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SF Bay Furs

I think everyone can agree that balloons of any type don't belong next to transmission lines :P

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SF Bay Furs

that... doesn't make it better 👀

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SF Bay Furs

the last time our power went out for 5 hours was because of'm c.c

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SF Bay Furs

why are mylar balloons still a thing 😐

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SF Bay Furs

Of COURSE it was Florida Man that interrupted my breakfast makin' xD


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SF Bay Furs

not floating yet tho :D clearly still affected by gravity

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SF Bay Furs

the SNES port was very decent.

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SF Bay Furs

Midway struck gold with that one.

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SF Bay Furs

steph curry before steph curry

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SF Bay Furs

I remember that article :3

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SF Bay Furs

Still slightly cooler then Phoenix AZ

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SF Bay Furs

Dang o.o


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SF Bay Furs

Gonna be out in SJ today

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SF Bay Furs

it was a cool car, even though he only had a 305 in it, had a lot of torque, and he had a nice exhaust on it so it had a throaty sound

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SF Bay Furs

my older bro got his 1st car, a 1970 el camino, for like 1500 bucks lol

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SF Bay Furs

I think that's actually more dangerous

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SF Bay Furs

While I agree with your sentiment, The balloon in the article was significantly larger than a mylar party balloon

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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs

you can take the man out of florida, but you can never take the florida out of man!

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SF Bay Furs

They'll be floating on the water

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SF Bay Furs

Helping grandpa make some Floating lanterns.

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SF Bay Furs

I've got the snes version, in box even

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SF Bay Furs

i miss that game in arcades.

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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs

woohoo climate change!!!! 💩

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SF Bay Furs

Hope I'm not too late for this fur

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SF Bay Furs

and you could legit fit 3 adults in the front bench seat, haha

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SF Bay Furs

yeah, it would be worth 1000s if it was still around

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SF Bay Furs

🎵Now you're driving excitement ~

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