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SF Bay Furs

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SF Bay Furs

Facebook was down earlier as well.

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SF Bay Furs

if you needed more proof that Meta is a corrupt company


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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs

Or something. I'm just guessing

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SF Bay Furs

they will drive 20 feet and then judge you for not being a lazy shit XDDDDD

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SF Bay Furs

and I look at them like "no fuckin wonder y'all as obese as you are damn" lmao

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SF Bay Furs

Manteca I'm somewhat used to xD

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SF Bay Furs

honestly that's just a countryside thing, people will fuckin look at you funny and call the police for parking in one parking lot and walking to the strip mall next to it or across the street lmao

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SF Bay Furs

walkable from hillsdale caltrain

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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs

er.... it might be 25th ave in san mateo

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SF Bay Furs

man, if that photo is up to date with the prices... it's like half the price of Safeway for tomatoes

I'vd found that 99 Ranch has similar prices

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SF Bay Furs

like the one on 25th st in san mateo, where they *only* have farm fresh produce/meats/etc but like nothing more processed than what you'd get from like a butcher or whatever

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SF Bay Furs

I think there's a bit of a misnomer going on here, the things that we call "farmer's markets" in the bay area where it's basically a mini street fair... not the real "farmer's markets". real ones are just known here as "produce markets"

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SF Bay Furs

"Nothing of value was lost"

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SF Bay Furs

"Pweese like me.... I'll pay you!"

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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs

I mean they don't work ag jobs either lmao but aside from that it's just plain funny to me that they're so fundamentally against such basic parts of life that they're willing to drive across one parking lot instead of walking a distance that isn't even out of earshot :D

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SF Bay Furs

I guess that's the sign that you're one of those "filthy city slickers, moving here and taking our houses". You have enough energy from not working a Real Ag Job that you walk FOR FUN

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SF Bay Furs

Yeah people don't walk in the country. It's weird

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SF Bay Furs

like if I go out to tennessee and I'm spending a bit of time at my fiance's workplace before she gets off her shift and I walk over to the smoke shop IN THE NEXT PARKING LOT OVER or like the walmart ONE PARKING LOT BEYOND THAT... people look at me like I'm fuckin crazy lmao

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SF Bay Furs

I mean, I had that happen in rural Vermont and eastern Washington

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SF Bay Furs

jfc I hate Manteca. I went out to take a walk and look at christmas lights in my mom's neighbourhood and got stopped twice by PD asking me if I was "okay" or "lost" - the second time when he was like "Can I help you?" and pointed his light at me I was like "You stopped me." (he wasn't a cop, a "community service patrol" paid snitch)

The first one was like "I'm doing community safety sweeps" - okay, cool - people walking is now a problem at... 6pm?

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SF Bay Furs

Mm, looks well stocked. Will have to see what we have in San Jose/Santa Clara

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SF Bay Furs

idr what street type name they use for it lmao

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SF Bay Furs

no, I meant in san mateo but funny that there's one like it in sf on a street with the same name

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SF Bay Furs

This thing? https://maps.app.goo.gl/p4iLkvu2gQVVShJ26

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SF Bay Furs

that would make sense, yes. what's a produce market? i've only really shopped at supermarkets or small grocery stores

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SF Bay Furs

I'm fairly certain I've seen that here in Ann Arbor. I wanna say the San Diego ones did as well

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