOT disappointed since I moved here, lol.

Pilot and passenger are okay, fire was easily extinguished. HImb balloon's done for the rest of the Fiesta tho.

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SF Bay Furs

Seriously? >.>

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SF Bay Furs

Vinyl is better though

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SF Bay Furs

it's this generation's "Vinyl is better because you can hear the pops"

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SF Bay Furs

there's filters that you can use to replicate scanlines

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SF Bay Furs

The graphics don't look as good on a flat screen as they do on a crt

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SF Bay Furs

It was fun to play the house of the dead remake on it though

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SF Bay Furs

It requires to be some decent distance away

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SF Bay Furs

Now I wish cy hadn't made me get rid of my 20"

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SF Bay Furs

for the sole reason of not having RF

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