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yay, rain Soon™ and wimdy
lol... man, I remember all of these >_>
Uh... well, that's a thing people are doing now D:
dude I can't when you block out my senses like that it fucks with my shit way too much
Читать полностью…i am happy they’re finally getting back to making actual games again.
Читать полностью…i do love how Portal 2 added a story and lore to something that was considered a tech demo for Source engine.
Читать полностью…well, only catch is in Portal you have to have direct line of sight for each portal you link.
Читать полностью…Alyx: "Gonna let Gordon pull the switch?"
Gordon: (Because that worked so well last time...)
Great example of culture eating and regurgitating itself.
Читать полностью…it gon get cold
This lol xmx and the first game I ever played when I tried my VR headset for the very first time was the one where you walk off the plank almost broke my TV 😂😆🙈
Читать полностью…Nah VR makes me feel likes me floating and I most definitely don't want to be one of those people that forget their inside of VR gets spooked by something and runs into a wall I've seen a lot of videos of that 😂😆🙈
Читать полностью…i don’t understand Deadlock, but it’s nice to see them diligently working on something worthwhile. and of course, sleuths believe the next 2D Half-Life game or episode is nearing completion.
Читать полностью…"Hey Gabe, check out this cool thing we've been working on."
"Hey cool, let's stick it in Orange Box and see what happens."
I like the detail that the only reason the combine hadn't taken over was because they didn't have good teleportation. Meanwhile two lesbians are using something that can create a portal to the moon no problem to kill the world's dumbest robot
Читать полностью…(and even then I'm still always a windowed player anyways I don't understand full screen)
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