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SF Bay Furs

I mean computers are fun but you can actually use a wet/dry vac

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SF Bay Furs



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SF Bay Furs

Laughs in 4’11(150cm)

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SF Bay Furs

It felt like that looking from the outside in too

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SF Bay Furs

Yeah I mean I get that but at least, maybe break it down into sections? And also the fact it was centered around a lot of queer media stuff and then he threw in the avgn controversy just makes it more shallow

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SF Bay Furs

The queer media stuff definitely wasn't and the avgn section was a small part that was used to show how even reputable creators can fall into the trap accidentally if they aren't careful

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SF Bay Furs

I don't think most avgn viewers watched that vid or care much about petty internet drama

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SF Bay Furs

especially in bringing up the avgn stuff which had already been covered a few year ago

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SF Bay Furs

I think the hbomberguy video was important though, said a lot of good things in support of queer writers that needed to be said by someone of his size

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SF Bay Furs

Yeah that's definitely understandable too, things are nasty now

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SF Bay Furs

He's been around long enough, his established fans like me aren't gonna leave him like that

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SF Bay Furs

Yeah since he broke with Screenwave ge went back to doing a lot of his own stuff again or just getting help from friends

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SF Bay Furs

Pretty much all the folks involved with that don't work with him anymore

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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs

Certain not if it's by a reality TV studio. Maybe a documentary or something but normal reality tv is already so upsetting

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SF Bay Furs

You know you're an adult when you don't get excited about getting a sexy new GPU, and instead get excited about getting a wet/dry vacuum for the kitchen

Hi, am adult

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SF Bay Furs

More like arachnileggy

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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs

Like he knew only terminally online people are gonna care about that stuff so take a shot at a name to try to get some views

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SF Bay Furs

Unfortunately, I didn't watch that vid either since it did not interest me

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SF Bay Furs

I mainly liked the queer media part

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SF Bay Furs

it was something that was already dealt with and hbomberguy dredged it up for views no doubt

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SF Bay Furs

IDK, I feel like it was long winded and uncessary

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SF Bay Furs

And honestly those 4 hour yt video essays are just extremely tiring sometimes lol

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SF Bay Furs

That makes complete sense,. Maybe. Im too jaded by current day internet

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SF Bay Furs

That's fair, it was less me saying he's a problem and more so that i was surprised he wasn't backslashed out of a career

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SF Bay Furs

he writes and directs his own content now.

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SF Bay Furs

I didn't know he still made content after the plagiarism scandal

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SF Bay Furs

Typing "that episode" into google gives you a bunch of results for csi's "Fur and Loathing"

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SF Bay Furs

People just can't manage decent coverage of furries

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