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SF Bay Furs

BART needs those new fare gates and station hardening .

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SF Bay Furs

I typed that instead of homeless person — what's better?

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SF Bay Furs

gotta love the article being barely more than the headline. J O U R N A L I S M

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SF Bay Furs

ok, like, question: how?

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SF Bay Furs

Anyone remember this? https://youtu.be/T4r91mc8pbo?si=iushNYchjkXZDnml

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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs

my fiance on verizon and I'm still able to text with her tho 👀 might literally just be calls that are ded

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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs

surprisingly it's not that bad where I'm at today but that might change idk

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SF Bay Furs

yeah ok we definitely live in the worst timeline what the fuck

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SF Bay Furs

harder to launder foreign bribes....

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SF Bay Furs

Pretty sure, both come from China.

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SF Bay Furs

Fits the new Trump Watches...

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SF Bay Furs

ya know, sometimes you gotta throw in a few stinkers so the rest of the good ones shine properly 👀 you can't ONLY write bangers, otherwise none of them are THE BANGERS, ya feel?

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SF Bay Furs

There's the reason systemd has caught on, the old way of doing things are just objectively bad. Initd needed to die. Using bash scripts to control services was always a terrible hacky idea, slow and unmanageable since you can't parse a script for its intent.

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SF Bay Furs

that said, at least homeless person acknowledges their humanity 👀

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SF Bay Furs

I really wish we'd stop coming up with different ways to put "people in pain" 👀 gotta humanize the suffering

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SF Bay Furs

could have been a transient

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SF Bay Furs


Well, that's why BART was messed up @ Hayward


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SF Bay Furs

ngl the music in the epilogue slaps 👀

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SF Bay Furs

Wouldn't be surprised! I probably can't still explain it well enough to try but I was a T-Mobile Tech Senior and Engineering Liaison for my call center team and yeah - you can lose just one feature sometimes. Shit's complex xD

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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs

Two more days and I'll finally be back in the Bay Area! Only for a week sadly.

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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs

"Instead of $100,000, spend $20 for something that tells you it's time to stop, without draining your bank account."

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SF Bay Furs

I made a joke that these $20 watches would be better quality ;}

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SF Bay Furs

I'm reminded of the saying

Everything that glitters is not gold

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SF Bay Furs

Well you can now with ChatGPT but still, having a script that only has start, stop, status was just piss poor design.

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SF Bay Furs

Nein more systems scope creep

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