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SF Bay Furs

Just need to take a nap in a bit

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SF Bay Furs

Another person you're talking to xD

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SF Bay Furs

Why the heart @KelMonstah

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SF Bay Furs

I'm sorry to hear that

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SF Bay Furs

I was delirious and out of it

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SF Bay Furs

also I've been sleeping like absolute garbage

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SF Bay Furs

nah but it's been giving me migraines regardless of the amount of water I'm drinking

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SF Bay Furs

It really fucked with mine

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SF Bay Furs

meanwhile I got a couple solid lenses but no DSLR body (my camera body is my blackmagic and that, as you'd expect, doesn't do stills)

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SF Bay Furs

And I think I got sunburnt too lol :')

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SF Bay Furs

yo - that's pretty serious. Do you need to call anyone or get suggestions? Are you hydrating?

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SF Bay Furs

I mean, I guess I could still get some neat ground/inflation shots but yeah xD

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SF Bay Furs

(no genuinely, I think that's hilarious)

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SF Bay Furs

And it was also a Master Blaster themed balloon which somehow makes it better???

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SF Bay Furs

Sorry, I was still scrolled up 😆But yeah

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SF Bay Furs

Totally okay. You need anything?

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SF Bay Furs

Oh, I did not follow the conversation and thought you were saying Maxine may just be heat exhausted

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SF Bay Furs

Found a roblox game with diapers

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SF Bay Furs

right now it's about the same as when I went to bad... the past 2 days

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SF Bay Furs

93° was putting me into a heat-induced tired state

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SF Bay Furs

Thankfully it's now at least eight degrees cooler than the peak around this time yesterday

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SF Bay Furs

I apologize to those that saw the result of that yesterday

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SF Bay Furs

Was anyone else's mood affected by the heatwave yesterday?

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SF Bay Furs

okay - keep an eye on yourself hey?

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SF Bay Furs

I'm plenty hydrated it's just hor xd

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SF Bay Furs

I think I got heatstroke

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SF Bay Furs

The rare time when I wish I had something other than just a prime 50mm lens XD

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SF Bay Furs

something something thunderdomen't

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SF Bay Furs

I mean I'm pretty sure they can carve out an exception for hot air balloons while making the mylar/home weather balloons *not* a thing

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SF Bay Furs

It's an Albuquerque thing

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